@x l.4 \input cwebmac @y \input ccwebmac @z —————————————————————————— @x l.37 \def\runninghead{{\tentt CWEB USER MANUAL (VERSION 3.0) @y \def\runninghead{{\tentt CWEB USER MANUAL (VERSION 3.2 [p10]) @z —————————————————————————— @x l.51 \vskip 18pt\centerline{(Version 3.0) @y \vskip 18pt\centerline{(Version 3.2 [p10]) @z —————————————————————————— @x l.57 The printed form of this manual is copyright \copyright\ 1994 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. \smallskip\noindent The electronic form is copyright \copyright\ 1987, 1990, 1993 by Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth. @y The printed form of this manual is copyright \copyright\ 1994 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. \smallskip\noindent The electronic form is copyright \copyright\ 1987, 1990, 1993 by Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth. \smallskip\noindent The changes to the electronic form are copyright \copyright\ 1993, 1994 by Andreas Scherer @z —————————————————————————— Fix a typo. @x l.149 information that is gathered automatically. Similarly, if you run the command ‘\.{ctangle something’ you will get a \CEE/ file \.{something.c, with can then be compiled to yield executable code. @y information that is gathered automatically. Similarly, if you run the command ‘\.{ctangle something’ you will get a \CEE/ file \.{something.c, which can then be compiled to yield executable code. @z —————————————————————————— Fix another typo. @x l.164 (Get it? Wow.) Perhaps there is some deep connection here with the fact that the German word for “weave” is “{\it web\/”, and the corresponding Latin imperative is “{\it texe\/”! @y (Get it? Wow.) Perhaps there is some deep connection here with the fact that the German word for “weave” is “{\it webe\/”, and the corresponding Latin imperative is “{\it texe\/”! @z —————————————————————————— @x l.405 C++ comments are allowed comments (i.e., between \.{/* and \.{*/) is treated as \TEX/ text. @y comments (i.e., between \.{/* and \.{*/ or after \.{// in \CPLUSPLUS/ programs) is treated as \TEX/ text. @z —————————————————————————— The ‘\.{@t’ feature has problems when directly before or after the restricted group stands one of the unequality operators ‘<’ and ‘>’. Other operators work fine. As a work-around put ‘<’ inside the group. This bug/feature is due to section 179. TeX strings are no longer made into a (‘exp’) scrap. Pre-3.0 versions of CWEAVE had ‘app_scrap(exp,maybe_math);’ as the last command and worked fine. @x l.664 typing ‘\.{|size < @t\$2\^\{15\\$@>|’. @y typing ‘\.{|size < 2@t\$\^\{15\\$@>|’. @z —————————————————————————— Standard types are set in boldface. @x l.694 (e.g., ‘\.{int~\\{argc; \.{char~${**\\{argv$; $\{\,\ldots\,\$’). @y (e.g., ‘\&{int~\\{argc; \&{char~${**\\{argv$; $\{\,\ldots\,\$’). @z —————————————————————————— @x l.856 Correct a typo. interrupts normal reading and start looking at the file named after the @y interrupts normal reading and starts looking at the file named after the @z —————————————————————————— @x l.873 \more On UNIX systems (and others that support environment variables), if the environment variable \.{CWEBINPUTS is set, or if the compiler flag of the same name was defined at compile time, \.{CWEB will look for include files in the directory thus named, if it cannot find them in the current directory. @y \more If an \.{@include file can not be found in the current directory \.{CWEB will look in standard directories like the \CEE/ preprocessor. Multiple search paths may be specified in the environment variable \.{CWEBINPUTS, concatenated with \.{PATH\_SEPARATORs. If the environment variable is not set, some decent default paths are used instead. @z —————————————————————————— There are additional command line switches available:

- ‘a’ for support of AMIGA specific key words. - ‘g’ for support of German captions and quotes. - ‘i’ to suppress indentation of old-style parameter declarations. - ’o’ to separate parameter declarations and statements. - ‘m’ to activate communication between CWEB and the message browser of the SAS/C development system via ARexx.

@x l.995 \option b Print a banner line at the beginning of execution. (On by default.)

\option f Force line breaks after each \CEE/ statement formatted by \.{CWEAVE. (On by default; \.{-f saves paper but looks less \CEE/-like to some people.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option h Print a happy message at the conclusion of a successful run. (On by default.)

\option p Give progress reports as the program runs. (On by default.)

\option s Show statistics about memory usage after the program runs to completion. (Off by default.) If you have large \.{CWEB files or sections, you may need to see how close you come to exceeding the capacity of \.{CTANGLE and/or \.{CWEAVE.

\option x Include indexes and a table of contents in the \TEX/ file output by \.{CWEAVE. (On by default.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.) @y \option a Treat {\mc AMIGA-defined identifiers (like \&{UWORD or \&{\_\_aligned) as keywords. (Off by default if \.{\_AMIGA is defined as a compile-time constant.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option b Print a banner line at the beginning of execution. (On by default.)

\option f Force line breaks after each \CEE/ statement formatted by \.{CWEAVE. (On by default; \.{-f saves paper but looks less \CEE/-like to some people.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option g Use the German \.{CWEB macros \.{gcwebmac.tex instead of the English ones. (Off by default) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option h Print a happy message at the conclusion of a successful run. (On by default.)

\option i Indent parameters in function declarations. This causes the formal parameter declarations in function heads to be indented. (On by default; \.{-i typesets declarations flush left; some people think this to be more logical than indenting them) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option m Install communication between \.{CWEB and the message browser of the {\mc SAS/C development system. Set the external environment variable \.{SCMSGOPT to any legal command line option described in the documentation by SAS Institute. (Off by default; works only on the {\mc AMIGA system.)

\option o Separate declarations and the first statement in a function block. \.{CWEAVE automatically inserts a bit of extra space. (On by default.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.)

\option p Give progress reports as the program runs. (On by default.)

\option s Show statistics about memory usage after the program runs to completion. (Off by default.) If you have large \.{CWEB files or sections, you may need to see how close you come to exceeding the capacity of \.{CTANGLE and/or \.{CWEAVE.

\option x Include indexes and a table of contents in the \TEX/ file output by \.{CWEAVE. (On by default.) (Has no effect on \.{CTANGLE.) @z —————————————————————————— Also relate to this changed macro file and to the German version. @x l.1417 \def\runninghead{APPENDIX B — MACROS FOR FORMATTING \section Appendix B: The \.{cwebmac.tex file. This is the file that extends “plain \TEX/” format in order to support the features needed by the output of \.{CWEAVE.

\vskip6pt \begingroup \def\tt{\eighttt \baselineskip9pt \def\printmacs{\input cwebmac \verbatim !printmacs !endgroup \endgroup \vfill\eject @y \def\runninghead{APPENDIX B — MACROS FOR FORMATTING \section Appendix B: The \.{cwebmac.tex file. This is the file that extends “plain \TEX/” format in order to support the features needed by the output of \.{CWEAVE.

\vskip6pt \begingroup \def\tt{\eighttt \baselineskip9pt \def\printmacs{\input cwebmac \verbatim !printmacs !endgroup \endgroup \vfill\eject \def\runninghead{APPENDIX B — MACROS FOR FORMATTING \section Appendix B: The \.{ccwebmac.tex file. Some of the macros in \.{cwebmac.tex are changed to give better results. This file is also included by the following \.{gcwebmac.tex.

\vskip6pt \begingroup \def\tt{\eighttt \baselineskip9pt \def\printmacs{\input ccwebmac \verbatim !printmacs !endgroup \endgroup \vfill\eject \def\runninghead{ANHANG B — MACROS F\"UR DIE FORMATIERUNG \section Anhang B: Die \.{gcwebmac.tex Datei. Diese Datei erweitert das “plain \TEX/”-Format um Eigenschaften zur Unterst\"utzung der Ausgabe von \.{CWEAVE.

\vskip6pt \begingroup \def\tt{\eighttt \baselineskip9pt \def\printmacs{\input gcwebmac \verbatim !printmacs !endgroup \endgroup \vfill\eject @z —————————————————————————— @x l.1505 \.{ { \\vskip 15pt \\centerline\{(Version 3.0)\{ \\vfill\\cr$$ @y \.{ { \\vskip 15pt \\centerline\{(Version 3.2 [p10])\{ \\vfill\\cr$$ @z —————————————————————————— @x l.1587 \point 14. To get output in languages other than English, redefine the macros \.{\\A, \.{\\ET, \.{\\Q, \.{\\U, \.{\\ch, \.{\\fin, and \.{\\con. \.{CWEAVE itself need not be changed. @y \point 14. To get output in languages other than English, redefine the macros \.{\\A, \.{\\ET, \.{\\Q, \.{\\U, \.{\\ch, \.{\\fin, and \.{\\con. Possibly you want to change the date and time formats too. \.{CWEAVE itself need not be changed. @z ——————————————————————————

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