Users Manual for the Summagraphic - Digitizerdriver for the Commodore Amiga Abstract The Program enables you to use a digitizertablet from Summagraphic with your Commodore Amiga. The tablet can be used together with the mouse (or without it) as direct_input medium. Therefore the driver can be used together with (nearly) every software.. (c) 1993 Joop van de Wege Introduction and legal stuff The Program enables you to use a digitizertablet from Summagraphic with your Commodore Amiga. The amigamousepointer is controlled by the driver for providing compatibility to nearly every program. Legal stuff The Summagraphic Driver is Shareware. If you want to use the program you should send - after you have tested the program for about 14 days - the registration fee ($10.00 or more) together with the filled registration form to the author. You will receive the latest version of the driver and I'm working on a template editor which will make it possible to send menu events and rawkey events to programs. With your registration fee you are helping to develop (more) good software for the Amiga. The version you are holding in your hand is not crippled in any way. The software and all principles described here were developed strictly using the Commodore Developer Guidelines. The package was extensively tested and is considered to be free of errors. But there is nobody on earth who is perfect. Therefore I MUST write the following lines. Read them carefully. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ATTENTION: | | | | YOU ARE USING THE SUMMAGRAPHIC-DRIVER ENTIRELY AND ONLY ON | | YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR IS NOT LIABLE AND CAN NOT BE PUNISHED| | IN ANY WAY FOR PROPABLY OCCURING DAMAGES ON YOUR HARD- OR | | SOFTWARE OR OTHER DAMAGES OR ERRORS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM USING| | THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED | | "AS IS", AND THERE IS NO WARRANTY. | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Your are allowed to give the package to another party at any time if you consider the following terms: o The Summagraphic package may only be given away to another party in complete and unchanged form. You are not allowed to delete files nor to modify one or more files nor to add files to the package if you want to give it away. Compression of the package is allowed as long as all informations remain completely intact when decrompessing. o The package may not be published on PD-Disks with a price greater than $5 (US). Exceptions are PD-CD-roms, their price may be higher. o Commercial use or trade of the package is only allowed after given permission by the author. The Summagraphic Company is allowed to accomplish and distribute their tablets together with this package. This circumstance frees the person or company which buys the digitizer together with the package not from paying the Shareware fee. Registering If you want to use this program you should consider to become registrated. The amount of the Shareware fee is 10.00 US$ (or 20.00 guilders). PLEASE do not send any other currencies. If you want to send the money via bank order you should mention your name and address on the bank order form. The directory of this document contains a registration form with the filename "Register-E.Txt". Please print it, fill it and send it together with the Shareware fee to: Joop van de Wege Zoomweg 7 6705 DM Wageningen The Netherlands System requirements If you want to use the Summagraphic Driver you will need at least Kickstart and Workbench 2.04. And at least you need a Summagraphic tablet. These are the tablets which are currently supported by the driver: o Summagraphic 1212 a 12x12 inch tablet o Summagraphic 1812 a 18x12 inch tablet o Summagraphic 1812D a 18x12 inch tablet o Summagraphic 906 a 9x6 inch tablet o Tablets with a Summagraphic Mode like Genitizer tablets The digitizer should be configured as delivered by Summagraphic. The driverprogram runs with any CPU which is currently used with the Amiga. If you want to use the driver, a faster CPU is recommended because if you are running on 68000 the mousepointer is a little bit slow. The memoryusage of the driver is very low (about 25KB), it can therefore be used together with any other programm. Together with some mouse accelerators or "Sun Mouse" tools the mousepointer reacts a little bit wild. If you got problems steering the mousepointer with the tablet deactivate those tools. Installation Installation is very simple. The driverprogram should be copied together with its Icon in the WBStartup drawer on your bootpartition (or in the WBStartup Drawer in the rootdirectory of your boootdisk). There the program will automatically be activated every time you boot. The absolute path for installing the driver should be: SYS:WBStartup To make installation easier there is a SHELL-Script, wich performs all these actions mentioned above. Just start "Install" from SHELL or Workbench. The tablet must be connected to the serial port of your Amiga. If you got a Multi-IO board with serial ports you can also connect the tablet there. Usage and Configuration The Summagraphic Driver is a so called Commodity. Commodities are linked in the input data stream of the Amiga and are sending/filtering Inputevents. The Driverporgram was developed for the WBStartup drawer of the WB (WB = Workbench). There it is started whenever the Workbench is loaded. The driver can only be started once. When it is started for the second time and the first program is still active in memory the first program will open a requester asking if it is ok to quit. The driver can also be started from any other drawer from the Shell or from the WB. The program takes a couple of parameters from the user when it is started. If you start it from WB the so called TOOLTYPES are used. These tooltypes are stored in the Icon of the program. The Icon Tooltypes CX_PRIORITY (Default: 120) The priority of the commodity. Normally the default value of 120 is no subject of change. HOTKEY (Default: lalt lshift q) This is the hotkey which will quit the driver without the need for Exchange You get the chance to change your mind if it is used by accident. The other method to quit the driver is send a CONTROL-C. X_RESOLUTION (Default: 6000) The tablet is in a mode with a Y_RESOLUTION resolution of 1000 lines per inch, which gives a default active area of 6 inch by 6 inch. This can be changed with these tooltypes. Maximum values depend on which tablet you are using. Values larger than your tablet supports will be clipped to the maximum values. DEVICE (Default: serial.device) Here is the name of the systems devicedriver stored which is used to com- municate with the Summagraphic-tablet. If the tablet is connected to a MultiIO board you must insert the name of the Multi-IO driver. If connected to the normal serial port this place should be filled with serial.device of left out because it is the default setting. (Please refer also to the MultiIO board documentation) UNIT (Default: 0) The default value must only be changed when the digitizer is connected to a MultiIO board. Insert the number of the MultiIO board's serial port to which you have connected the tablet. (Please refer also to the MultiIO board documentation) PUCK (Default: 0) If you don't specify PUCK or STYLUS you get the default of a Stylus. The arrangement of the buttons on the Puck: 1=middle 2=left 3=right 4=leftmiddle STYLUS (Default: 1) This is the default inputdevice for a tablet. Easy to use just like a normal pen. You can If you specify both PUCK & STYLUS you get a Puck. DONOTWAIT This tooltype is not used by the tabletdriver. It is used by the WB if you start from the WBStartup drawer. The Summagraphic driver sets this tooltype automatically. SHELL Start If you are starting the driver from the SHELL the icon tooltypes are not read and passed to the program. You must therefore give all parameters to the program by writing them separated by spaces behind the program's name. If a parameter is equivalent to the default value you need not write it in the commandline. Example for a SHELL start: SummaDriver_CX X_resolution=5000 Or SummaDriver_CX ? which will give you all available options and their defaults Controlling the mouse With activated driver the mousepointer can be controlled either with the mouse or the tablet. The whole sensitive area of the tablet, or a user selected area, with X_Resolution and Y_Resolution tooltypes, represents the area on your monitor which can be reached by the mouse. The top left edge corresponds to the top left edge on your monitor. The bottom right edge corresponds to the bottom right edge on the monitor. The buttons of the tablet's input devices are con- nected to following functions: standard stylus: A click with the tip is equivalent to a click on the left mousebutton. The switches on the side of the pen reacts like the right mouse- button (bottom switch) and middle mousebutton (top switch). digitizer: This device has four buttons. Two of these but- tons (the top button in the middle and the bot- tom button in the middle) are for free usage in own applications. The left and the right button are having the same functions like your mouse. General notes o Until now it is not possible to cause a scrolling of autoscroll screens by direct use of the tablet. This will be possible in one of the future versions. It is possible to use the driver with autoscroll screens but it is rather clumsy. If you need it use the special driver named AutoScroll_SummDriver_CX o Together with some mouse accelerators or "Sun Mouse"-tools the mousepointer reacts a little bit wild. If you got problems steering the mousepointer with the tablet deactivate those tools. This problem occurs because some tools are not expecting inputevents from a tablet. o After accidently hitting of the resetknob on the back of the tablet, it must be reinitialized which means quitting the program and restarting it. o The only program with problems is TV-Paint Jr and TV-Paint 2.0 The exact cause is unknown but is related to the use of DELTAMOVE events. With TV-Paint 2.0 it is not a big problem because it supports the Summagraphic tablet. o The next version will include a template editor and several ready made templates (DPaint, Imagine, Workbench etc) REGISTER if you want them !!