These scripts are to be used with TurboText. They replace all internal requesters that can be replaced with the requesters ReqTools offers (using RexxReqTools to acheive this). A few extras are added to these requesters. There are a few other scripts as well. In order to execute quickly, the scripts assumes that they are stored in Env:Rexx (a few of them call others). If you want to change this, search for the string "Env:Rexx/" and replace it as required. But how do I use these scripts? you ask. Well, this is rather simple (here I assume you use a rather standard definitions file. If you don't have a standard one, you ought to know what to do anyway! :). In the definitions file, replace all ARexx commands that have a corresponding script included here (e.g. OpenDoc corresponds to OpenDoc.ttx). Thus, the line ITEM "Open..." "O" OpenFile should be replaced with ITEM "Open..." "O" ExecARexxMacro Env:Rexx/OpenFile.ttx Or enter a path that suits your needs. Some macros doesn't have a corresponding ARexx command, but they can be handy to have anyway. Note: I haven't done any extensive testing on these macros. I have, however, used a "ReqToolsified" TurboText for quite some time now, and the scripts seems to work fine. One word of warning though: I adjusted these macros slightly for this "release" (mostly it was a translation from swedish), and I didn't have time to check these changes. There shouldn't be any problems, but one can never now.. :) Except when stated otherwise (in the scripts) these scripts were written by Magnus Holmgren. They are pure Public Domain. Comments and questions can be sent to: "Magnus Holmgren", 2:204/ (or Magnus Holmgren Kvarnbergsvägen 5 S-444 47 Stenungsund SWEDEN