AmigaMUD, Copyright 1994 by Chris Gray Online Building With the Standard Scenario The standard AmigaMUD scenario contains a set of commands (the "build" commands) which allow players to add rooms and objects to the scenario, from within the scenario itself. In order to use these commands, a character must be a "builder". Only SysAdmin can make someone a builder, using the command cast makebuilder where is the name of the character who is to be given builder privileges. The build commands do not provide the full power of construction and programming that is available to wizards and apprentices, but they provide enough to allow potential wizards to try out some of their ideas. If the player is using the AmigaMUD remote client interface, many of the build commands are available as mouse- clicks, and a few additional ones are available for customizing the automatically generated room graphics. This document is divided into the following sections: - basic concepts - miscellaneous build commands - building rooms using commands - building objects using commands - miscellaneous operations using the mouse - building rooms using the mouse - building objects using the mouse - defining and attaching special actions The basic "build" command, which can also be abbreviated as "b", "@" or "construct", swallows the remainder of the input line (or upto a period on the line), and parses it as a complete command. If the first word in the build command (after the "build", etc.) is "room" or "object", then this idea is applied again. Thus, in the build command: build room new north indoors in a test room which can be abbreviated as: @r new n indoors in a test room the real verb is the "new". The "build room" merely identifies the set of commands (called a "grammar" in AmigaMUD) to use. The command forms of the build commands are described before the mouse-oriented forms since the command forms are likely to be more familiar to users of other MUDs. Also, many users will learn the mouse commands by experimentation, and will not need to read about them. Most of the build commands will show a usage line if they are used without the proper parameters. This is often quite helpful. It must be noted that the build commands do not even come close to allowing builders to do everything that they might want to do. There are many things that can be done by a wizard or apprentice that cannot be done using the build commands. I am open to suggests for important things to add to the set of build commands, but such new commands must add significantly to the capabilities of builders, since there is a very large number of such possible new build commands. Basic Concepts The basic entity in an AmigaMUD database is called a "thing". Things are little more than a pointer to a parent thing and a list of properties and values. Rooms and objects are just things. What makes them different is the set of properties they have. Rooms have properties that are pointers to other rooms they connect to, the name of the room, its description, etc. Objects also have names and descriptions, but can also have text that can be read, messages printed when they are touched or smelled, etc. When some code in the scenario wants to find the value of a property of a thing, it doesn't just look at that thing. If the thing has a value for the property, then it is done, but if it doesn't have a value, then AmigaMUD will look at the parent of the thing (if it has one), looking for the property there. This will continue until a value is found for the property or there are no more parents. This type of searching for properties through ancestors is called "inheritance" in object-orient programming languages. Thus, AmigaMUD is sort-of an object-oriented system. All rooms in the standard scenario present some sort of graphics to a player using the full graphics client. Much of the graphics is generated automatically, based on the type of room and the obvious exits from it. The AmigaMUD procedures to do the drawing are attached to empty rooms as properties. These "model" rooms are then made the parents of new rooms, and thus the new rooms will inherit the procedures to draw them. The connections to other rooms are examined in both the new rooms and the model rooms, but this works fine since the model rooms don't connect to any other rooms. The model rooms also contain the basic "scenery" words, as appropriate. For example, the indoors models include "floor" and "ceiling", while the outdoors models include "sky" and "ground". Creating a new room in the scenario requires creating a new "thing"; making it inherit scenery and graphics from the appropriate model room; and adding connections to other rooms. The room can also be decorated, by adding a general description, descriptions specific to directions, etc. Creating a new object usually requires creating a new model object. This is so that several characters can have copies or clones of the object. For example, most characters will have a pen and a pad, purchased in the the store in the mall. These are just nearly empty "things" which inherit their descriptions from the models. When the scenario is checking to see if a character has a pen and pad in order to write a letter, it isn't looking at the names of things - it is checking that the character has an object whose parent is the pen model and another object whose parent is the pad model. The scenario could just check names if it was appropriate, and in some cases it does. Ambitious players may want to add large, well-decorated areas to the database. It is convenient (almost required, when building) to have single-word symbols used to name the rooms and objects that are built. If a lot of building is done, the set of these symbols can be large and unwieldy. This situation arose during the construction of the standard scenario itself. To get around this problem, AmigaMUD has the concept of a "table", which is like a symbol table in a programming language. A table contains a bunch of symbols or names, and is independent of any other table. Thus, if a player has constructed two separate areas, he or she can use separate tables for their symbols, and thus have two rooms called "northRoom" without conflict. Several of the miscellaneous building commands deal with these tables. The system uses tables itself for some internal purposes. There is a single "global table", which is the starting point for finding anything. This global table is always accessible, and is used to look up symbols if they aren't found anywhere else. Each character has their own "private table", which is not accessible to other characters. Builders can create other tables within their private tables. It is not desireable to always search all tables when looking for a symbol, otherwise the point of having separate ones is lost. So, there is the idea of a table being "in use". A table in use will be searched when looking up a symbol; all other tables are not searched. The character's private table and the public table are always in use, and are searched, in that order, after any other in use tables. Things that can be put into tables include the names of rooms, the names of objects and the names of new properties that the builder creates. The AmigaMUD system also allows wizards and apprentices to define new AmigaMUD programs, and the names of these can also be put into tables. The build commands allow builders to define actions that can be attached to rooms and objects. These are actually converted into AmigaMUD programs by the build commands, and so can also be stored in builders' tables. Builders are shielded from the much more complex (and much more powerful) AmigaMUD programming language, however. Those interested in trying actual AmigaMUD programming must be raised to wizard or apprentice level by another wizard or apprentice. Initially, there are no apprentices in the system, and the only wizard is SysAdmin. Here is a log of a sample build session. Commentary is indented and surrounded with square brackets. input> look around You are west of the fountain. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: north south [I am in the park in the standard scenario.] input> build table private park input> @use park [I create a new table, in my private table, called "park", and add the new table to my set of "in use" tables.] input> build room new west indoors in the ice-cream parlour New room created and linked. [I create a new room, which is of type 'indoors'. It is to the west of where I am now, and it is called "in the ice-cream parlour".] input> look You are west of the fountain. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: north south west [The exit to the new room shows up.] input> west You are in the ice-cream parlour. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: east [I go into the new room.] input> @r same east out Link made. input> exits Obvious exits: east out [I make the 'out' direction go the same place as 'east'.] input> @r newdesc Room decorated. input> l You are in the ice-cream parlour. This is a small ice-cream parlour in the park. It serves several flavours of ice-cream, along with hot dogs and candy bars. The service counter is along the west wall, and includes the ice-cream freezers and covered racks for the candy bars. There are a half-dozen red metal tables in the front part of the parlour. Each table has four matching chairs. The door out is to the east. Obvious exits: east out [I put a whole new description (it didn't have one before) on the new room. Since I was using the full client program, it put me into its internal editor to type in the description. If I hadn't been using the full client, I would have been prompted to type the description in line by line.] input> @r dirdesc west Direction decorated. input> look west To the west is the service counter. Behind it is another counter for the servers to work on, a couple of refrigerators, a hot dog rotisserie and some storage cupboards. [I similarly add a direction-specific description.] input> build object new park tables "tables;red,metal" Object created - you are carrying it. input> drop tables red metal tables: dropped. input> l tables You see nothing special about the red metal tables. input> @o newdesc tables Object description entered. input> look tables The tables are nothing special. They have curved metal legs with a bit of scrollwork, and a flat metal top. [I create a 'tables' object, and decorate it. Note that I call it "tables" and not just "table", since there are more than one in the room, and I want the messages to come out right. The symbol I use for it/them in my symbol table doesn't matter, however.] input> @o new park chairs "chairs;red,metal" Object created - you are carrying it. input> drop chairs red metal chairs: dropped. input> @o newdesc chairs Object description entered. input> l chairs The chairs are as simple as the tables. They have a solid metal seat and a mesh metal back, all held in place by curved tubes, which also form the legs. [Some chairs to go along with the tables.] input> @o gettable tables no tables marked as not gettable. input> @o gettable chairs no chairs marked as not gettable. input> get tables You cannot get the red metal tables. [Don't want people stealing my decorations!] input> look You are in the ice-cream parlour. This is a small ice-cream parlour in the park. It serves several flavours of ice-cream, along with hot dogs and candy bars. The service counter is along the west wall, and includes the ice-cream freezers and covered racks for the candy bars. There are a half-dozen red metal tables in the front part of the parlour. Each table has four matching chairs. The door out is to the east. Obvious exits: east out Nearby: red metal tables red metal chairs [Hmmm. I don't want them showing up this way.] input> @o invisible tables true tables marked as invisible. input> @o invisible chairs true chairs marked as invisible. input> l You are in the ice-cream parlour. This is a small ice-cream parlour in the park. It serves several flavours of ice-cream, along with hot dogs and candy bars. The service counter is along the west wall, and includes the ice-cream freezers and covered racks for the candy bars. There are a half-dozen red metal tables in the front part of the parlour. Each table has four matching chairs. The door out is to the east. Obvious exits: east out [That's better.] input> out You are west of the fountain. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: north south west input> @r adddesc Room redecorated. input> look You are west of the fountain. There is an ice-cream parlour to the west. Obvious exits: north south west [Let people outside know that my new room is here.] input> @showtable park Symbols in table: chairs tables [What symbols do I have in my 'park' table?] input> @describe park chairs chairs: thing, parent , owner SysAdmin, useCount 2, propCount 6, ts_public: p_oName: "chairs;red,metal" : p_oCreator: : : "The chairs are as simple as the tables. They have a solid metal seat and a " "mesh metal back, all held in place by curved tubes, which also form the " "legs." : true : true [I'll add a public table to my 'in use' list and redo that.] input> @use t_base input> @describe park chairs chairs: thing, parent , owner SysAdmin, useCount 2, propCount 6, ts_public: p_oName: "chairs;red,metal" p_oHome: p_oCreator: p_oWhere: p_oDesc: "The chairs are as simple as the tables. They have a solid metal seat and a " "mesh metal back, all held in place by curved tubes, which also form the " "legs." p_oNotGettable: true p_oInvisible: true Miscellaneous Build Commands A summary of these commands can be found on-line by going into the Builder's Guild library and reading the "Book of Introduction". In these commands refers to any table that you have access to. Initially this is just "private" or "public", but if you create new tables using the "@table" command, you can use them too. refers to any valid symbol. Valid symbols start with a letter or an underscore (_) and contain only letters, underscores and digits. Note that the system will actually allow other symbols, e.g. ones with spaces in them, but it is not advisable to use such symbols, for a couple of reasons. One is that you will always have to put them in quotes to refer to them. The other is that they cannot be referred to from the AmigaMUD programming language; so you would have trouble with them if you ever became a wizard or apprentice. Note that many of these commands are only of use to those who will be writing actions to attach to rooms and objects. Beginning readers may wish to skip the descriptions of "@flag", "@counter", and "@string", and much of the description of "@use". The miscellaneous build commands are: @showtable
- this command shows the symbols defined in a given table. The
can be a symbol which is defined in a table which is currently in use, or can be "public" (referring to the system-wide global table) or "private" (referring to your private symbol table). @describesymbol
- this command will dump out the value of the given symbol defined in the given table. The output format will vary, depending on the nature of the symbol being defined. Some details of the output may not be obvious - they are explained in the "Wizard" document. "@describesymbol" can be abbreviated as "@describe" or just "@d". @deletesymbol
- the given symbol is deleted from the table. The system will not let you delete symbols which are the only pointer to something that it cannot delete. For example, if you have a property called "frotz" which you have used on some of your objects, then you cannot delete the symbol table entry for "frotz" until all of those objects (and any descendants of them) are gone. "@deletesymbol" can be abbreviated as "@delete". @movesymbol - this command is used to move symbols from one table to another. This is useful if a table is getting too full for convenient use, and you want to split it up and move symbols to another, new table. Alternatively, if a table created for some purpose proved to be not necessary, the symbols can be moved out of it and the table deleted. "@movesymbol" can be abbreviated as "@move". @renamesymbol
- this command allows you to change the name of a symbol. The new name must not already exist in the table. Beware of changing a symbol to a name that already exists in another table that you might need to "use" at the same time. There is no restriction on doing so, but it can cause troubles when trying to refer to a specific one of the symbols. "@renamesymbol" can be abbreviated as "@rename". @flag
- this command creates a new "flag" property. Flag properties are those which can hold only a "true" or "false" value, and which can be tested in actions. In the terminology of the AmigaMUD programming language, flags are of type "property bool". In the above example, "p_oNotGettable" and "p_oInvisible" are flags. The naming convention I have used there is that property names start with "p_", and properties specifically for objects start with "p_o". You need not follow this convention, but others might be able to understand your creations better if you do. @counter
- this command creates a new "counter" property. Counter properties hold numbers, either positive or negative. In AmigaMUD terminology they are "property int". Note that the numbers that they hold cannot have a decimal point in them - AmigaMUD has no provisions for that. @string
- this command creates a new "string" property. String properties hold character strings, such as "this is a string" or "Fred". In AmigaMUD terminology they are "property string". In AmigaMUD, strings are limited to about 4000 characters. @table - this command is used to create new tables, as in the example above. If you find yourself doing a lot of building and defining a lot of symbols, you should probably create some tables to put some of the symbols in, so that you can organize them better. For example, if you build a castle to the north of the town, you might want to create a table called "castle" and put all of the castle-related symbols in there. Then, they won't get mixed up with symbols for, say, a tunnel area, the symbols for which you can keep in a table called "tunnels". @use
- this command adds a table to your set of "in use" tables. This concept might be a bit foreign for some, so I'll try to explain in more detail. Lets say that you have created a castle area, whose symbols you have put into a "castle" table, and you have created a tunnel area, whose symbols you have put into a "tunnels" table. Now you want to make the castle bigger by adding a dungeon. To keep the new dungeon symbols from getting mixed up with the rest of the castle (both might have a "northEastCorner" room for example), you create a table called "dungeon", in the "castle" table, and put the new symbols in it. If we then draw your set of symbols, it looks like an upside-down tree, as in: public private / | \ / | \ \ \ / | \ / | \ \ \ / | \ / | \ \ \ "t_base" / | \ \ \ "tunnels" "castle" others / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | | | | "dungeon" If you want to rename symbol "room1" in "dungeon" to "room2", how do you do it? The @rename command only takes a table name, and the system can only find "tunnels" and "castle" in your private table. We don't want the system to search all tables, since then there is no point in having multiple ones. Also, in the AmigaMUD programming language, and when using build commands to write actions, there is no opportunity to specify a table - the name must be found directly. Instead, the system has a list of "in use" tables which it will search in for symbols. So, to do the rename mentioned above, you could do: @use castle @rename dungeon room1 room2 and to then be able to refer to "room2" in an action, you could do: @use castle @use dungeon ... refer to "room2" ... Note the use of "@use t_base" in the example at the end of the previous section. "t_base" is a table inside the global table ("public") which contains such things as "p_oNotGettable", "p_oName", etc. Most of the public symbols that a builder might want to know about are in that table, but if you want to really explore the standard scenario, you can do something like this: @showtable public @describe public t_fight @showtable t_fight @describe t_fight p_pHitMax ... etc. ... Doing this, you will soon end up @describe-ing AmigaMUD procedures. In them, you will see a lot of ""'s. This means that the procedure references a symbol that is not defined in your current set of "in use" tables. When exploring like this, it is useful to have the table you are looking at "in use", (here "t_fight"), along with "t_base", "t_util", "t_graphics" and "t_icons". @unuse
- this command removes a table from your list of "in use" tables. @symbolhere
- this command defines a symbol as a name for the current location. This allows you to name the rooms that you create, which allows you to "@poof" to them. @poof - this command allows you to instantaneously teleport from the current room, which you must have built, to the named room (named with "@symbolhere"), which you must also have built. This is very handy when you are building large areas, since it can be quite tedious to have to go back and forth in the area to add connections between rooms, etc. It's also great for impressing players that aren't builders and can't do it, or who don't know about it. Building Rooms Using Commands Commands for building rooms are all under the "room" (or just "r") build command. A summary of them can be found on-line by reading the "Book of Rooms" in the Builder's Guild library. In order to be able to build in or onto a room, one of the following must hold: - you are SysAdmin - you own the room (you built it) - the room's thing has status "ts_public" - the room's thing has status "ts_wizard" and you are a wizard The last condition allows wizards to protect critical areas from mistakes made by beginners, while at the same time allowing other wizards to build from them. The room-building commands are: @r new - this is the basic command for building new rooms, and it was illustrated in the initial building example. It builds a new room in the direction from the current room. can be a full direction name or an abbreviation. is the kind of room, which controls what its default automatic graphics will look like, and what it has for default scenery. can be one of: indoors, outdoors, forest, field, path, road, sidewalk, park or tunnel. is a sequence of words (does not need to be quoted), which makes sense as the short description of the room when used in the form "You are .". The scenario adds the "You are " and the period and newline when it is printing the message - there is no way to get rid of them. This was a deliberate choice, to prevent confusion. When a room is created, the current room is given an obvious exit to it (the direction shows up in the "exits" list), and the new room is given an obvious exit in the reverse direction back to the current room. @r newname - allows you to change the name of the current room. See the "@r new" discussion for the format of room names. @r hide - allows you to hide or unhide an exit from the current room. A hidden exit does not appear in the "exits" list. Hiding a hidden exit makes it unhidden. @r same - this command makes a new obvious exit from the current room in direction that goes to the same room as . This is most often used to make directions "in" and "out" work. Note that the connection made is only in the one direction - the reverse link is not automatically made, as it is in "@r new". @r scenery ... - the 's are made available in this location as scenery words. That is, they can be used in commands by a player, but cannot be manipulated. This is like "ceiling" or "sky". This setup is used to avoid having to build objects for everything in the room's description, so that player's don't get annoyed by the repeated "There is no here." messages. The 's can be full object names as in "book;big,black" (see the later section on building objects), but must then be quoted. The object names should not contain periods, since periods are used to separate the individual scenery 's internally. @r newdesc - this command allows you to replace the description of the current room. The scenario prints this long description exactly as you type it. As with all such descriptions in AmigaMUD, however, the exact line structure of the description is not preserved - it is reformatted according to the width of the user's display (not the builder's display!). If you are using the full AmigaMUD client program, you will be put into either the internal editor or your external editor to edit the description, otherwise you will be prompted to enter the description line by line. Also, if an editor is used, the old description is put into the editor for you. If you delete the entire description, or enter no lines for the new description, then the room is left with no long description. @r adddesc - this command allows you to append to the current description. It is very similar to "@r newdesc". The differences are that if you are using the full client, and you end with an empty buffer, then the description is not changed; and if you are not using the full client, then any lines you enter are appended (with a space added if needed) to any existing description. @r linkto - this command makes a link from the current room, in the indicated direction, to the room which has been named (using the @symbolhere command). This command is useful for building circular room structures, non-flat interconnections, etc. @r unlink - use this command to remove an exit from the current room. Be careful not to remove all exits to or from a given room unless you have a symbol for it, or you want it to disappear. @r dark [y|n] - use this command to make a room dark or not dark. All rooms created with these commands are initially not dark. If no 'y' or 'n' is given, then 'y' is assumed. @r lock [y|n] - this command allows you to "lock" the current room. Locking a room prevents anyone other than you or SysAdmin from entering it. This is useful when you are just building an area and you don't want people in it until you are finished with it. Usually, just locking the entrance room to an area is sufficient. @r status {readonly|wizard|public} - this command sets the "thing status" of the current room. A room which is "readonly" cannot be changed by anyone other than you and SysAdmin. A room which has status "wizard" can only be changed by wizards, and a room with status "public" can be changed by any builder. As a vague rule, rooms should be public if things built on to them would not harm the consistency or flavour of your area. They should be "wizard" if careful construction wouldn't hurt, but random changes would. @r dirdesc - this command allows you to enter a direction specific description to the current room. This is a message that will be seen by characters who look in that direction from the room. An example direction description would be something like "There is a dark tunnel to the north.". @r dirmessage - this command adds a direction specific message to the room. This is a message which is seen by characters as they leave the room in that direction. This can be used for things like "You enter the dark tunnel.". @r diromessage - this command adds a direction specific message for other characters. This is a message which is shown to other characters in the room when someone leaves in the indicated direction. The name of the character leaving and a space is printed before the text of the message. An example would be "enters the dark tunnel.". @r diremessage - this command adds a direction specific exiting message. This is a message seen by other characters in the room when a character enters the room from the given direction. An example would be "comes out of the dark tunnel.". @r makebank - this command makes the current room into a bank. This adds the special commands "balance", "deposit" and "withdraw" to the room. Note that all banks are independent - funds in one cannot be accessed from another. Using this command on a bank will make it not be a bank, so long as no character has an account at it. @r makestore - this command makes the current room into a store. This makes it possible for characters to use the "shop" command, and to "buy" items which are for sale. If used in a room which is already a store, then the room will be made not a store, but only if there is nothing for sale in it yet. @r addforsale - this will make the given object (see the next section for how to create objects) for sale at this store for the indicated price. Note that when a character buys at a store, they get a copy (actually a thing whose parent is the one you specify here) of the object, and not the object itself. Thus, there is no limit to the number of the objects which various characters can buy. @r subforsale - make the object be no longer for sale in this room. Note that there is no button corresponding to this command. @r descaction
- this command is used to define actions which are suitable for use as room description actions. @r setdescaction - this command sets the description of the current room to be the named action (see a later section on creating actions). Using an action as a description instead of a string allows the description to change, based on whatever the action chooses to test. If is "nil", then the description action is removed. @r checker
- this command allows you to define a room action. It is placed in the indicated table. Actions are discussed later. An action produced this way is suitable for use as a "direction checker". @r adddircheck - this command adds a "checker" action to the indicated direction from the current room. Such an action is called when a character attempts to leave in the indicated direction. The action (actions are described later) can prevent the character leaving, based on some conditions as determined by the checker, and can print to the character and others messages depending on the success or failure of the exiting. The action can also modify the character or the room. The in this case can also be "anyenter" or "anyexit", indicating that the checker is called when a character attempts to enter the room from any direction, or attempts to leave the room by any direction, respectively. There can be more than one "checker" associated with any direction. All can block passage. @r subdircheck - this command allows a builder to remove a specific checker from the indicated direction. @r showdirchecks - this command shows the direction "checkers" attached to the given direction from this room. If a particular checker is yours, then just its symbol is printed, otherwise a printout of the AmigaMUD programming language code of the checker is produced. In the latter, it is likely that you will see ""'s, since flags, etc. tested will be in other builders' private symbol tables. @r specialaction
- define an action that can be used to execute a special command in a room. The special commands can be added using "@r addspecialaction". @r addspecialaction - this command allows you to add special commands to the current room. This is the same internal technique which was used to add the special commands to banks. is the name of an action, defined using "@r specialaction", which is to be executed to do the command. is either a single word or a quoted, comma-separated list of words giving the word or words that is to operate in this room. E.g. if a special action named "doSmoogle" is defined in an in-use table, then: @r addspecialaction doSmoogle "smoogle,frink" would enable commands "smoogle" and "frink" in the current room, with action "doSmoogle" setup to handle the command. Actions are described in a later section. More than one special action can be added to a given room. @r subspecialaction - this is the reverse of the previous command - it allows special commands to be removed from the current room. Building Objects Using Commands Commands for building objects are all under the "object" (or just "o") build command. A summary of them can be found on-line by reading the "Book of Objects" in the Builder's Guild library. In many cases, copies or clones of objects will exist. E.g. if a builder creates a "glass vase" and makes it available for sale in a store, any number of characters can buy such vases. Each will be a simple "thing" with the master vase as its parent. This means that any changes made to the main vase object, using the object building commands, will be immediately reflected in all of the purchased ones. This can be quite confusing to players who don't understand what is happening, so it is a good idea to not make your new objects accessible in this way until you have finished modifying them. One aspect of objects should be handled carefully. This is the name of the object (not the symbol you define, but the name by which they will appear to players). These are given in a standardized, internal form. This form is handled by several built-in AmigaMUD functions, including the parser, and the code which searches for matching objects on lists of them. The basic form is that of a noun, optionally followed by a semicolon and a comma-separated list of adjectives. The example above shows two examples of this form. Additionally, the noun can be a comma-separated list of alternative forms. E.g. rock,stone;large,granite When the system shows an object with this name in a room or being carried, etc., it will be printed as "large granite rock". Only the first noun alternative is printed, and the adjectives are printed before it. When referred to by a player, any of the following forms will match it: stone rock granite rock large stone large granite rock granite large large large stone ... Additionally, the names given to objects can be a period-separated list of the above internal forms. E.g. shelf;wooden,book.shelve,shelf,bookshelf,book-shelf;book,wooden,wood This example would be printed as "wooden book shelf". The second alternative will not be printed by the system (which is good, since it would come out as "book wooden wood shelve"). It is there to allow a good selection of alternative inputs by players, like: wooden book shelf wooden book-shelf wood book shelves ... The system will automatically handle simple plurals when matching. In the following descriptions, this general form will be indicated by using "". The object-building commands are: @o new
"" - this command creates a new object. The object will have no properties other than its name, and the builder will be carrying it. The builder must have carrying capacity for the additional object. A symbol for the object is added to the given table. The object's "thing" will have no parent, i.e. the object will not inherit any properties. The should be given in quotes since otherwise the punctuation inside it would prematurely terminate the entire command. @o destroy
- this command is used to destroy an object that is no longer needed. You must be carrying the object in order to destroy it (carrying a clone of the object is not good enough). The "usecount" of an object should be '2' in order to properly destroy it (one use is the symbol which names the object, and the other is that of the object being carried). Being for sale in a store adds to an object's usecount, so it should not be destroyed if it is for sale. This command will let you destroy an object which has existing clones, but this is not a good thing to do, and will leave a mess that SysAdmin will have to try to clean up. There is no way within the system to find objects which are clones of another. @o newname "" - this command simply provides a new name for an existing object. This command can be abbreviated as "@o name". @o newdesc - this command allows you to enter a description of the object. As in entering room descriptions, players using the full AmigaMUD client program will be put into the editor to edit the description. Finishing with an empty description will delete the description from the object. "@o newdesc" can be abbreviated as "@o desc". @o readstring - this command allows you to enter a string that is the readable message on the indicated object. Finishing with an empty readstring will delete the readstring from the object. @o gettable [yes|no] - this command allows the builder to control whether or not an object can be picked up. Typically, object which are part of the scenery in a room are made not gettable. If no "yes" or "no" is given, then "yes" is assumed. @o islight [yes|no] - this command controls whether or not an object emits light. For example, a flashlight emits light. Using this command, there is no way to make a light which can be turned on and off. If no "yes" or "no" is given, then "yes" is assumed. "@o islight" can be abbreviated as "@o light". @o invisible [yes|no] - this command is used to make an object invisible or not. Invisible objects do not show up in a room's contents or in the inventory of a character. They are mostly used in rooms as decorations, such as the tables and chairs in the above example. If no "yes" or "no" is given, then "yes" is assumed. @o container - this command controls whether or not an object is a container. is the number of objects that the container can hold. If count is 0, then the object is made to be no longer a container. Note that when objects which are containers are purchased in a store, the "containerness" of them is attached to the newly created purchased object. Thus, making an object no longer a container does not make any existing clones not be containers. @o sitin @o siton @o liein @o lieon - these commands are use to make an object available for the indicated action. A count of 0 removes the action. A non-zero count indicates how many characters can simultaneously use the action. For example: @o new private bench "bench;short,wooden" @o gettable bench no @o invisible bench yes @o siton bench 2 drop bench sets up a bench in the current room, such that two characters can sit on it. Such characters will be described as sitting on the bench when others look around the room. @o setactword "word,synonym,..." - this command allows the builder to add a single arbitrary action that can be performed when the object is being carried. Either a single word that is the new command is given, or a list of alternate words separated by commas is given. For example, using: @o setactword vase "blorple,snooble" makes new command "blorple" (or its equivalent "snooble") available to any character carrying the vase. The command can either just print a string or can be an action, as described below. @o setactstring - this commands enters a string which is to be shown to a character who uses the special "act" command of the object. Printing the string will be the only result of using the "act" command. @o actaction
- this command defines a new "act" action, which is suitable for use with the "@o setactaction" command. Actions in general are described in a later section. @o setactaction - this command sets the given action to be done as the result of a player using the "act" command of the object. The action is created using the "@o actaction" command. If is "nil" then any actaction on the object is removed. @o descaction
- this command defines a new object description action, which is suitable for use with the "@o setdescaction" and "@o setreadaction" commands. @o setdescaction - this command sets an object description action as the description for the named object. Using an action as the description allows the description to change, depending on circumstances. The action can be created using "@o descaction". If is "nil", then any description action on the object is removed. @o setreadaction - this command sets an object read action as the readable text for the named object. The action can be created using "@o descaction". If is "nil", then any read action is removed. @o playstring @o erasestring @o eatstring @o usestring @o activatestring @o deactivatestring @o lightstring @o extinguishstring @o wearstring @o touchstring @o smellstring @o listenstring @o openstring @o closestring @o pushstring @o pullstring @o turnstring @o liftstring @o lowerstring @o getstring @o unlockstring - these commands allow the builder to set a string on an object which is displayed when a character applies the corresponding command to that object. E.g. input> eat vase You cannot eat the vase. input> @o eatstring vase Object eat string entered. input> eat vase The vase is much too valuable to waste by eating it. Besides, the glaze is probably poisonous. input> As usual, builders using the AmigaMUD client program will be put into an editor to enter or change the string, while others will be prompted to enter it line by line. @o checker
- this command defines a new object checker action, which is suitable for use with the set of "@o XXXchecker" commands described immediately below. @o playchecker @o erasechecker @o eatchecker @o usechecker @o activatechecker @o deactivatechecker @o lightchecker @o extinguishchecker @o wearchecker @o touchchecker @o smellchecker @o listenchecker @o openchecker @o closechecker @o pushchecker @o pullchecker @o turnchecker @o liftchecker @o lowerchecker - these build commands will enter an action as the response to using the given verb on the indicated object. Appropriate actions can be built using the "@o checker" command. There are no "getaction" or "unlockaction" commands - the options here are more complex and can only be setup by a wizard or apprentice. Note that the combat code in the standard scenario uses the "use" and "wear" verbs for shields and armour respectively. That code uses internal use/wear actions that reference internal properties indicating the item's effectiveness. The builder code cannot affect those properties, so shields and armour cannot be built using the builder code. If is "nil" then any such action on the object is removed. Miscellaneous Operations Using the Mouse The build buttons in the standard AmigaMUD scenario often require more complex interaction from the user. Some, such as making a room light or dark, can happen without further interaction. Most buttons will indicate their activity through messages in the text window. Some buttons will simply bring up a different set of buttons. Others will bring up a simple requester, into which you must type the required value. Clicking on the 'CANCEL' gadget in the requester will abort the current build operation. Some buttons (such as changing the description of the current room) will put you into the visual editor to edit something. This can either be the client program's internal editor, or an external editor, depending on how you have configured the client program. Users of the AmigaMUD client program can do most building activities using mouse-clicks instead of hard-to-remember commands. When a character is enabled as a builder, the standard set of buttons appearing on the screen will look somewhat like this: +-+ +--+ +-+ +--+ |@| |NW| |N| |NE| +-+ +-+ +--+ +-+ +--+ +-+ |I| |U| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |W| |L| |E| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |O| |D| +-+ +--+ +-+ +--+ +-+ |SW| |S| |SE| +--+ +-+ +--+ The only difference from the buttons available to a non-builder is the '@' button in the top-left corner. Clicking on the '@' button will bring up the top-level build buttons: +----+ +----+ +------+ |EXIT| |Room| |Object| +----+ +----+ +------+ +----+ +-----------+ |Poof| |Symbol Here| +----+ +-----------+ +------+ |Tables| +------+ Clicking on 'EXIT' removes the build buttons and restores the standard movement/look button set. Clicking on 'Room' brings up the top of the room-building buttons, which are discussed later. Clicking on 'Object' brings up the top of the object-building buttons, also discussed later. Clicking 'Poof' will bring up a requester for the symbol of a room to "Poof" to (to teleport to). You can only Poof from rooms you own (have built) to other rooms you own. Note that the symbol for the room must be in a table that is currently in use. Tables can be made in use through the 'Tables' items, or via the '@use' command. Clicking on 'Symbol Here' will request a symbol to enter into the currently selected table as a symbol for the current room. Clicking on the 'Tables' button will bring up the symbol table manipulation buttons, as follows: +----+ +---+ +------+ |EXIT| |New| |Select| +----+ +---+ +------+ +---+ +-----+ |Use| |UnUse| +---+ +-----+ +-------+ +--------+ |Symbols| |Describe| +-------+ +--------+ EXIT - return to the top-level build buttons. New - create a new symbol table in the current table. A requester will appear for the name of the new table. Select - a requester requests the symbol for a table to be made the selected table. The selected table is the one used for all symbol operations using buttons. By default, the selected table is your private table. The name of the table can also be 'public' or 'private', selecting the system global symbol table or your private table. Use - requests the name of a table to add to your current set of in-use tables. Note that the set of in-use tables is NOT preserved across sessions. UnUse - requests the name of a table to remove from your current set of in-use tables. Symbols - shows (in the text window) the symbols in the currently selected table. Note that some tables (e.g. the system 'Builtin' table) have a large number of symbols in them, and the output will not fit in the default-sized output history of the AmigaMUD client program. Describe - requests a symbol to describe. The symbol must be defined in the currently selected table. See the discussion above on the '@describe' command, and the Wizard documentation for more details on the output from this button. Building Rooms Using the Mouse Clicking on 'Rooms' in the top-level set of build buttons will bring up the top level of the room-building buttons, as follows: +----+ +----+ |EXIT| |MORE| +----+ +----+ +---+ +----+ +------+ |New| |Link| |Unlink| +---+ +----+ +------+ +----++----++----++----+ |Same||Hide||Shop||Sell| +----++----++----++----+ +----++----++----++----+ |Bank||Name||Desc||Auto| +----++----++----++----+ EXIT - goes back to the top-level build buttons. New - used to build a new room. The sequence of operations is as follows: - the standard direction buttons (minus the 'L' and the '@') with added 'EXIT' and 'HELP' buttons is displayed. You must select a direction from the current room that the new room is to be constructed in. - a set of buttons containing 'Indoors', 'Outdoors', 'Forest', 'Field', 'Path', 'Road' 'Sidewalk', 'Park' and 'Tunnel' is displayed. You must select the type of room for the new room. This type controls the default autographics that will be used for the room, along with setting the default scenery (sky, ceiling, etc.) for the room. - a requester appears for the name of the room. This room name must be something that makes sense in a sentence by itself starting with "You are". The requester shows the example of "in the pawnshop". At this point (unless you cancelled or exited somewhere in the sequence, or something else prevented construction of the room) the new room will be built. If the current room is one which shows autographics, then the new exit direction will be shown right away. You will typically then go into the new room in order to build on to it or to decorate it, etc. This button automatically builds a reverse link from the new room to the current room. Link - this button creates a connection from the current room to a selected other room. It first puts up the direction buttons, and you must select the direction for the link to go from the current room. After that, you must enter the symbol for the room to link to. The link built is a one-way only link. UnLink - this button puts up the direction buttons, asking for the direction of the link to remove. If a reverse link exists, it is not removed. Same - this button is used to create a link from the current room that goes to the same room as an already existing link, but via a different direction. Typically, it is used to make 'OUT' go to the outside room. First, the set of direction buttons is put up to select the direction of the existing link to copy, then they are put up again to select the new direction that is to receive a copy of the link. Hide - this button is used to make a link be hidden, or to unhide an already hidden link. A hidden link does not show up on the exits list, and does not appear on autographics. The standard set of direction buttons selects the link to hide. Shop - this button will toggle the current room between being a store and not being a store. A store can only be made not a store if there is nothing for sale at it. Sell - this button is used to put specific items up for sale at the current location, which must be a store. There is no button to make something be no longer for sale. You must use the "@r subforsale" command to do that. Bank - this button will toggle the current room between being a bank and not being a bank. A bank can not be unmade if some character has opened an account at it. All banks are separate - they do not share accounts. Name - this button allows you to change the name of the current room. The name entered into the requester must be of the same form as discussed under the 'New' button. Desc - this button allows you to change the description of the current room. Either the built-in editor or an external editor will be called up to edit the description, depending on your AmigaMUD client options. Auto - clicking on this button will bring up buttons dealing with the autographics for the current room, as follows: +----+ +----+ |EXIT| |Kind| +----+ +----+ +--------+ +--------+ |Bgnd Pen| |Fgnd pen| +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ |Edge Pen| |Door Pen| +--------+ +--------+ +-----+ +-----+ |Name1| |Name2| +-----+ +-----+ EXIT - returns to the first page of room-building buttons. Kind - brings up a set of buttons which allows you to choose the style of autographics for the current room. The available styles are: 'Road' - wide rectangles drawn with BROWN foreground on DARK GREEN background. 'Path' - narrow rectangles draw with TAN foreground on FOREST GREEN background. 'HallRoom' - a central BLACK rectangle, with smaller rectangles going off in the obvious exits, drawn on a MEDIUM GREY background. 'DoorRoom' - a central BLACK rectangle on a MEDIUM GREY background, outlined with a TAN border. Doors to obvious exits are drawn in BROWN. 'Hallway' - this style will not handle the diagonal direction. This is in a style similar to that of 'HallRoom' - black rectangles, outlined in TAN, on a MEDIUM GREY background. 'OpenArea' - this style is intended to represent open fields, etc. It consists of a small border of DARK BROWN around a large rectangle of DARK GREEN. In the directions of obvious exits, the border is replaced by more of the foreground DARK GREEN. 'Tunnel' - this style consists of medium-width LIGHT GREY passages drawn on a DARK GREY background. 'Chamber' - this style draw underground tunnels around a large central chamber. The tunnels and chamber are drawn in the foreground LIGHT GREY, and the "solid rock" is drawn in the background DARK GREY. Bgnd Pen Fgnd Pen Edge Pen Door Pen - these buttons bring up a requester which lets you change the pen (colour) to be used for the corresponding drawing of autographics. Note that most autographics only use the background and foreground pens. The defined colour names are: BLACK, DARK GREY, MEDIUM GREY, LIGHT GREY, WHITE, BRICK RED, RED, RED-ORANGE, ORANGE, GOLD, CADMIUM YELLOW, LEMON YELLOW, LIME GREEN, GREEN, LIGHT GREEN, DARK GREEN, FOREST GREEN, GREEN-BLUE, AQUA, LIGHT AQUA, SKY BLUE, LIGHT BLUE, BLUE, DARK BLUE, VIOLET, PURPLE, MAGENTA, PINK, TAN, BROWN, MEDIUM BROWN and DARK BROWN. Name1 Name1 - these buttons let you change the name of the room as it appears in the box above the movement buttons. Normally, this is the last word in the room name, capitalized. If you specify Name1 and not Name2, then the Name1 is used, centered in the room name box. If you give both Name1 and Name2, then two lines of room name are displayed, taken from the centered forms of both. MORE - goes to the second set of room-building buttons: +----+ +----+ |EXIT| |MORE| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +--------+ |Dark| |Lock| |Readonly| +----+ +----+ +--------+ +------+ +------+ |Wizard| |Public| +------+ +------+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |DD| |DM| |OM| |EM| +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ EXIT - returns to the top level of building buttons. MORE - returns to the first page of room-building buttons. Dark - toggles the current room between being dark and not being dark. Lock - toggles the locking of the current room on and off. Players other than the room's owner and SysAdmin cannot go into a locked room. This is useful for keeping other characters out of an area while it is under construction. Readonly Wizard Public - these buttons set the status of the thing underlying the room. If the thing is 'Readonly', then only the owner of the room (and SysAdmin) can perform any room-building actions here. If it is 'Wizard', then any full wizard can also build here, and if it is 'Public', apprentices and builders can build here. In general, a room needs to be 'Readonly' only if any modifications, no matter how carefully done, will destroy the concept of the room. Making a room 'Wizard' allows full-fledged wizards to build onto the room, under the assumption that they didn't get to be wizards without showing their own skill in building, and thus won't mess it up. DD - this button enters the editor to add a direction-specific description to the room. This is a description that characters will see if they look in the specified direction. The direction buttons will appear to allow selection of the direction, followed by the builder being put into an editor to edit the direction description. An example would be "You see a dark passage to the north." DM - this allows entry of a direction-specific message. This message will be displayed to a character when he/she leaves in the chosen direction. An example would be "You enter the dark passage." OM - this allows entry of a direction-specific message that will be displayed to other characters in the room as a character exits in the chosen direction. The name of the exiting character is printed before the message. An example would be "enters the dark passage.". EM - this allows entry of a direction-specific message that will be displayed to other characters in the room as a character enters from the chosen direciton. The name of the entering character is printed before the message. An example would be "comes out of the dark passage.". Building Objects Using the Mouse Clicking on 'Objects' in the top-level set of build buttons will bring up the top level of the object-building buttons, as follows: +----+ +---+ +------+ |EXIT| |New| |Select| +----+ +---+ +------+ +----++----++---++----+ |Desc||Name||Act||Cont| +----++----++---++----+ +---++----++-----++---+ |Get||Lite||Invis||Pos| +---++----++-----++---+ +-------+ +---------+ |ActWord| |ActString| +-------+ +---------+ EXIT - returns to the top-level build buttons. New - used to create a new object. First, a string requester will appear, requesting the symbol for the new object. That symbol will be entered into the currently selected table. Next, a requester will ask for the name of the object, suggesting an example of the form "vase;'. See the beginning of the "Building Objects Using Commands" section above for a description of how to format object names. Select - this button requests the symbol of an object to make into the currently selected object. All of the remaining object building buttons operation on the selected object. The table containing the symbol for theobject must be 'in-use'. The default table, your private symbol table, is always 'in-use'. Desc - this lets you edit the description of the object. This is the string which is printed when a character looks at the object. An explicit build command ("@o setdescaction") allows an action to be used as the description of an object, so that it can change depending on circumstances. Name - this lets you change the name of the object. This is the name as entered in 'New' above. Act - this brings up the first of two pages of buttons which let you set the string which is the object's response to performing the indicated action on it. The two pages both have an 'EXIT' button to return to this set of buttons, and a 'MORE' button to switch to the other set of 'Act' buttons. The 'Act' buttons are: 'Play', 'Erase', 'Eat', 'Read', 'Open', 'Close', 'Turn', 'Lift', 'Use', 'Activate', 'Listen', 'Wear', 'Push', 'Pull', 'Lower', 'Touch', and 'Smell'. Explicit build commands add 'Deactivate', 'Light', and 'Extinguish'. Explicit build commands can also make the response be an action, so that it can change, depending on circumstances. Cont - controls whether or not the selected object is a container. A requester will ask for the capacity of the object. This is the number of other objects that it can contain. A capacity of zero will make the object no longer a container. Get - this button toggles whether or not the current object is "gettable". An object which is not gettable cannot be picked up from the room it is in. This is useful for objects which are part of the scenery, and not meant to be carried around. Lite - this button toggles whether or not the current object emits light. An object which emits light will, unless it is inside a container, light up any dark room it is in. All occupants of the room will be able to see. This kind of light object cannot be switched on and off except by its builder. Invis - this button toggles whether or not the current object is invisible. Invisible objects do not show up in a room or in an inventory. They can be used as decorations in rooms since they can have descriptions, etc. which characters can see when they look at them. Pos - this button brings up a set of buttons which are used to control the object's occupancy capabilities. The buttons, asside from the usual 'EXIT' are: 'Sit In', 'Sit On', 'Lie In', 'Lie On', 'Stand In' and 'Stand On'. Each will bring up a requester for the maximum number of occupants the object can have. A value of 0 means that the object cannot be occupied in that manner. ActWord - this button is used to define a special action that can be done with the object. It is entered into the requester as a comma-separated list of synonyms for the action. ActString - this button brings up the editor (or line-by-line entry) for the message to be given to the character when the object's special action is performed. More complex operation can be setup using the '@o setactaction' build command. Defining and Attaching Special Actions The building commands and buttons discussed above allow a reasonable amount of creativity in what can be built. All of the constructions are quite static, however, in that they do not change over time or as characters interact with them. A full wizard or an apprentice can use the AmigaMUD programming language (described separately) to produce just about any kind of effect they can imagine, but that power is not available to normal characters. Also, many builders do not want to learn a full programming language, with all of its concerns with syntax and declarations, etc. In an attempt to bridge these gaps somewhat, the standard AmigaMUD scenario provides the capability of writing "actions" which have limited capabilities for variation, but are much simpler than the full programming language. Do not confuse these actions with full procedures in the programming language, which are values of AmigaMUD type 'action'. As they are implemented, these builder actions are in fact translated by the scenario into full AmigaMUD procedures, but the builder does not have to be concerned about that when setting up actions. When the already discussed commands and buttons are used to build rooms and objects, the only reactions to character operations that are possible are fixed messages to the character. Using builder actions, it is possible to remember pieces of information over time, give messages to other characters in the room, modify characters, objects and rooms, and do all of these things depending on conditions tested on the character, object or room involved. The scenario knows about six kinds of actions: room checkers - these actions are chiefly used to determine whether or not a character can leave the room in a given direction, but can also do all of the things mentioned above. object checkers - these actions are set up to be performed when a character does a given operation on an object. They determine the success or failure of the operation. room descriptions - these actions return a string value which is printed when the character looks around the room. The string, or parts of it, can include names, etc. stored with the room or character. object descriptions - these are similar to room descriptions, but can also make reference to the object being examined. room actions - these are actions performed when a character enters one of the special commands that has been associated with the room he/she is in. They neither succeed nor fail, but can do all of the things mentioned in the paragraph above. object actions - these are actions performed when a character does the special action associated with an object. The basic structure of an action is that of a simple condition with both success and failure parts: unconditional things to do the condition(s) to test the things to do if the condition succeeds the things to do if the condition fails In the case of room and object actions, there is no condition in the action (unless introduced with an internal 'if', discussed below), and all of the actions commands are in the unconditional portion. For description actions, the total result of the entire action must be a string, which is the description of the room or object. Each branch (success and failure) of the condition must be followed by a string which is the returned description. The prompt for these will be set to "* description result> ". Actions are always entered line by line - editors are not used. The prompt changes as different parts of the total action are entered. Each section is ended by entering a line consisting only of a period. Here is a log of a session where a room checker is built, installed, and tested. The checker will not let the character pass unless the character is carrying something whose name matches the form "apple; juicy,red". The line numbers to the left are used in the following more detailed discussion of this log. 01 input> @r checker private entercheck 02 Enter the pre-condition actions: 03 * pre-condition actions> . 04 Now enter the conditions for the test: 05 * condition> characterhasname "apple;juicy,red" 06 * condition> . 07 Now enter the actions to do if condition is true: 08 * true actions> saycharacter 09 Enter the text to be shown to the character: 10 * character text> You pass into the test room. 11 * character text> . 12 Continue entering the true actions: 13 * true actions> sayothers 14 Enter the text to be shown to others: 15 * others text> @charactername 16 * others text> passes into the test room. 17 * others text> . 18 Continue entering the true actions: 19 * true actions> . 20 Now enter the actions to do if condition is false: 21 * false actions> saycharacter 22 Enter the text to be shown to the character: 23 * character text> Something prevents you from entering. 24 * character text> . 25 Continue entering the false actions: 26 * false actions> . 27 Action 'entercheck' defined. 28 input> @r adddircheck south entercheck 29 Dircheck entered. 30 input> south 31 Something prevents you from entering. 32 input> @o new private apple "apple;juicy,red" 33 Object created - you are carrying it. 34 input> south 35 You pass into the test room. 36 You are in a test room. 37 You see nothing special here. 38 Obvious exits: north 39 input> In more detail: 01 I start creating the action. It is a room checker action, whose symbol will be 'entercheck' in my private symbol table. 02 I am supposed to enter the unconditional actions to be done before the condition is tested. 03 There aren't any actions I want to do unconditionally, so I enter just a period to end this phase. Note that the prompt had changed for this. 04 Now I should enter the conditions for the test. 05 I enter the first (and only) condition for this test. The word "characterhasname" indicates a test that the character is carrying an object whose name matches the internal form given. Another prompt change occurred. 06 There are no more conditions, so I enter just a period. 07 Now I should enter the actions that I want done if the condition is true, i.e. if the character is to be allowed to use the exit. Note that these actions will be performed while the character is in the current room, before he/she moves into the other one. 08 I want to output some text to the character. "saycharacter" is the build action command to do that. 09 I now must enter the text that I want shown to the character. 10 The prompt changes as usual, and I enter the simple message. 11 There can be several lines of text, so I must enter a single period to end the total text. 12 I am now back entering the actions to be done on success. 13 I want to output a message to others in the same room. 14 15 I want the first thing output to others to be the name of the character who is taking the checked exit. 16 The character name is followed by some fixed text. I do not enter a leading space - the build action code will do that for me. 17 I am now done with the text to be shown to others... 18 ... and am back entering actions to do upon success 19 There are no more success actions. 20 Now I must enter the actions to do if the condition for the exit fails, i.e. if the character is prevented from taking the exit. 21 I want to show a failure message to the character. 22 23 It is just a simple string. 24 25 26 There are no more false actions. (I don't want to tell others that the character failed to take the exit.) 27 The checker action is completed successfully. It is now entered into my private symbol table. 28 I attach the new checker action as a direction checker going south 29 from the current room. 30 I now try to go south, triggering the checker. 31 I don't have an apple, so am prevented from going south. 32 I am a builder - I have the power. So, I make an apple. 33 34 35 Now I can pass through. Others in the room I was in would have seen the message saying I was passing into the test room. 36 The regular stuff, done whenever a character enters a room, is now done. The simplest thing that a builder action can do is to output a message, either to the character who triggered the action, or to other characters in the same room. Messages can consist of fixed text and information from the character or room, or, in the case of object actions, from the object being manipulated. When a message is being entered, the prompt switches to either "character text> " or "others text> ", as appropriate. If a line of input for message output begins with an '@', then it is a special item to be inserted into the message. Values of special items are determined when the action is running, not when it is being defined. A quick summary of these string escapes can be found online in the "Book of Strings" in the Builder's Guild library. The following special items are available (the 'object' variants are only available when defining object actions): @characterstring @roomstring @objectstring - these escapes insert the value of a string property (as defined using "@string") retrieved from the character, room or object, as appropriate. Values for these string can be set by build actions using the "XXXsetstring" action commands. @charactercounter @roomcounter @objectcounter - these escapes are similar to the above ones, except that the string inserted is the string form of the counter (number) property indicated. These values can be set using the "XXXsetcounter", "XXXinccounter" and "XXXdeccounter" action commands. @charactername @roomname @objectname - these escapes insert the name of the character, room or object. Object names are converted from the internal form to the external form, as are character names (so they work out properly for non-player-characters with multi-word names). The tests which control whether or not a checker action allows the operation are called 'conditionals'. A checker action succeeds only if all of its conditionals succeed. Each conditional is a simple name and parameters on a single input line. The sense of a conditional can be reversed by putting the word "not" before it (with a separating space). For example, in the above log, if the conditional had been entered as 'not characterhasname "apple;juicy,red"', then the player would be allowed to take the exit only if he/she is not carrying any object whose name matches "apple;juicy,red". As with string escapes, conditionals referencing objects can only be used with actions which are intended to be attached to objects. The available conditionals are: fail - this conditional always fails. characterflag roomflag objectflag - these conditionals test for the presense of the named flag on the character, room or object, as appropriate. The flags can be set using the corresponding "setflag" action commands. If the flag is present, then the conditional succeeds, else it fails. charactercounter roomcounter objectcounter - these conditionals test whether or not the counter is equal to the given value, which must be a valid number (positive or negative). E.g. the conditional "roomcounter passcount 10" succeeds only when the "passcount" counter attached to the room is equal to 10. characterhasspecific roomhasspecific objecthasspecific - these conditionals are used to test for the presense (or absense with "not") of a specific object. Note that this is THE specific object named - a clone of it (as purchased at a store) is not sufficient. This is useful when a unique object is being used as a key, etc. When testing a character, the object must be being carried directly (not in a container being carried) by the character. When testing a room, the object must be directly in the room. When testing an object, the named object must be inside the object that the action is attached to. characterhaschild roomhaschild objecthaschild - these conditionals are very similar to the previous set, except that here, any child of the named object (e.g. as purchased in a store) is sufficient, and the original object is not. characterhasname roomhasname objecthasname - these conditionals are again similar, except that any object whose name matches the given is sufficient, regardless of which true object has the name. As usual, the name must be given in the internal form, as "noun;adjective,adjective,...". characterhasflag roomhasflag objecthasflag - these conditionals are quite different from the above "XXXflag" conditionals. In those, the character, room or object itself had to have the flag set. In these, the flag must be set on at least one object which is being carried by the character, is present in the room, or is contained in the object, as appropriate. random - this conditional is used to add randomness to the way actions work. A random number between 0 and - 1 is generated. If that value is 0, then the conditional succeeds, else it fails. Thus "random 100" has a one percent chance of succeeding and "random 2" has a fifty percent chance. The actual condition for an action can consist of any number of these conditionals, given one after another. The total condition succeeds only if ALL of the individual conditionals succeed. E.g. * condition> not characterhasflag p_pKilledBalrog * condition> roomhasspecific o_BalrogCorpse * condition> . would succeed only if the character does not have flag "p_pKilledBalrog" and the object "o_BalrogCorpse" is in the room. If no conditionals are entered (an ending "dot-line" is given on the first prompt for a conditional), then the condition will be omitted in the resulting action, and the action will always succeed. An action that always fails can be set up using just the "fail" conditional. Actions can have any number of action commands, some conditional, others not. The actions are done in the same order that they are entered. Sometimes the order doesn't matter (such as giving messages to the character and others) but sometimes it does. As usual, object action commands are only available when defining actions to be attached to objects. The action commands available are: charactersetflag roomsetflag objectsetflag characterclearflag roomclearflag objectclearflag - these action commands simply set or clear the named flag directly on the character, room or object, as appropriate. Using a flag on a character, for example, allows the builder's actions to record that the character has performed a given task, or that some other important condition has occurred. characterinccounter [] roominccounter [] objectinccounter [] characterdeccounter [] roomdeccounter [] objectdeccounter [] - these actions commands are useful for modifying counters. If no is given, then the named counter is incremented (decremented) by one. If a is given (it must be a positive number), then the named counter is incremented or decremented by that value. charactersetcounter roomsetcounter objectsetcounter - these action commands give an explicit value to a counter property. The can be either positive or negative. charactersetstring roomsetstring objectsetstring - these action commands store a string value in a string property. The values for can be: date/time - the time and date are stored charactername - the name of the character is stored. It is stored in external format, not internal. roomname - the name of the room (e.g. "in the PlayPen") is stored. objectname - the external form of the object name is stored. This form can only be used with object actions. characterclearstring roomclearstring objectclearstring - these action commands remove a string property from the character, room or object, as appropriate. This is equivalent to setting its value to be an empty string. clonehere cloneat - these action commands have a more noticeable effect on the world. They create a copy of the named object, and deposit it either in the current room, or in the named room. The new object will have whatever properties the specified one does, and is in most ways exactly the same as an object purchased at a store. The newly created object is made the current object, and from this point on, object actions commands can be used, and object references will refer to the new object. destruct - this action command can only be used with object actions. It results in the object itself being destroyed. This would normally be arranged to destroy a cloned object, and not an original object. drop - this action command can also only be used with object actions. It arranges for the object to be dropped, and thus assumes that the object is being carried. dropto - this action command is the same as 'drop', except that the current object is dropped in the named room. This is useful for "resetting" things back to their proper places. setit {||} - these action commands are used to change the object that the commands in an action can refer to. This can be used in a room action to turn it into an object action, and from then on, object references can be used and will refer to the designated object. is one of the following: specific - the second argument must be the symbol of an object, which will become the new current object. characterchild roomchild objectchild - the second argument must be the symbol of an object which is carried by the character, present in the room, or contained in the previous current object. The action ASSUMES that there is such an object, so you are wise to check for it first, with a conditional in this action. That object becomes the new current object. characterflag roomflag objectflag - this is similar to the previous set of 's, except that instead of looking for a specific object, any object with the set on it is made the current object. charactername roomname objectname - this set of 's is also similar - the new current object is the first whose name matches the object name string given (which must, as usual, be given in the internal form). saycharacter - this is the simplest and most common action command. It switches input processing to expect string escapes and fixed portions of strings, as described previously. The resulting string will be displayed to the character whose activities triggered this action. sayothers - this action command is very similar to 'saycharacter', except that the resulting message is displayed to all other characters in the same room, instead of to the character. if - this action command allows the builder to add internal conditional actions to an action, whether the action normally countains a condition or not. The input mode will change to expect the conditionals for this internal 'if'. The rules for conditionals, and how to end the conditionals and the success and failure halves of the 'if' are the same as those for normal conditions in checker and description actions. Example Log of Building Session This section contains a log of an AmigaMUD session in which a player used the building commands to create a small area of four rooms, several objects, and a trivial puzzle. To create this log, I used the '-E' option on MUD, so that no editor was available, and I was prompted for the various description strings directly. If you actually build on-line, you will use an editor for description strings if you are using the full MUD client. In truth, this is not a log of a fully interactive session, but rather is a log of sourcing an input file containing the session - even I don't know the building commands well enough to get it all correct in an interactive session! Comments about what is going on are indented beneath the lines they describe. ::Sourcing file ''... input> look around You are on the north sidewalk, east of the main intersection. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: west east I'm adding this little area just to the east of the intersection, on the north side of the east-west road. input> @table private newTable input> @use newTable input> @showtable newTable Table has no entries. input> @describe private newTable newTable: table, owner SysAdmin, useCount 1, entries 0 a new table to put my symbols in input> @room new north indoors in the entrance room New room created and linked. create a new room as the start of my little area input> @room adddesc Edit room description. End with a line containing only a single period. * add room desc> A plain wooden door leads north into the building. * add room desc> . Room redecorated. input> @room scenery "door;plain,wooden,wood" building New scenery words added. input> look around You are on the north sidewalk, east of the main intersection. A plain wooden door leads north into the building. Obvious exits: west east north input> Examine the plain wood door. You see nothing special about the plain wood door. I've fixed up the outside area. The use of scenery makes things look more polished. input> north You are in the entrance room. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: south input> @room newdesc Enter room description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new room desc> This is the entry foyer to a small office. There are a few * new room desc> comfortable looking chairs for waiting in, and a magazine * new room desc> rack full of magazines. Interior doors lead further north, * new room desc> northeast and east, while the door out is to the south. * new room desc> . Room decorated. input> look around You are in the entrance room. This is the entry foyer to a small office. There are a few comfortable looking chairs for waiting in, and a magazine rack full of magazines. Interior doors lead further north, northeast and east, while the door out is to the south. Obvious exits: south input> @room scenery entry foyer "office;small" New scenery words added. input> @room same south out Link made. some initial setup of the first room input> @object new newTable chairs "chair;few,comfortable,looking" Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object gettable chairs no chairs marked as not gettable. input> @object invisible chairs yes chairs marked as invisible. input> @object siton chairs 3 3 can now 'siton' 'chairs' input> @object newdesc chairs Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The chairs are large, and well padded. They are uphostered * new object desc> in drab looking tan material. * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> drop chairs few comfortable looking chair: dropped. input> look chairs The chairs are large, and well padded. They are uphostered in drab looking tan material. The chairs are really just scenery, but I've made them useable. input> @object new newTable rack "rack;magazine" Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object gettable rack no rack marked as not gettable. input> @object invisible rack yes rack marked as invisible. input> @object newdesc rack Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The magazine rack is just a U-shaped wooden bin full of * new object desc> magazines. * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> drop rack magazine rack: dropped. The magazine rack is also just scenery, but it is there to point the player towards the magazines: input> @object new newTable magazines magazine Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object invisible magazines yes magazines marked as invisible. input> @object gettable magazines no magazines marked as not gettable. input> @object getstring magazines Enter get string. End with a line containing only a single period. * get string> Please leave the magazines here for others to read. * get string> . Object get string entered. input> @object readstring magazines Enter read string. End with a line containing only a single period. * read string> The magazines are mostly about etiquette. They talk about such * read string> things as properly using your knife and fork. * read string> . Object read string entered. input> @object newdesc magazines Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The magazines are well-thumbed, but still quite readable. * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> drop magazines magazine: dropped. input> get magazine Please leave the magazines here for others to read. input> look magazine The magazines are well-thumbed, but still quite readable. input> read magazine The magazines are mostly about etiquette. They talk about such things as properly using your knife and fork. The magzines are there to provide the clue about the cutlery. input> @room new north indoors "in the north office" New room created and linked. input> north You are in the north office. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: south input> @room newdesc Enter room description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new room desc> This appears to be the office of someone in middle * new room desc> management. There is a computer on the desk, but it looks * new room desc> to be a power-user status symbol more than anything else. * new room desc> . Room decorated. input> @room scenery computer desk chair door New scenery words added. input> @room scenery "symbol;power-user,power,user,status" New scenery words added. Scenery words just add on to whatever is already there. input> look at the power-user status symbol You see nothing special about the power-user status symbol. input> l power user symbol You see nothing special about the power user symbol. The parser's full flexibility works on scenery words. input> @room same south out Link made. input> @object new newTable knife "knife;simple,table" Object created - you are carrying it. input> drop knife simple table knife: dropped. input> @symbolhere newTable r_north I need to name this room so I can reset the knife back to here. input> south You are in the entrance room. This is the entry foyer to a small office. There are a few comfortable looking chairs for waiting in, and a magazine rack full of magazines. Interior doors lead further north, northeast and east, while the door out is to the south. Obvious exits: south out north input> @room new east indoors "in the east office" New room created and linked. input> east You are in the east office. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: west input> @room newdesc Enter room description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new room desc> This office looks quite practical. It must be used by a * new room desc> secretary or some other useful person. * new room desc> . Room decorated. input> @object new newTable plants "plant.plant-pot.pot;plant" Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object gettable plants no plants marked as not gettable. input> @object getstring plants Enter get string. End with a line containing only a single period. * get string> Please leave the plants here - the owner of this office will * get string> probably take better care of them than you would. * get string> . Object get string entered. input> @object smellstring plants Enter smell string. End with a line containing only a single period. * smell string> The plants smell slightly minty. * smell string> . Object smell string entered. input> @object touchstring plants Enter touch string. End with a line containing only a single period. * touch string> The plants feel like plants. * touch string> . Object touch string entered. input> @object newdesc plants Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The plants are pretty plain-looking. They don't seem to * new object desc> have any flowers at the moment (if they ever do!). * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> drop plants plant: dropped. input> @object new newTable fork "fork;simple,table" Object created - you are carrying it. input> drop fork simple table fork: dropped. input> @symbolhere newTable r_east input> @room same west out Link made. This east office is setup similarly to the north office. input> west You are in the entrance room. This is the entry foyer to a small office. There are a few comfortable looking chairs for waiting in, and a magazine rack full of magazines. Interior doors lead further north, northeast and east, while the door out is to the south. Obvious exits: south out north east input> @room new northeast indoors "in the boss's office" New room created and linked. input> northeast You are in the boss's office. You see nothing special here. Obvious exits: southwest input> @room newdesc Enter room description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new room desc> You can tell this is the boss's office by the size of the * new room desc> desk and chair, and by the fact that it doesn't look like * new room desc> any work goes on here. * new room desc> . Room decorated. input> @room same southwest out Link made. input> @object new newTable desk "desk;large,massive,big,redish,red,wood" Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object newdesc desk Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The desk is quite massive. It is made from some kind of * new object desc> very pretty redish wood. There don't seem to be any * new object desc> scratches onthe highly-polished top, but there are some * new object desc> ugly coffee-cup rings there. * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> @room scenery "stains;ugly,coffee-cup,coffee,cup" New scenery words added. input> @object gettable desk no desk marked as not gettable. input> @object invisible desk yes desk marked as invisible. input> drop desk large massive big redish red wood desk: dropped. Because the desk is invisible, I can have an ugly name string like that; no-one can ever see the string - it is only used to match against to find the object. input> @object new newTable chair "chair;large,big,black,leather" Object created - you are carrying it. input> @object newdesc chair Enter new description. End with a line containing only a single period. * new object desc> The chair looks extremely comfortable. It is on casters, * new object desc> pivots, and rocks back and forth. It is finished in what * new object desc> looks like very fine black leather. * new object desc> . Object description entered. input> @object gettable chair no chair marked as not gettable. input> @object invisible chair yes chair marked as invisible. input> drop chair large big black leather chair: dropped. input> southwest You are in the entrance room. This is the entry foyer to a small office. There are a few comfortable looking chairs for waiting in, and a magazine rack full of magazines. Interior doors lead further north, northeast and east, while the door out is to the south. Obvious exits: south out north east northeast Now comes the "puzzle" part: the character must be carrying the knife but not the fork in order to enter the boss's office. input> @room checker newTable bossEnter Enter the pre-condition actions: * pre-condition actions> . Now enter the conditions for the test: * condition> characterhasspecific knife * condition> not characterhasspecific fork * condition> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is true: * true actions> saycharacter Enter the text to be shown to the character: * character text> Congratulations on properly using your cutlery! * character text> . Continue entering the true actions: * true actions> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is false: * false actions> saycharacter Enter the text to be shown to the character: * character text> Something prevents you from entering the room. Perhaps * character text> bad etiquette? * character text> . Continue entering the false actions: * false actions> . Action 'bossEnter' defined. input> @room adddircheck northeast bossEnter Dircheck entered. OK, the puzzle exists. Now I want to make sure that when any character leaves my little area with one of my special objects that are gettable, the object is put back where it started from. input> @room checker newTable resetAll Enter the pre-condition actions: * pre-condition actions> . Now enter the conditions for the test: * condition> not fail * condition> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is true: * true actions> if Enter the condition for the if: * condition> characterhasspecific knife * condition> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is true: * true actions> setit specific knife * true actions> dropto r_north * true actions> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is false: * false actions> . Continue entering the true actions: * true actions> if Enter the condition for the if: * condition> characterhasspecific fork * condition> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is true: * true actions> setit specific fork * true actions> dropto r_east * true actions> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is false: * false actions> . Continue entering the true actions: * true actions> . Now enter the actions to do if condition is false: * false actions> . Action 'resetAll' defined. input> @room adddircheck south resetAll Dircheck entered. input> @room adddircheck out resetAll Dircheck entered. There are two directions that can be used to leave, so I put the checker on both of them. I don't want the checker run if the character leaves this room to one of my other three, so I don't want an 'anyexit' checker. input> @showtable newTable Symbols in table: magazines fork desk bossEnter resetAll chairs plants r_east r_north chair knife rack All of these symbols were defined during this build session. input> @describe newTable resetAll resetAll: proc, owner SysAdmin, useCount 3: proc resetAll()status: if not false then if FindElement(Me()@p_pCarrying, knife) ~= - 1 then SetIt(knife); ignore DoDrop(r_north, Me(), It()); fi; if FindElement(Me()@p_pCarrying, fork) ~= - 1 then SetIt(fork); ignore DoDrop(r_east, Me(), It()); fi; succeed else fail fi corp This is how AmigaMUD actually sees my 'resetAll' action. Programmers will notice that it is clearly machine-generated. ::...done