Copyright 1992 Starteck. All rights reserved. SSSSS S S S TTTTTTTTT A RRRRR SSSSS T T T A A R R S T A A RRRRR S S T AAAAAAA R R SSSSS T A A R R T T T T EEEEEE CCCCC K K T E C K KK T EEE C KK T E C K KK TTT EEEEEE CCCCC K K S SSS SSSSS SSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSS StarTeck SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSS SSSSSSS SSSSSSS SSSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSS SSSS SS SS S S INSTRUCTIONS FOR "STAR TECK GENIES" "STAR TECK GENIES" Automatically Install Genies: An automatic installation procedure is provided. Just double click it. The installation procedure copies seven genies to your REXX: directory. If you have not made an assignment to your REXX: directory then do so before running this installation. From CLI or Shell window type: assign rexx: sys:rexx If necessary, replace "SYS:REXX" with the path to your REXX directory. This is probably already done if you have ever run ProDraw's Genies successfully. If you have trouble, read your ARexx manual for further instructions. This procedure also copies three associated files to your "S" directory. If you wish, (and it is suggested that you do) it will also copy three of the genies into tool genies. These are explained on page 33 of your Professional Draw 3.0 Supplement Manual. As mentioned above, these genies are copied not renamed, that way you can also run them from the Function Genie tool list. If you're low on disk space you may choose to remove the original three files and just leave the new tool genies. These genies will become available by double clicking on these tools. GridSet by double clicking on the ADD POINTS TOOL ScalePercent by double clicking on the CUT POINTS TOOL ZoomWindow by double clicking on the FREEHAND TOOL "STAR TECK GENIES" MANUAL INSTALLATION: If you have not made an assignment to your REXX: directory then do so before installing genies. From CLI or Shell window type: assign REXX: SYS:REXX If necessary, replace "SYS:REXX" with the path to your REXX directory. This is probably already done if you have ever run ProDraw's Genies successfully. If you have trouble, read your ARexx manual for further instructions. From the CLI or Shell: example: copy VolumeName:Directory/GENIES/~(#?.info) to REXX: copy Volumename:Directory/GENIES/S/#? to SYS:S "Volume Name" and "Directory" are the path to where the "GENIES" directory resides. Frequently used genies can be made into TOOL GENIES for fast access to them. After copying a genie into a tool genie, you can run that genie by simply double clicking on the appropriate tool. Because the genie was copied, not renamed, it can also be run from the Genie Menu. However this does use-up a little extra disk space. If your tight for disk space use rename instead of copy in these next three examples. copy REXX:GridSet.pdrx to REXX:_PD_TOOLS_ADDP.pdrx copy REXX:ScalePercent.pdrx to REXX:_PD_TOOLS_CUTP.pdrx copy REXX:ZoomWindow.pdrx to REXX:_PD_TOOLS_FREE.pdrx You will now be able to run these three genies by double clicking on the ADD POINTS, CUT POINTS, and the FREE HAND drawing tools in Professional Draw. If you are unfamiliar with copying files and directories read your AMIGA DOS manual for further help. "STAR TECK GENIES" De-Installation I hope you get lot's of use from the genies, but if for some reason you decide not to keep them, or feel the shareware price is to high, you can run the de-install program and everything will be returned as it was. The install program is two fold, it can install and it can de-install. just run it and follow it's prompts. "STAR TECK GENIES" GENIE INDEX: 1) Emboss / Engrave 2) GridSet 3) PieChart 4) ScalePercent 5) Select By Attribute 6) Star 7) ZoomWindow "STAR TECK GENIES" 1) Emboss / Engrave To see the results of this Genie is the best way to describe it's workings. After reading this, boot up Professional Draw and load the accompanying clip called "EmbossEngrave.Clips". View it at a zoom scale factor of 1 on an interlaced screen. After doing this run the genie with an object highlighted that you would like to emboss or engrave. Your object will need a background. The prompts will guide you through the genie. *** HINT The object being engraved and it's background should be the same color for best results (33% gray works well)*** Prompt number one, select either: Emboss or Engrave The second prompt gives you three choices: Accept Defaults Input Offset Input Colors It is possible to make multiple choices, but if you choose any combination with "Accept Defaults" in it, the defaults will be used. Answer the rest of the prompts. The defaults are: "offsets" X0.015 Y0.015 "colors" white black The "offsets" are the amount of distance the highlighted object(s) will be moved when they are embossed or engraved. The "colors" are the colors of the embossed or engraved objects. See the tips file for an explanation of embossing! "STAR TECK GENIES" 2) GridSet This genie was designed to increase your productivity by reducing your keystrokes. It performs the same task as the menu pick in Professional Draw "Preferences/Layout Tools/SetGridX SetGridY, but with much less effort. There is only one prompt to answer in this genie. Simply highlight your selection and pick "OK" or double click on your choice. The numbers in the prompt represent the spacing the grid will be set to in the current units that you are working in. ie: inch, metric, pica. NOTE:This genie only sets the grid size, it does not turn it on or off. It was designed like this so as not to interfere with your current settings. For maximum speed use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl-G" to turn the grid on and off. The choices of grid size you see in the requester are stored in a file in your "S" directory called "GridSet.STk". You can edit it to suit your needs with a text editor such as "ED" that comes with Amiga Dos. See file "Tips/PowerTips.txt" for shortcuts on using this genie. (a real must for productivity) "STAR TECK GENIES" 3) Pie Chart As expected this genie creates pie charts for you. Here's some explanation of it's requesters. PROMPTS: -The first input requester prompts you for the number of slices your pie is going to have. -The next requester prompts for the input method - either Percent or Degrees. One complete pie equals 100 percent or 360 degrees. -Next, input the individual pie slices. -At this point the genie checks your figures to see if all the slices add up to a full pie. If they don't, you will be given the total and asked if this is intentional or not. If it was not, you will be returned to the input pie slices requester to make changes. -Now input the diameter of the pie and with your mouse show the genie where to place it on your page. -If you would like to have different colour pie slices the genie can help you with this too. It will open the fill colour requester for as many slices that you have. Just double click on the colour of choice. The genie remembers your last choices. Also, if you created a pie in percent and now want to create one in degrees, the genie will convert your last inputs to degrees and display them as defaults in the requesters, and vise versa. Not only can you create pie charts that are less than a full circle, but you can also create oversized pies too. Another useful feature of this genie is if you ever need two lines at precise angles to one another, you can create just one slice with the angular value needed. Then simply remove the arc. "STAR TECK GENIES" 4) Scale Percent Most of the time scaling an object is done at even percentages such as 90%, 120%, or 50%. This genie has a predefined list of the most frequently used percentages. This list is stored in a file in your "S" directory called "ScaleList.STk". You can edit it to suit your needs with a text editor such as "ED" that comes with Amiga Dos. There is only one prompt to answer in this genie. Simply highlight your selection and pick "OK" or double click on your choice. The numbers in the prompt represent the scale factor for the highlighted object(s). Wow! Unlike most genies, the undo feature works with this one. I've found this genie to be the most frequently used out of them all. So I hope you will follow the recommendation to make it into a tool genie (see installation procedure). "STAR TECK GENIES" 5) Select By Attribute This genie is used when you have many objects on a page but would like to highlight only one or a few of them that have specific attributes. ie: colour, line weight, etc. Although it is true a similar genie comes with "Professional Draw 3", this genie handsomely enhances it. The one that is supplied with Professional Draw gives you five choices of attributes. Starteck's version gives you seven choices. Between the two of them most of the attributes are covered. Some are titled similarly, but function uniquely. Running this genie is pretty straight forward. So here is a list of the not so obvious. - It will add to a list of already selected objects without unhighlighting them. Therefore you can run Professional Draws genie in conjunction with Star Tecks genie. - This genie has a "Most Recently Used" feature. If it has been previously run, a new first requester will ask you if you would like to use the last choices again or if you would like to re- input them. - After choosing "Fill Color" from the selection menu another requester opens up. This one gives you four choices:No Fill Solid Fill Radial Fill Linear Fill When using either Radial Fill Or Linear Fill you will be asked for the two colors to search for. They must be entered in the same order they were chosen in the Professional Draw Gradients Fill Requester. - The line pattern section is probably the least obvious to understand. A clip has been included with these files called "LineButtons.Clips". You can easily print it if you wish. It will act as a good visual aid. When you set the line pattern of an object in Professional Draw, the requester has ten radio buttons to choose from. Professional Draw names each of them numerically. You must understand the numbering system in order to select objects by line pattern. The clip "LineButtons.Clips" and the following chart show example of this numbering system. (*) = radio button The radio buttons are shown here in the same pattern as you see them in Professional Draw's Line Pattern Requester. (*) = 0 (*) = 1 (*) = 2 (*) = 3 (*) = 4 (*) = 5 (*) = 6 (*) = 7 (*) = 8 (*) = Custom Number 0 is a solid line, numbers 1 through 8 are the broken lines Professional Draw provides and custom is a line you can design. All these patterns can be chosen. - Select by Size and select by Position work by selecting only exact sizes and positions. For approximations use Professional Draw's genie. "STAR TECK GENIES" 6) Star The Star Genie does as you would expect, and a whole lot more. Of course it creates a perfect five point star (defaults settings), but it can also create triangles, squares, pentagons, octagons, inverted stars, starbursts and so much more! Experimenting with the settings can bring a whole magnitude of different shapes to your DTP. This genie also has a "Most Recently Used" feature. If it has been previously run, and the defaults changed, a new first requester will ask you if you would like to use the last choices again or if you would like the default choices. It then presents them to you for further modifications. Here are a few examples to try; outside radius inside radius # of points - starburst 1.0000 0.8500 30 (a must to see) - triangle 1.0000 0.5000 3 - Inverted star 3.0000 -1.0000 15 "STAR TECK GENIES" 7) ZoomWindow You'll appreciate this genie if you dislike needless re-draws. It assigns names to areas of the screen at your will, and then can take you back and forth between them without redrawing the whole screen first. It's simple to use. The first prompt provides you with a list of all the named areas as well as two other choices, DEFINE NEW WINDOW and DELETE WINDOW. If you choose one of the names the genie takes you to it's predefined area. If you choose DEFINE NEW WINDOW you will be prompted to drag a rectangle to define the area of the new window. Then you simply name the area with the next prompt. If you choose DELETE WINDOW the requester will close and then re- open with only the named windows in it. Make a selection and it will be deleted from the list. The list is saved in a file in your "S" directory called "ZoomList.STk". Therefore your named windows will be saved for your next working session with Professional Draw. The predefined ZoomList.STk that comes with these files are for a letter size page. They can also be deleted and set to your preferences if you wish. You may even wish to save different settings for different size pages. To do this simple copy the file "ZoomList.STk" to another file such as "" or "ZoomList.letter". Create as many as necessary, but always remember to copy the file back to the original name (ZoomList.STK) before using it. Known Buuugggs!!! ZoomWindow.pdrx When going from window to window, the zoom factor may become slightly greater. I can only assume it is a internal problem of "Professional Draw" as I have checked the numbers being input and they are correct. If it poses any sort of problem simply define your windows slightly larger than actually needed.