Dresden, 30.06.99 MiniWhip! -==========- by NO/Escape version: 0.1 dedication: NoBrain/NoCrew who asked me for something like this. DESCRIPTION ----------- MiniWhip is a small version of the virtual light machine 'Whip!'. It is not a runnable program but a binary file including program code. This binary will make your life much easier while developing Whip!-modules. In the past 'Whip!' had to be started everytime you wanted to test your module. Now you can just include the single line: INCBIN 'MINIWHIP.BIN' at the very beginning of the textsegment of your module code. After this your module will behave exactly like a stand alone program. You can leave the running effect using the [esc] key. Note: This is the first alpha-release of MiniWhip! It is tested with a number of modules but can still include some bugs. If you recognice one of them, please tell me about that. CONTACT ------- adress: Norman Feske Uhlandstr.6 01069 Dresden Germany phone: ++49 351 471 68 75 email: nf2@inf.tu-dresden.de www: http://escape.atari.org