OK CANCEL Error: Invalid format or value. Lower limit for last value is Upper limit for last value is~5 Can't Undo Display configuration stored as Paste Buffer is empty. Some notes were out of pitch range. COLORS~10 Background Keys 2 Bar Lines Notes Reds~15 Blues Greens Conductor Track This operation cannot be Undone. No events in range.~20 No room for requested operation. Operation would produce value out of range. Operation only valid for notes. Operation not valid for Conductor Track. An invalid value was entered.~25 Operation not valid for mixed events. Operation not valid for split notes. Too much to select. TEMPO All possible note offs were sent!~30 Record Buffer Full Step Time Recording. Press 1 or click above track window to exit. Backup done No backup exists! Backup retrieved~35 Track restored. SAVING... LOADING... [2][|Replace existing file?][ Yes |No] Error reading ikon, startup, or text file.~40 Disk is write-protected. Disk is full. File larger than available memory. This MIDI file could not be decoded. File is not a type 0 or type 1 MIDI file.~45 An undefined event type was encountered. Write error, disk probably full. File not found. Path not found. Disk error.~50 Space warning! Clean up or delete something! Too many notes to copy. Draw Attributes Set Velocity: Duration:~55 This MIDI file contains time values as SMPTE or MIDI Time Code and cannot be decoded. This MIDI file uses a value of xxxx steps/beat (ppq). YES NO~60 This MIDI file contains settings for steps/Metro of and steps/MIDI clock of . Your settings are and Do you want to change your settings?~65 [3][Not enough memory|for a Tiger.][OK] Version 1.21 as of 2/4/91 } "Notes Duplicated."~0 "Buffer size reduced." "Are you sure you want to quit?" Inserted bar line too close to show. "Yes;No" "Repeat Time"~5 1;2;4;8;User Copy Selection "steps" "Copy Range" "Amount: steps"~10 "Straight;Dotted;N-tuplets" "N:" "That tuplet does not fit the beat!" "Desired controller must be on bottom!" "Store"~15 "Get" "Display Configuration" "Config" "Tracks" "Edit"~20 "Edit Selected" "Pitches" "Velocities" "Durations" "Events"~25 "Controllers" "Pitch Bends" "in Range" "Amount:" "Center:"~30 "Value:" "By:" "Min:" "Max:" "Increase;Decrease"~35 "Invert;Set;Scale" "Clip;Delete Below Min" "Linear Set/Scale" "Set:" "Scale:"~40 "Transpose Up;Transpose Down" "Invert;Set" "Move Selected Events" "Amount: steps" "Ahead;Back"~45 "Move/Stretch/Shrink Range" "Following Events:" "Erase;Push" "Move Ahead;Move Back;Move with Mouse" "Stretch/Shrink;Double;Halve;Stretch/Shrink with Mouse"~50 "Insert Space;Insert with Mouse" "New Length:" "Old Length:" "KCS CUE POINTS" "to"~55 "Can't add space past track end!" "COPY, ERASE, OR DELETE RANGE" "Times to Copy:" "Erase;Delete" "Copy;Copy/Push"~60 "Fill to End" "Mouse Copy;Mouse Copy/Transpose" "All Tracks:" "Too many copies!" "Operation not valid for All Tracks."~65 "Too much to move!" "Cannot copy to within range!" "PASTE AT SELECTED NOTES" "Time Offset: "Pitch Offset:"~70 "Follow Selected Pitches:" "Follow Selected Velocities:" "Omit First Note:" "Destination track:" "Cannot move before start!"~75 "NOTE DRAW ATTRIBUTES" "Left Right" "Use Quantize Ikon:" "On;On" "Copy Selection:"~80 "Yes;Yes "Controller Draw Density" "Separation:" "pixels" "Add/Drop Controller"~85 "CC Number:" "Tempo Window Range" "Min: BPM" "Max: BPM" "Track Name~90 "Track :" ENVIRONMENT "Steps/beat:" "Steps/clock:" "Steps/metronome:"~95 "Metronome "MIDI clock out" "Song pointer delay" "MIDI merge" "Rechannelize"~100 "Time Reverse" "Range" "Selected Notes" "Limit to Legato" "All;Pitches;Vels & Durs"~105 SPLIT OR COPY SELECTION "Split;Copy" "Destination track:" "Rechannelize:" QUANTIZE SELECTED NOTES~110 "Quantize Value:" "Offset:" "Swing:" "Downbeat Vel:" "Upbeat Vel:"~115 "Sequence:" "Reference Velocities:" "Use;Add;Ignore" "Nail First Note:" "Basic Quantize~120 "Quantize with Swing" "Quantize to Sequence" "Invalid sequence!" "Cannot delete track in display!" "Track in use!"~125 "Cannot copy a track to itself!" "Track in use. Erase?" "Sequence in use. Erase?" "Invalid copy!" "Track"~130 "Unused" "MU GP" "Group Active" "Mutes/Group" "Add/Drop Track Window"~135 "DONE" "Delete Track:" "Copy to Track:" "New Track:" "Set Channel:"~140 "Track deleted" "Copy" "All Tracks" "to Sequence" "Range:"~145 "Sequence:" "Name:" "Comments:" "Include Muted Tracks" TIME SIGNATURE AT MEASURE~150 "Clear All Tracks" "New Length: measures" "Time Signature" "User" "Bars"~155 "Illegal time signature!" CHANGE LENGTH "Measures:" "Steps:" "Copy completed"~160 "CANNOT BE UNDONE!" "Track 1 MIDI data copied to" "Track 1 " "Events left after cleanup." "Select Buffer:"~165 "Paste Buffer:" "Not enough room for new buffers." "Right" "Left" Amount: steps~170 "steps/measure" Number of Ports: Port: Recording Canceled Recorded Track~175 Output to Invalid Port! Port Sequence: Control Sequence: "OUTPUT PORT MAP" "FOR RECORD & MERGE"~180 "REAL TIME:" "SYS-EX:" Two ports can't share the same sequence. "Pantheria tigris, having a tawny-colored coat with vertical" black stripes; a person with fierce characteristics or"~185 aggressive traits." Tiger (The Program) was written by Emile Tobenfeld, with " "additional code by Cobey Gatos, Tom Jeffries, and Jim Johnson." "CAUTION!!! Tiger (The Animal) loves to eat those who" "illegally copy Tiger (The Program)!"~190 "ABOUT TIGER..." "Tiger, n. A large, carnivorous, Asiatic feline mammal,"