STOS ERROR Copyright James Marson 1994 FREEWARE DISCLAIMER: I accept no responsability for any damage caused to hardware or loss of data with software as a result of using this program - however unlikely! Whenever using STOS, it can be very annoying hunting through the manual to find out what each error number actually means. Now, you can just load this program in as an accessory, and whenever you get an error, run it, enter the error number and a description of what went wrong is provided. There was a program like this a while ago called Errorbase which was distributed on the ST Format coverdisk. Although the program was smaller in size, it accessed the disk every time you entered the error number, which meant you had to either keep inserting the system disk, or copy the file onto every disk you used. This program has all the error messages built in and so no disk accessing is required. It is best to load it in as an accessory (for loading accessories from start-up see p21 of the STOS manual). The program also runs in its own window in any resolution and so the listing will still be on the screen. This program is FREEWARE, feel free to copy it, but please leave both files together and unaltered. If you use this accessory when creating a STOS program, it would be nice if you sent me a copy of your completed program. Nice short Hi's go to: All at STOSSER, Alison and Phineas Pope, Terence Pearson, Kev Davies, Chris Grindle, and everyone else who knows me. If you want to contact me for any reason, write to: James Marson 28 Redwood Dr Maltby S66 8DL