Tiny Print Copyright 1994 Richard Kelsch All Rights Reserved Tiny Print is a utility program that I wrote that allows you to print ASCII text files in a very small font with up to 160 columns by 140 lines on a single page! You also have thwe option of printing it on two columns on the page. You will find it fits much more information on a page than other utilities of a similar type. It is mainly designed for STAR NX1000 (LC-10 for you Europian folks), but with work with any Epson compatible. Tiny print gives you many options to choose from. You can print in PICA or ELITE character pitches. You may choose draft or letter quality, and you may choose which font to print them in. You can print in italicised, expanded, compressed, emphasized, and/or proportional text in single column mode. If you choose two column mode, then you will always be in compressed elite pitch and Expanded print will be disabled. When in two column mode try to print text files without too many lines longer than 80 characters. Otherwise your text may overflow into the next page. If you feel this will happen, then turn two column mode off and just print in compressed elite text. Your text file will probably be more readable in that case. The program is designed to cooporate with pre-emptive multitasking environments (MultiTOS and Mag!X/MagiC) and executes in the background very nicely. It will work with cooporative multitasking, but may give a noticable slowdown due to the printer routines in BIOS slowing things down (Geneva). It also works with any version of TOS (that I know of). The program allows multiple file passing (files dragged from the desktop). It will let you adjust parameters for each file as it is processed. The program shows a status "thermometer" in a window showing the status of the file currently being printed. Tiny Print can be assigned as the default output program for Mag!X/MagiC in the "Programs" dialog. So you can drag multiple files to the printer icon and Mag!X/MagiC will load Tiny Print with the file names passed to it. The main reason I wrote this program was that I was sick and tired of having to waste paper and have to wait for another similar print program to finish printing on the printer. I wanted to not only save space, but I also wanted to be able to do other things while I was waiting for multiple files to finish printing. I also did not want to put a spooler in the system as they hog memory and still hold the system up if the file is bigger than the spooler. The program is written on a 1 megabyte "plain vanilla" 520ST with Mag!X version 2.01 and GfA Basic version 3.5E, and was compiled with the GfA 3.5E compiler. The source code is available for $50 U.S.A. currency. Tiny Print is shareware and is only $7 U.S.A. currency for registration (foriegn registrants must pay $10 U.S.A. currency to cover the costs of shipping your registered version). All foriegn orders must be either cash or international money orders. A version that allows you to load in a custom printer driver is available if you register. The unregistered version is fully functional as it stands. Make all checks or international money orders payable to: RICHARD KELSCH Mail your registration to: Cinema Sights & Sounds Technology 12244 Winter Gardens Drive Lakeside, California 92040-5440 U.S.A. "Cinema Sights & Sounds Technology" is a company that a partnership owned by Richard Kelsch and Troy Beisigl. It specializes in custom installation, repair, and alignment of cinema projection and sound equipment; including "LucasFilm's THX sound system" and certification. Software is an adventure undertaken by Richard Kelsch and is distributed for tax purposes under the CSST label. CSST's phone number is (619) 235-3289 and is a 24 paging answering service. Richard's personal number is (619) 443-7099. Please call about software during 10:00 am and 11:00 pm U.S.A. Pacific Standard Time.