*********************************** QUADRIX by Christopher Walters *********************************** copyright 1995 This programme is shareware so ,if you like it and wish to encourage the author, please send $5 or 2 pounds, to this address: Dr. Chris Walters 18 Banyan Street, WARRNAMBOOL. 3280 Victoria, AUSTRALIA phone (B.H.-E.S.T.) AUST (055) 611488 If you wish to make copies of this programme, please do so freely but do not sell this software! Also please include this file (QUADINFO.TXT). ********************************** EXPLANATION : This game is a 3D version of Noughts and Crosses ( or Tic Tac Toe as it is also called) I am not so naive as to think that this is a unique idea but I have not seen a 3D version of the game myself. The use of a four by four by four matrix is my original idea and the programming is also mine. This programme suits ages 5 and over, depending on intelligence, and is remarkably enjoyable, easy to learn, and, dare I say it, educational. (It builds skill in spatial reasoning, etc. etc.) The game may be played by one or two human players and is mouse-based. ********************************** TECHNICAL: This programme is produced in STOS basic with the missinglink extension (registered ofcourse) from TOPNOTCH. ********************************** GETTING STARTED: I suggest copying the files QUADRIX.PRG,3DMONO.MBK,3DMEDRS.MBK & QUADINFO.TXT into a folder entitled QUADRIX. (The ".MBK" files contain the pictures of the playing pieces for the resolution indicated by the filename. Don't lose them) If you want the game to run automatically when the computer is reset or switched on, simply create a folder called auto, using the GEM desktop new folder facility, and copy QUADRIX.PRG into that folder. (This avoids young children having to fiddle with the desktop) In this case the two "*.MBK" files mentioned above would need to be in the root directory. Double click on QUADRIX.PRG to get the program to load (or reset if its in the AUTO folder) ********************************** HAVING FUN! : After a few moments the computer will draw the start up screen. If your working in colour (Med. resolution) the colours used can be altered using the function keys F1 to F8 at almost any stage in the game. (Like if you're getting a little bored of the backdrop). On the left you will see two playing pieces of different colour and below that some menu options. The playing piece that is blinking indicates whose turn it is. The top piece is always a human player while the lower one can be computer controlled, (1 PLAYER) or used by another person sharing the mouse (2 PLAYERS). Nearer the middle of the screen is a bird's eye view of the four play grids which is meant to be a help in assessing positions as they progress and shows the winning pieces (combination) at the end of the game. On the right is the actual play "arena". A LEFT click with the mouse pointer on any of the unoccupied "squares" will place a piece temporarily so that you ensure you clicked the right spot. (If you have made an error simply click the RIGHT button and the piece will be removed and the computer will await your move again.) A second LEFT click on the mouse will "seal" the piece you have placed and it cannot be revoked. At this stage the next player will be able to place one of their pieces using the same mouse clicks as above. If the computer is to play it will do so very quickly, its move appearing in the play area and Player 1's piece (left top corner) will start blinking. The object of the game is to place FOUR of one's pieces in A STRAIGHT LINE which includes all of the diagonals across the four levels as well as the more obvious combinations. The computer will let you know as soon as a winning combination occurs and who the winner is. So HAVE FUN and rest assured, if you're careful, it's not too hard to win seeing as you have the first move. P.S. If all the squares are filled up without a win you'll have to click on NEW GAME for another game. ****************************** PLEASE ENJOY and PLEASE USE AT OWN RISK ********************************