LIBRARIANS REPORT. There has been quite a heavy demand on the magazines etc. in the library.This,allied with the fact that some of the latest issues of the more popular publications are late in arriving,has caused a rundown in the library at this time. If any members that have borrowed any magazines etc.during the last few meetings and have finished reading same could you please return them so other members get a chance to read what is happening in the World of Atari. During the free periods of the monthly meetings please feel free to peruse through the library especially some of the user group newsletters-they often have some very interesting articles in them.The Melbourne User Group newsletter MAG is one that comes to mind,another is the latest SLCC Journal from USA.This has a good article on the new Pagestream 2.1. Again,if any member has any Atari related publication that they no longer want,would they please donate it to the library-it would be much appreciated. Keith Pickering Librarian <<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>>