PUBLIC DOMAIN/SHAREWARE REVIEWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following reviews come from PD_QUICKVIEW ST I have written the ACE disk number and version no if necessary beside the name of the prg. Some reviews are fairly comprehensive and should be helpful. Cathy Tuck ACE NSW PD DISK NO. A32 Program Type: Graphics utility Author: Craig Daymon Filename: CV2IMGII.LZH File Type: Shareware ($15.00 suggested) File Size: 23168 WHAT IT IS The program will save IMG files in an uncompressed format. This means that some compressed IMG files can grow significantly in size after conversion. The program WILL check available disk space before saving ANY file. The IMG files should be compatible with any programs that are able to use IMG files. They have been tested with the IMG viewer from Migraph, IMG Quick View, WordUp, PageStream and Easy-Draw as well as a program I wrote to use the GEM function, v_bit_image(), to print IMG files with the help of GDOS. (Or 'G+Plus' from CodeHead Software.) The program will work in any of the standard ST resolutions, although a monochrome system is the ideal configuration. I do not have access to a large-screen display, but the program should work on large- screens as well. WHAT IT DOES The 'File Type Buttons' are labeled with the extension """""""""""" of the file type expected when chosen. The selection of a file type should be done AFTER all desired options are selected. Following the selection of a file type, the File Selector will appear. Unless the PATH designator is changed, only the files with the appropriate extension will be shown. Choosing a file will begin the conversion. PD_Q RATING * * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Excellent """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS When I saw the name Craig Daymon in the doc file, I knew """"""""""""" this program had to be good. This utility will will take any Neochrome, Degas (compressed or uncompressed), Tiny, Art Director, Doodle, Spectrum, (compressed or uncompressed), Mac Paint or Monochrome GEM bit image and convert it to .IMG format. There is also an option to save the image in Degas format. If you are into desktop publishing, (at any level), take a good hard look at this versatile utility. Convert to .IMG will make adding graphics to your desktop publishing work a snap. Program Name: Pileup ACE NSW DISK NO G69 Ver. Reviewed: 2.0 Program Type: Game Author: Russell Moll Filename: PILEUP File Type: Shareware ($5.00 suggested) File Size: 149504 WHAT IT IS The basic premise of the game is similar to TETRIS (tm). """""""""" You must guide various blocks down the screen and try to fit them together as close as possible as they pile up. If you fit together a layer without leaving any spaces, then that layer will collapse. If you collapse enough layers, then you will advance to the next level. If the pile of blocks reaches the top, then the game is over. WHAT IT DOES There are 10 levels to complete to win the game. The """""""""""" game gives you the option of starting on levels 1-4. There are 2 skill levels. On level 1, just the basic blocks. On level 2 there are two additional items, a nasty diamond shaped block, and a helpful bomb. There are a couple of surprises if you finish level 6, and if you win the game (finish level 10). PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Adequate """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Pileup is another addition to the long list of PD Tetris """"""""""""" clones that has recently flooded the file areas. However, unlike the others, Pileup has added a couple of interesting new twists that makes this version worth getting. When playing on level two, instead of the usual block coming down, occasionally you'll get a bomb. The bomb has the ability to give you a second chance at "fixing" an area where you messed up previously. This nifty little device can mean the difference between going to the next level or starting the game over. The other twist added in is the "dreaded diamond block". You'll understand why it's so dreaded once you see it coming down the screen. It can really make a mess of things, especially if you get two in a row. Pileup has the "feel" of PD, (i.e. response to pressing the fire button is sluggish). However, the "look" of Pileup is excellent. The graphics are elaborate and well implemented. With each level achieved the game awards you with a different background scene. Pileup doesn't slip in the sound department either. There is a distinctive music track for each level. Although it can get monotonous at times, the music does provide an added element to the frantic play of the game. (You do have the option to turn off the music - my wife thanks the author for being so considerate! Program Name: The Body Shop ACE NSW DISK NO. O56 Ver. Reviewed: N/A Program Type: Educational Author: Frank M. Hundley Filename: BODYSHOP.LZH File Type: Public Domain File Size: 35403 WHAT IT IS BODY SHOP is a program designed to help students learn """""""""" Human Anatomy as required in most Elementary or Junior High School science courses. The names and locations of all the major bones and organs of the body are taught using both common everyday terms and the more technical medical terms. WHAT IT DOES After opening BODYSHOP.PRG in the low resolution mode, """""""""""" the main screen will appear. At the bottom of the screen, under the picture of the doctor, is the main menu. All options of the program are accessed though this menu, and all parts of the program return to this menu upon completion. Click the mouse on LEARN THE PARTS and the main menu will be replaced with an additional four options. All these options introduce you to the names and locations of the different parts of the anatomy. You can elect to learn just the skeleton or the skeleton and the organs. You can also chose to learn them by their everyday names or by medical terminology. After you make you choice, the main screen will be replace by a two toned screen. The program will then place and name a body part. Continue to press the mouse button, or press any keyboard key, and the program will build and name the parts of the anatomy. When the program has completed the construction of the selected anatomy, it will return automatically to the Main Menu. After becoming familiar with the names and locations shown to you in the 'Learn The Parts' section, you might then want to test your knowledge. In BUILD THE BODY you can build the body by properly identifying the body parts as they are revealed, or you can build and place the body. To build and place, you have to identify the body part and then physically place the part where it belongs in the body. If you try to put a part where it does not belong, the part won't settle in and will remain under mouse control. You then can make two more attempts to place the part. After the third try the program will place the part for you. When you have successfully] built and placed the whole body, the program once again returns to the main menu. PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Fair/Enough to get you started. """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS This program reminds me of when I was about eight years """"""""""""" old. Back then I wanted to be a doctor. I had the Visible Man, the Visible Woman, the Visible Head, the Visible Eye... well, you get the picture. BODY SHOP would have been perfect to add to my collection. In fact, adding the parts to the body on the screen reminded me of when I would add the parts of the body to the model. Although, not as much fun as the actual model, BODY SHOP provides for a better learning experience as you have to learn the names of each part as you work through the program. I'm surprised that Frank didn't release this program as shareware. It's obvious that a lot of time and energy went into BODY SHOP. The graphics are sharp and the program is well implemented. By using a menu system, jumping from one section to the next is easy to figure out. My only complaint is that once you are into a program area, there's no way to quit other then to finish it. While in the 'Build The Body' section, I exited out by hitting the reset button. I *hate* tests! If you have children in elementary or junior high school, this program will make learning anatomy fun. Program Name: STDCAT V4.3 is on A.C.E. NSW DISK NO U98 Ver. Reviewed: 4.0 Program Type: Application Author: Bob Silliker Filename: STDCAT40.LZH File Type: Public Domain (Freeware!) File Size: 35809 WHAT IT IS STDCAT is a simple disk catalog program. The name was """""""""" derived from 520ST (ST) and Disk CATalog (DCAT). It will work on either mono or color systems (Med Rez color). WHAT IT DOES The program has two windows. One window is used to """""""""""" contain a list of the disk volumes in the catalog. The other window lists the contents of the current disk. The user is allowed to browse through either window using either the slider bars or arrows. There are menu options to sort the disk content window by name, date, size or type and options to find files using wild cards, add/update/delete disks, add a comment to a disk/folder/file, and finally change the volume name of a disk. The user can print out the contents of the catalog on the parallel printer port. The printout can be sorted by name, date, size or type. These sort options are separate from the display sort options. There are options to include a table of contents (printed at the end of the printout), the date, size and folder/file comment. The user can select any combination. PD_Q RATING * * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Excellent """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS The author states above, "STDCAT is a simple disk """"""""""""" catalog program." Well, he's half right. STDCAT is a catalog program, but simple? It may be simple to set-up and simple to use, but STDCAT is not a simple program! Like every other STer I know, I have hundreds of floppies scattered everywhere, all crammed full with utilities, programs, pictures and games, (most of which I'll probably never see again, but that's another story!). Before STDCAT came along, I used the, "Hmmmm, let's see. Is it on this disk? Nope. This one? Nope," method of searching for that one program that I knew I had... somewhere... someplace... Now all I do is bring up STDCAT, find the disk it's on and off I go! It's not that I didn't have any other disk catalog programs to choose from as there are several good disk catalogers available that will do the job. But, none of them cataloged my floppies as easily or offered as many features as STDCAT. Get organized! STDCAT is a must for any serious PD/Shareware collector. Program Name: Ascii-View A.C.E. NSW DISK NO U88 Ver. Reviewed: 3.25 Program Type: Utility Author: David M. Seberg Filename: ASCIIVEW.LZH File Type: Shareware ($5.00 to $10.00 suggested) File Size: 35091 WHAT IT IS Ascii-View was developed to replace the [Show]-[Print]- """""""""" [Cancel] feature of the ST's Desktop. It does so by allowing the user to easily view an Ascii text file with many features not available from the ST's desktop. Since most people, while at the ST's Desktop, use their mouse to select their needs, Ascii-View was designed to be efficiently mouse driven for ease of use. Ascii-View runs in both Medium and High Resolution. WHAT IT DOES Ascii-View can load and display ascii files. It will """""""""""" display the file on a 80 column by 23 line screen. Ascii-View should come in handy for anyone, anytime, who wishes to just read and or print all or part of a document without having to load a Word Processor or Text Editor. As an example of what Ascii-View could be useful for think about all the files that you download, most if not all of these programs have accompanying documentation which can be looked over before executing the program. Program listings can be displayed and keywords searched for. PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Excellent """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS I found this utility to be somewhat of a disappointment. """"""""""""" Don't get me wrong, the program is packed full of features and is presented in a professional manner. My problem with it has to do with the description the author uses to explain what Ascii- View is. He states, "Ascii-View was developed to replace the [Show]- [Print]-[Cancel] feature of the ST's Desktop." And it does... almost. What would make this good text viewer a fantastic text viewer, is for it to be able to be installed as an application that would automatically pass the file name to it when loading a text file. That way, whenever you double-clicked on a TXT file, the text would come up just as it does when using the current desktop [Show]-[Print]-[Cancel] function. It would retain the convenience of double-clicking a text file from the desktop, yet it would add several useful features the desktop version lacks. (I'm not a programmer. Maybe it isn't possible to to do such a thing on an ST????) Still, if you read a lot of text files on your system, I think you'll find Ascii View to be one of the better text viewers currently available. Program Name: 4PAK UNPACK, AND UTE. U92, U101 Ver. Reviewed: Not stated Program Type: Utility Author: Unknown Filename: 4_PAKER.LZH File Type: Public Domain File Size: 7296 WHAT IT IS 4PAK is a "quick & dirty" utility that will compress a .PRG """""""""" or .TOS program. WHAT IT DOES 4PAK will compress executable .PRG and .TOS files as much """""""""""" as 60%. It is also frighteningly fast at unpacking. 4PAK will not compress all PRG/TOS files. If there are problems with the GEM header, 4PAK will not compress the file. PD_Q RATING * * DOCUMENTATION Poor """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Although not stated anywhere within the documentation, """"""""""""" (which consists of just a few lines), this appears to be a foreign program which has been translated into english. It does pack the program efficiently - in many cases, better then the commercial versions. For those of you who are short on disk space, 4PAK can open up a lot of extra storage area. Although I didn't find a single program that 4PAK wouldn't compress, be sure to keep a back-up of your original handy as according to the docs, there are a few programs it can't handle. Beginning STers may have difficulty with it as it uses a command line to execute the program. Although 4PAk isn't pretty, the final results are gratifying. Program Name: Diskchart A.C.E. NSW DISK NO U92 Ver. Reviewed: 3.3 Program Type: Utility Author: Ron Hanborn Filename: DSKCHT33.LZH File Type: Shareware ($10.00 suggested) File Size: 12800 WHAT IT IS Originally DISKCHART was written as a quick solution to """""""""" display HARD DRIVE partition space for my own personal use. I always was interested in having an idea of how much space was being used on my machine. The show info option at the desktop did ok but it was slow as molasses and I really was only concerned with the space statistics. Without seeing all of the partition stat's at once it was difficult to make a decision of whether or not to back up files, move directories or just do some general housekeeping! I am always interested in how efficiently space is being used. WHAT IT DOES """""""""""" Graphics have been enhanced to give a more polished look! Supports MONOCHROME monitors as well as color MED rez. Includes the ability to print the report option. Optimized for faster program execution. An option has been added to display and print extended Disk information that is contained in the Disk BPB! The button below the bar graph which contains all the drive letters can be clicked to display all HD partitions at once. This eliminates the need to select each drive individually for a full report! A button has been provided for calling UNIVERSAL ITEM SELECTOR from within DISKCHART to handle some of the file organization. This allows you to monitor your progress as you reorganize your hard drive. PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Good """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Diskchart falls into the category of a utility that you """"""""""""" could do without, but boy, it sure comes in handy when you need it! Diskchart provides much of the same information the desktop's "Show Info" command does, but Diskchart does it a lot faster (and prettier too). Clicking on a drive button, you will immediately see the size of your drive's partition conveniently displayed on a bar graph. Clicking on the drive bar found below the graph will show the size on all of your partitions. This especially nice for those times when you want to see just how close you are to filling up the drive. Diskchart is also useful for locating the best area for placing an unusually large file. Clicking on the the report option will give you the same information in numeric format, plus the percentage of used and free room currently available. The extended report gives you information on sectors, fat tables and clusters. The docs are sparse, but only because Diskchart is pretty much self-explanatory. Operation is smooth and the graphics are pleasing self-explanatory. Operation is smooth and the graphics are pleasing to the eye. Although Diskchart is not a "must-have" utility, it will make managing your hard drive a whole lot easier. Program Name: The Little Green Selector A.C.E.NSW DISK NO U112 V1.8C AND DOM 10 Ver. Reviewed: 1.6c Program Type: Utility (Replaces the GEM Item Selector) Author: Charles F. Johnson Filename: LGS16C.ARC File Type: Shareware ($15.00) File Size: 37504 WHAT IT IS The Little Green Selector is a complete replacement for """""""""" the dreaded GEM item selector. Once it's installed, all programs that call the GEM item selector will end up using the vastly improved Little Green Selector instead. You can install it at bootup time by placing it in an AUTO folder, or run it from the desktop at any time after bootup. The Little Green Selector (henceforth referred to as LGSELECT) optimizes the process of selecting files, with unique features that make this easier than ever before. And starting with version 1.3, the Little Green Selector has a special "communications pipeline" with CodeHead Software's MaxiFile desk accessory that allows you to copy, move, delete, and rename files and folders, format disks, create new folders, show or print files, and much more (in a window showing up to 80 files at once)...any time you use the file selector! WHAT IT DOES In addition to the extra features it provides, LGSELECT """""""""""" incorporates all of the functions of the standard GEM item selector and has a similar interface; so if you know how to use the GEM selector you should have no trouble getting accustomed to LGSELECT. Some of the features of Little Green Selector are: Little Green Selector is larger than the GEM item selector. 16 drive buttons labeled A through P. The drive buttons are also used to display the amount of free space (in bytes) remaining on a disk. Force a "media changed" status on any drive by holding down Alternate, Control, or either Shift key while you click on the drive's button. (This "force media change" feature also as another important beneficial side effect; it "flushes" the folder count for the selected drive. This can be helpful in avoiding the so-called "40 folder bug" which lives in TOS 1.0 and 1.2.) You can choose to sort the displayed files by Name, Extension, Size or Date, or you can display them unsorted if you wish. Click on the button labeled '*.*' to show all files in the current directory. Click on 'Paths' and a dialog box appears, showing 18 blank lines and a list of 20 default extensions, as well as several buttons for additional options. In the Paths box, you can set up as many as 18 default paths; clicking on any path will instantly set it as the current directory, and return you to the main LGSELECT box. (This can make navigating on a hard disk very simple!) At the bottom left of the 'Paths' box is a list of 20 extensions (or file "types") which can be edited with the keyboard. Even though the LGSELECT.PRG file is over 36K on disk, when loaded into memory it only takes about 30K, since it throws away all unneeded initialization code and data at startup time. The Little Green Selector will read a maximum of 300 filenames from a directory. Normally GEM steals all keypresses during the drawing of a dialog box, but LGSELECT uses some special tricks to allow you to "type ahead" while the dialog box is being drawn, or while a directory is being read. The big new feature in version 1.2 is keyboard control of almost all options of LGSELECT. LGSELECT 1.3 has several new features, among them the ability to "call" CodeHead Software's MultiFile accessory (included on the CodeHead Utilities disk), so you can perform file operations (copy, move, delete, rename, etc.), format disks, show or print files, and all that kinda good stuff any time you're using the file selector. The button labeled "FLUSH" lets you clear the "folder count" for all connected drives, or just for a hard disk if you prefer. This feature is included to help alleviate a problem in TOS 1.0 and 1.2, which can cause crashes if you access too many folders (subdirectories) in a single continuous session at the computer. Little Green Selector has a file search feature that can very quickly search all the partitions of a hard drive for a file or files, with optional wildcard matching. When you right-click (or double-click) on a drive button, version 1.4 of LGSELECT will now show more information than previous versions did. You will see the total number of folders and files, the number of bytes used and the number of free bytes left on the disk. LGSELECT 1.6 allows you to specify where on the screen you'd like it to appear, simply by dragging it to the new location. Program Name: Benjamin's ABC's A.C.E. NSW DISK NO G80 Ver. Reviewed: N/A Program Type: Educational (Pre-school) Author: C. Matthew Masserman Filename: BENS_ABC.LZH File Type: Shareware (No set amount) File Size: 356965 WHAT IT IS A "show-and-tell" program for pre-schoolers to help them """""""""" to learn the alphabet. WHAT IT DOES Start by double-clicking on ABCS.PRG. When the file """""""""""" selector appears, select ABCS.BAS and the program will start. Pictures and sound appear by clicking on any letter in the lower grid. Clicking on will repeat the voice message without reloading it from disk. You can toggle the display between uppercase and lowercase letters by clicking on either the capital or small letter above the picture. Operation of the program is mostly self-explanatory. The program may be run from a double-sided disk in either drive, or from a hard disk, and may be placed inside another folder for convenience. It only runs in low resolution. I hope your children enjoy the program. PS-MY CHILDREN ENJOY THE VOICES! CATHY TUCK PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Good """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Unfortunately, I don't have a couple of ankle- """"""""""""" biters running around to get an expert opinion from, so I'll momentarily revert back to childhood a bit so I can be somewhat objective about this program. (According to my wife, this shouldn't be too difficult!) This program reminds of of the "see-and-say" toys for toddlers. The program uses crude but respectable graphics and a digitized voice - both of which are sure-fire grabbers to help keep kids interested. There is only ones screen to deal with and basically all the child has to do is to point to a letter of the alphabet and click the mouse. A corresponding picture of that letter then pops up on screen and a (somewhat comical) digitized voice tells you what it is. For example, pointing and clicking on the letter 'C', will bring up the picture of a cat. Great fun, for a kid! Program Name: MonSTEr A.C.E. NSW DISK NO 77 Ver. Reviewed: 0.3 Program Type: Utility Author: Darek Michocka Filename: MONSTER.LZH File Type: Public Domain (Freeware!) File Size: 3072 WHAT IT IS MonSTEr is a high resolution monitor emulator. It fools """""""""" GEM into thinking that it is using a larger screen than it really has. In monochrome, the virtual screen size is 1280 x 960, identical to that of a Moniterm monitor. In medium resolution, the virtual screen size is 1280 x 480, and in low resolution, it is 640 x 480. In all resolutions, the virtual screen size is almost five times larger than the real screen. What MonSTEr displays on your monitor is a window of the virtual screen. For example, in monochrome, the monitor still displays a 640 x 400 pixel screen, which is a 640 x 400 pixel window on the much larger 1280 x 960 virtual screen. To move the window around, simply move the mouse pointer to the edge of the screen, and continue to drag it. The window will then drag along with the mouse. MonSTEr will detect the presence of an Atari STE and make use of the STE's hardware fine scrolling features to move the window. On a standard ST, software scrolling is used, which causes slight jerkiness in the mouse movement. WHAT IT DOES To run MonSTEr, copy the file MONSTER.PRG to the AUTO """""""""""" folder of your boot disk, then reboot the computer. As it is booting, MonSTEr will prompt you to press a key, or Esc to disable MonSTEr. Due to the way GEM works, the only way to switch from normal 640 x 400 mode to 1280 x 960 mode (or vice versa) is to reboot. GEM also does not seem to function properly in color if an attempt is made to change from low resolution to medium, or vice versa. Therefore, when using MonSTEr on a color monitor, do not change the resolution. Note that not all software is compatible with non-standard screen sizes. It is well known that programs like Tempus and Flash do not run on the Moniterm monitor, and similarly do not run using MonSTEr. Other programs, such a Pagestream, work great with MonSTEr. By creating a large screen, Pagestream is capable of displaying an entire page on the screen at once, and so it is not necessary to constantly click on the slider bars to move around the page. MonSTEr was inspired by the public domain program Bigscreen. MonSTEr adds a few extra features though, such as switching resolution immediately instead of only after the AUTO folder boots, and making use of the STE's hardware scrolling. PD_Q RATING * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Good """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Now here's an interesting thought... add MonSTEr to your """"""""""""" AUTO folder and presto, your standard ST monitor is now Moniterm monitor! Darek Mihocka, another ST programming wizard, has released another surprise. Monster is an update of a program called BIG SCREEN which was floating around the BBS circuit a few months ago. The monster screen would come up, but whenever I tried to move around in it, GEM would bomb on me. Unfortunately, no matter what I tried, I could not get Monster to work on my 1040. Given who the programmer is, and a version number of 0.3, I'm confident that Darek will be releasing more stable versions in the future. (I've heard that it won't run on a Mega 2 either.) Darek says that he plans on releasing future versions of MonSTEr that will have the ability to emulate other screen sizes, such as 800 x 496 (Hyperscreen), 1024 x 1024, 1280 x 400 (double width), or 640 x 800 (double height). Amazing potential here... I for one will be anxiously awaiting the next release of MonSTEr. Program Name: Manual Maker A.C.E. NSW DISK NO U51 Ver. Reviewed: 2.25 Program Type: Desk Top Publishing Author: Craig W. Daymon Filename: MAN_225.LZH File Type: Shareware ($15.00/$5.00 to American Diabetes Assoc.) File Size: 43629 WHAT IT IS The main purpose of this program is to make manual size """""""""" print-outs from ASCII (plain text) files using GDOS (or G+PLUS), GDOS fonts and printer drivers. WHAT IT DOES All the major functions of Manual Maker are accessible """""""""""" from the four drop-down menus. (All versions prior to 2.00 were operated by a set sequence of dialogs.) By using a menu- driven system, the user can access wordprocessor style accessories to modify and resave the manual files to be previewed, and then printed from Manual Maker. Features: - Justified or Unjustified print-outs - Designate number to start page-numbering with - Separate Left and Right page headers - Up to 1000 (manual) page document capacity - Prints to both sides of paper - Tabs STOPs every 4 to 20 spaces, as indicated - Printer paper alignment test - Imbedded commands for: - Center text - BOLD text - Underlined text - Skewed text - Force a Page-Break - Set an indentation value. *Any combination of commands supported - Setting Page headers - Headers and Page numbers printable with effects - Text to preceed page number - Cover printing with: - 4 - 25 character lines of text - A different font/line - Text effects, different for each line - Choice of 6 Border Patterns or None at all - On-screen preview using GDOS fonts if available - Installable application (See ST manual for help) - Flexible page sizing PD_Q RATING * * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Excellent """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS Why use Manual Maker? Any Desktop Publishing program """"""""""""" would do the job, right? That's true, but with Manual Maker, the job will not only be a lot easier, but faster too. This is not a full featured DTP system, nor was it mean't to be. Unlike most DTP programs, Manual Maker is designed with only one thing in mind, making manuals. If you are doing any desktop publishing, at an level, be sure to make this commercial quality program part of your library. Simply put, Manual Maker will allow you to design and create a professional looking manual. Manual Maker goes beyond the shareware concept... it could have been released as a successful commercial program. Manual Maker is that impressive. Program Name: PBM Chess A.C.E. NSW DISK NO G93 Ver. Reviewed: 1.0 Program Type: Game (Telecommunications) Author: Odisseas Kosmatos Filename: PBMCHESS.LZH File Type: Public Domain WHAT IT IS For those Chess addicts who love the game so much, or for """""""""" those people who at some time or other are very bored and have a friend who's just as bored, now you can play chess in your own home against an opponent who is not. True, there is Battle-Chess on the ST, that lets you play using the STs modem port, but 1) Most people don't have it, it costs $$, and also, one gets very tired of the graphics after a little while. WHAT IT DOES PBM Chess works on Color or Mono systems. To start """""""""""" playing with a friend, you simply load the program, hit a key to get through the title screen, and type the appropriate modem command to dial the opponent's modem. Once connected, you can type stuff to your opponent, and he can type back. You then agree upon who is to play first, and voila, you then click on the piece you wish to move, then click on the square you wish to place it upon. Both player's screens will then be updated. PBM Chess does not check for illegal moves or any such things. You have total control over the chessboard. Pawns (actually, any pieces) can be promoted, and you can place any piece anywhere. What PBM chess does is it updates both screens (yours and your opponent's). At the bottom of the screen, there is the area which you can type and receive text to/from your opponent. But there are some commands (which are listed on the main screen, fortunately) you can type. These commands are: 300 -- Typing "300" will put your modem in 300 baud. 1200 -- Set to 1200 baud 2400 -- Set to 2400 baud (you don't need more than 300 baud in PBM) Send -- Sends your screens chessboard to your opponent, in case for some reason (lots of line noise) or whatever, your chessboards are not the same. Back -- Allows you to back up 1 move. (this can only be done once since only 1 chessboard is kept at every move) Save -- This lets you save the current chessboard in a separate area of memory, so that you can come back to it after if you mess up the game or simply want to try out moves. Load -- Loads the memory-saved game Control C -- Sends a "Check" signal to your opponent! Control G -- Sends a "Ding-Dong" signal to your opponent in case he has fallen asleep or something. Undo key -- Exit game PD_Q RATING * * * """"""""""" DOCUMENTATION Good """"""""""""" PD_Q COMMENTS I like Chess, but I hate computer chess games. Why? I """"""""""""" have yet to beat a computer at chess. In fact, it becomes obvious that by the fourth move, I'm hopelessly out-ranked. What is worse, I'm playing on novice level! Yet, I do enjoy the game. If only I could find a real, live human... Well now I can. PBM chess is a chess program with a terminal built into the software. Just boot the program and connect with a fellow chess player... and play chess! What could be easier? Complaints are few with PBM chess. The graphics aren't spectacular, but then they're not drab either. My only complaint is that at times it can be difficult to distinguish between the the Queen and the King. One thing you do have to watch for is that PBM Chess doesn't check for illegal moves. (In my last game of online chess, I caught my chess partner trying to do some fancy footwork with a queen.) Bored? Find a friend and play some online chess. <<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>>