CYBERNETIC PHYSICIAN V1.01A (AMIGA VERSION) Copyright (c)1995 Satori Publishing DISTRIBUTION STATUS: -------------------- This version (1.01A) is a freely distributable shareware evaluation version. As long as all files remain unmodified, you are permitted to distribute these files as you see fit. You may even charge a fee for distributing, as long as no claims are made that the fees charged are for the registration of this product. ARCHIVE CONTENTS: ----------------- CP101A - The main program - The icon for the main program ReadMe.txt - The file you are reading now - The icon file for "ReadMe.txt" A.DAT \ Q.DAT >- Data files used by the main program M.DAT / FILE_ID.DIZ - Description of the program, for BBS purposes SDN.ID - Description of the program, for BBS purposes DISCLAIMER: ----------- Cybernetic Physician is intended to be used as an informational and educational resource only. It is not to be used, under any circumstances, to replace the services, advice, or opinions of a qualified physician or any other qualified health care professional, institution, or service. Although all of the information in this program is, to the best of the publisher's knowledge to be correct , this software is provided "AS IS", and the publisher makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to merchantability or fitness of purpose. DESCRIPTION: ------------ Cybernetic Physician is an artificial intelligence expert system, with inference engine and medical knowledge base. Intended for home use, and using non-technical terms, this program attempts to diagnose illness and injury by the user's responses to simple questions. "Not intended to replace the services of a qualified physician." This is a full working shareware evaluation version, with a small, but useful subset of the entire knowledge base. Works on any Amiga, WorkBench 1.3 and up. REGISTRATION: ------------- Registration is only $14.95 plus shipping and handling. Registrants receive version 2.0 of this program, which contains the entire knowledge base. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ The program is designed to be easy to use. Online help is provided, by either pressing the "HELP" key, or choosing "HELP" from the main menu. Use of the program is based on two easy steps: 1) A "Profile" must be placed in memory, either by choosing "PROJECT/NEW PROFILE" from the menu, or "PROJECT/LOAD PROFILE", which loads a previously created profile in memory. What is a "profile"? It just contains data on the "subject", the subject of the query of the database. 2) Once a profile is in memory, choose "PROJECT/INTERROGATE" to begin the query. You will first be shown a list of major complaints... choose the single complaint that best fits the subject's condition. Then you will be shown the history list, then the symptom list. You will then be asked simple questions. Finally, the program attempts to diagnose.