Title What is BubbleGEM? What's in the distribution? How does BubbleGEM work? Configuration using the CPX How can I add BubbleGEM support? A Programmer's guide How to call BubbleGEM? Call routine Time-controlled call BubbleGEM-Cookies BubbleGEM-Environmental variable Font selection AV_SENDCLICK Legal Where to get BubbleGEM Contact addresses TransAction Humbug History Index BubbleGEM-Cookie aip.hyp/UDO aip.hyp/QED Thomas Much/G tz Hoffart H$VER: Release 07e (English translation by Joe Connor) (19th July 1998) Title -i +z -t4 -d20 DocumentationOther }S-EKc n[]M*7 U*,gE/X ]+] H MB^]A %U4)p SYUA?_ TL+SM m])C$y ,&pisuCr2 OC)TF ExHK] y}|Vw q2(!: U5Q5ewW [;L\] ]o+;x a*[e+= Eq;2` Qlov=U /gD=.= ! .-M8 hA;D,# Y*>U@ y`,|H7 vm.PTRN |LUl1 JQ^k! Cy%!H [,qA^ x:xK: z.ae'P# +U-f5v ,WiCVV P}@Ie,l[ $r :I DcZ$1!z ,E SCghsGxB0S L|yzp @|]a+ buA:HV TrJ/? }( z\gP qD#,Ot uOh:9 j:kzl Go3_$ mD=xX" Xb,\1 oz-:A )@_ p CQkE` ^\^V5 n};8i BUd3 v|@.` W)-r, PI]P8A l!P{eEl Y?LT' pd>0~n$ e~`Yr Uer[U\ 9"&t-3 i_`dx )u{6P LQg3/ d Q!@ uIJpV M"JN% X=y)c- ~tx%K UeQcF@im PMM%24 /}NK: :C%=F g5Nz+ /]~_fi 92=6S~ c[3H"Jo) "X,># R\tp- W!xeI ^&H\hC x7W5R [vmm}