use Text::ParseWords; @words = "ewords($delim, $keep, @lines); @words = &shellwords(@lines); @words = &old_shellwords(@lines);
The $keep argument is a boolean flag. If true, the quotes are kept with each word, otherwise quotes are stripped in the splitting process. $keep also defines whether unprotected backslashes are retained.
A &shellwords() replacement is included to demonstrate the new package. This version differs from the original in that it will _NOT_ default to using $_ if no arguments are given. I personally find the old behavior to be a mis-feature.
"ewords() works by simply jamming all of @lines into a single string in $_ and then pulling off words a bit at a time until $_ is exhausted.
Basically an update and generalization of the old Much code shamelessly stolen from the old version (author unknown).