Macintosh game patches
Index of /mac/
Macintosh game patches
- DOOM2_1.0_1.0.2.sit.bin
- - DOOM II 1.0 to 1.0.2 for PowerMac
- FC2_V104_Mac.hqx
- - Flight Commander II 1.04
- LunicusMacFat.sea.hqx
- - Lunicus (fat binary)
- MG_Scenarios_4.01.sea.hqx
- - V for Victory: Market Garden scenario update to 4.01
- Oxyd3_7e.hqx
- - Oxyd 3.7
- RavenMacFat.sea.hqx
- - Jump Raven (fat binary)
- SimCity20001.2Updater.sea.hqx
- - Sim City 2000 1.2
- SimTower1.1UpdaterInstall
- - Sim Tower 1.1
- SimTown1.1patch(68k).sea
- - Sim Town 1.1 (680x0 mac)
- SimTown1.1patch(PPC).sea
- - Sim Town 1.1 (PPC)
- UB_1.1-4.01_BnW_update.hqx
- - V for Victory: Utah Beach 1.1 to 4.01 (b/w only)
- UB_1.1-4.01_Color_update.hqx
- - V for Victory: Utah Beach 1.1 to 4.01 (color only)
- UB_Scenarios_4.01.sea.hqx
- - V for Victory: Utah Beach scenario update to 4.01
- Utah_Beach_BnW_update.hqx
- - V for Victory: Utah Beach 1.0 to 4.01 (b/w only)
- Utah_Beach_Color_update.hqx
- - V for Victory: Utah Beach 1.0 to 4.01 (color only)
- V4V_1.0-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 1.0 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_1.0-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 1.0 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_1.1-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 1.1 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_1.1-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 1.1 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_2.0-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 2.0 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_2.0-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 2.0 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_3.0-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 3.0 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_3.0-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 3.0 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_3.11-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 3.11 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_3.11-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 3.11 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_4.0-4.01_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 4.0 to 4.01 (with FPU)
- V4V_4.0-4.01_no_FPU_update.hqx
- - V for Victory 4.0 to 4.01 (without FPU)
- V4V_BnW_4.01.sea.hqx
- - V for Victory 4.01 (b/w only)
- V4V_Color_4.01.sea.hqx
- - V for Victory 4.01 (color only)
- VL_Scenarios_4.01.sea.hqx
- - V for Victory: Velikiye Luki scenarios update to 4.01
- bolo106.hqx
- - Bolo 1.06
- darkcastle.3.0.3update.sit.hqx
- - Dark Castle '95 3.0.3
- df1.2patch.sit.bin
- - Dark Forces 1.2
- f117a.sea
- - F-117A 2.3.1
- faceav.sea
- - Faces (fix for AV & PPC)
- fate_v1.5.bin
- - Indiana Jones IV: Fate of Atlantis 1.5
- harpoon_ii_updater
- - Harpoon II 1.0.1 (680x0 mac)
- harpoonii_powermac_updater
- - Harpoon II 1.0.1 (PPC)
- hell103patch.bin
- - Hell 1.0.3
- ho401to403.hqx
- - Spaceward Ho! 4.01 to 4.03
- jigsaw-21-updt-de.hqx
- - Jigsaw 2.1 (german)
- jigsaw-21-updt-nd.hqx
- - Jigsaw 2.1 (dutch)
- jigsaw-21-updt.hqx
- - Jigsaw 2.1 (english)
- newciv.sit
- - Civilization
- ocpatch.sea.bin
- - Operation Crusader 2.35
- ootwupda.sea
- - Out of this World
- perOxyd42_46.hqx
- - perOxyd 4.2 to 4.6
- pgv101.sit
- - Pirates! Gold 1.0.1
- ra.sit.bin
- - Rebel Assault
- rrt101.sit
- - Railroad Tycoon 1.01
- sh2v105b.sea
- - Shanghai II 1.05 (beta)
- solitaire.1.0.2update.sit.hqx
- - Eric's Ultimate Solitaire 1.02 to 1.05
- solitaire.1.0.4update.sit.hqx
- - Eric's Ultimate Solitaire 1.04 to 1.05
- solitaire.1.0update.sit.hqx
- - Eric's Ultimate Solitaire 1.0 to 1.05
- spacewardho.updater.expo.hqx
- - Spaceward Ho! 4.0 to 4.01
- stpatch.sea.bin
- - Stalingrad 1.85
- stsf.sea
- - Super Tetris (fix for AV & PPC)
- swc68k.sea
- - Super Wing Commander (680x0 mac)
- swcfat.sea
- - Super Wing Commander (fat binary)
- swcppc.sea
- - Super Wing Commander (PPC)
- w3mpatch.hqx
- - Wing Commander III
- warlordsII_1.0.7_68k_update.hqx
- - Warlords II 1.0.7 (680x0 mac)
- warlordsII_1.0.7_fat_update.hqx
- - Warlords II 1.0.7 (fat binary)
- warlordsII_1.0.7_ppc_update.hqx
- - Warlords II 1.0.7 (PPC)
- wellav.sea
- - Welltris (fix for AV & PPC)
- wordav.sea
- - Wordtris (fix for AV & PPC)