If you are experiencing pauses in WING COMMANDER III, The company you bought your PC from may not have set it up correctly. My 486DX/4-100 was performing like a slow 486DX/2 when I first received it, however, upon examination of the BIOS (mine was AMI BIOS), I found that the BIOS was assuming that I had the SLOWEST RAM available (i.e. 120ns), rather than the 70ns (FASTER) RAM that was installed. It was also using up 3-4 wait states for DRAM/CACHE read/writes. It should have been 2-2-1-1. If you have AMI BIOS, you may want to check this section in the ADVANCED CHIPSET SETUP menu in your BIOS settings. To change the neccessary settings, you will have to disable the AUTO-CONFIG option. BE SURE TO WRITE ALL THE SETTINGS DOWN FIRST, THOUGH, AS IF YOU SCREW UP THE SETTINGS YOUR PC WON'T BOOT. This way you can revert to the original settings if you run into problems. This problem isn't as uncommon as it should be-- I've run into it many a time in my Network troubleshooting at work, as well as 3 out of 4 of the PC's my friends own. Such is the price of having every schlock and their grandmother thinking that the only thing to making a sellable PC is throwing a motherboard and a few I/O cards and a CD-ROM into a box and taking out an ad in the Computer Shopper. Just so you know, the Norton SI (sysinfo) CPU indexes (accessed under the _B_enchmarks menu) should be as follows for the following processors: Processor Norton SI CPU Family/Speed Benchmark Index ------------------------------------ 386/33DX 36 486/33 (DX or SX) 72 486/66 (DX or SX) 138 486/100DX (AMD) 198 Pentium 60 195 Pentium 90 295 Any large variances indicates a problem with your system's configuration. Hope this helps! R.