The -l (list) option reads the header information and prints out all the useful information there, without creating any converted output files.
The -v (verbose) option prints a line for each file to be converted, indicating the input and output file names.
The -f (fast) option skips the CRC calculation; this is about five times as fast as normal operation, but transmission errors may go undetected.
The -n name option allows the user to specify the name to use when creating the host files and the eventual name to use on the mac. This option must precede the input file name it is to affect.
If this option is not used, the names will be derived from either the input file name (.hex or .hcx files), or the name encoded in the header information (.hqx files). Spaces and slashes will be converted to underscores, and the .h?x extension will be deleted, if one is included in the input file name.
A file name of "-" indicates that the input should be taken from stdin. If no mac file name is specified, the default name (for .hex or .hcx files) is "stdin".
Mail or news headers and signatures need not be manually stripped -- xbin will ignore pretty much anything it doesn't need.
Xbin creates three host-system files from each input file:,, and name.rsrc.
The -o flag specifies "old" (version -0.15X) MacTerminal compatibility mode.
Input files must contain a line starting with "(This file" or "(Convert with" (used by StuffIt) to detect the beginning of the BinHex information.