UUTool 1.2.3 By Bernie Wieser © 1990, 1991 Octavian Micro Development Group Quickly Written User Manual 1.0 Licensing Agreement The Octavian Micro Development Group (OMDG) hereby releases UUTool, a program for encoding and decoding UUENCODED format files, as 'freeware' on the following conditions. The user understands that UUTool is the property of OMDG, and that OMDG is not responsible for any damages incurred through the use of said tool. UUTool is for the personal and private use of individuals. It can not be sold, or distributed on/in any media for profit without the prior consent of OMDG. When distributed, this document must accompany the application. Use or distribution of said tool implies this agreement is understood and abided by. 2.0 Purpose of UUTool UUTool is an implementation of the 'uuencode' and 'uudecode' binary to text file utilities for the Macintoshª written by Bernie Wieser. Its purpose is to translate binary files into text for transmission over some electronic medium (i.e. electronic mail). It is compatible with many UNIXª implementations, with extra coding to support the two file fork Macintoshª architecture. Why did I write UUTool? I deal a lot with UNIXª based machines from my Macintoshª and was not able to find any comparable utility for encoding and decoding uu-type files using the Macintosh's native operating system. UUTool seems to work fine when transferring data files between the two systems. 3.0 Preferences UUTool has four preferential settings under the Edit menu to play with: Mac mode, Eunuch's permission, default creator and file type. Mac mode turns on the ability to uu-encode Macintoshª files in their entirety. UUTool's decode can see Macintosh formatted files and restore them to their original condition. The data fork of a file is the first part in the encoded text file, bounded by a 'begin' and 'end' statement. This is followed by the resource fork, and finally finder information (i.e. the file's icon, etc.) When Mac mode is off, only the data fork of a file is encoded. Either way, on a UNIXª system only the data will be decoded. Mac mode uses carriage returns instead of new line tokens to distinguish the end of a line. Eunuch's permission defines the file's permission modes if the file is to be decoded on a UNIXª machine. For example, '0700' stands for read/write/execute for owner only. This is ignored on the Mac side. Default creator and file type are only used if UUTool does not see a 'begin' statement immediately following the data's 'end' marker. It assumes the file is in a data only format (normal for UNIXª systems). The default creator and type are set in the file's Finder information. You can put whatever text you like before the first 'begin' statement or after the last 'end' statement (except those tokens starting on a new-line!) Try not to fiddle with information between those tokens. 4.0 Bugs v1.1 - fixed drawing into a NIL window brought about by file errors. v1.2 - fixed SysBeep problem under finder (not having enough memory to be loaded back in). v1.2.2 - fixed some port problems v1.2.3 - fixed an addressing problem for 68000 machines If you find any bugs, feel free to write me a letter (address below) or send me electronic mail via BSWieser@UNCAMULT.BITNET. This host may move over to internet in the near future. You can also try my internet account, wieser@cpsc.ucalgary.ca, which lasts until April 1991. 5.0 Miscellany It's not fancy, but it works. If I get a positive response I will remove what's left of stream I/O (not too much) and add some comprehensive feedback (i.e. percentage of file completed). UUTool uses all available memory to do its work. UUENCODEd files are less than 1% bigger than BinHexed files. OMDG is a software/hardware development company specializing in Macintoshª and UNIXª based systems. You may register yourself or your company with us for a fee of $10. This entitles you to one free update or notification of update thereafter. We'll also mail you some product information. Registration is on a per product basis. Please mention which product you want to register for! There are other freeware products, including "Convert 1.5" (converts old Apple][ hi-res pictures to PICT format), "LogIT! 1.2" (generates comprehensive reports of file allocation), and "MicroBArtender 2.1" (very good drink recipe HC stack). My address is: Octavian Micro Development Group ATTN: B. Wieser 10516 Bradbury Dr. S.W. Calgary, Ab., Canada T2W-1A6 Home# (403)2523910 Macintoshª is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Information Systems.