Wildlife in Mind
- Feeding birds all year round is now recommended by the RSPB; but seed is
best in the nesting season – not peanuts.
- Place bird tables and feeders out of the reach of cats.
- Garden bird feeders are known to have attracted 81 different species in
- Sparrowhawks have to eat too – and they may take small birds from
your garden.
- Trellises erected 20cm or so away from walls can provide safe spaces for
nesting birds.
- Many bird species can be attracted to nest in gardens with artificial boxes.
- Most small birds will die in their first year: neither sparrowhawks nor
magpies have any long-term effect on the numbers of their prey species.
- Experiment with different sorts of food to attract birds to your garden.
- Over-stocked bird feeders can attract rats. Try not to let seed build up
on the ground.
- Honeysuckle and ivy provide a valuable nectar source and cover for nesting
- Berry-bearing plants such as cotoneaster and rowan feed winter birds and
may even attract exotic species such as waxwing in winter.
- If you have an apple tree, leave a few rotten apples in the autumn for blackbirds.
- Fit your cat with a bell – it gives small birds a chance.
- The berries on many ornamental plants like Amelanchier, and Leycesteria
are as attractive to birds as native species.
- Birds need water as well as food – keep it unfrozen in winter.
- Grow hops in a hedge and leave the stems over winter to form a safe haven
for sparrows when a sparrowhawk visits.
- Don’t put up nestboxes in full summer sun – chicks can overheat
and die.
- Smear fat on tree trunks to attract great spotted woodpeckers.
- Leave windfall fruit lying for the thrushes.
- Brush your dog outside, so birds can line their nests with the fur.
- Leave teasels standing throughout the winter to attract goldfinches.
- When teasels have been stripped of seed, smear the heads with fat and wedge
in sunflower seeds.
- Some garden birds like dunnocks prefer to feed on the ground, so put seed
under as well as on the bird table.
- Siskins are especially attracted to peanuts in orange mesh bags.
- Varieties of rowan and Pyracantha with yellow, pink or white berries are
less attractive to birds than those with red berries.
- In a dry spring, moisten a patch of soil for house martins to gather mud
for their nests.
- Do not feed birds anything salty – it can dehydrate and even poison