Wildlife in Mind
- Compost all your garden – and uncooked vegetable – waste.
- Compost heaps can shelter slow-worms and grass snakes – be careful
when digging them over!
- Don’t burn your garden leaves – save them and turn them into
leaf litter.
- Most garden compost contains peat – look for peat-free alternatives.
- Don't compost couch grass or bindweed or you may have to resort to weed-killers!
- Partially compost your grass clippings and then use them as a mulch around
your plants. This keeps moisture in and weeds out, so you do less watering
and less weeding.
- Garden waste can damage the countryside. Don’t dump it. Take it to
your nearest municipal tip or compost it yourself.
- Get together with your neighbours (or garden society) and buy a shredder
between you so you can compost all your woody garden waste.
- Many local authorities sell compost bins cheaply: use several.