PSG-HomeCraft                                       Member: ASP & STAR
                 ORGANIZE! Your Collection In Windows
                              Order Form

NAME ______________________________________   REGISTERED USERS RECEIVE:
ADDRESS ___________________________________   * Printed, illustrated
ADDRESS ___________________________________     user's manual           
CITY __________________  ST/PROV __________   * An informative, fun,
ZIP/POSTAL CODE ______________                  and useful newsletter
COUNTRY _______________________               * Discounts on other 
PHONE _________________________                 HomeCraft products
                                              * Expanded technical
Disk size:  [] 3-1/2"   [] 5-1/4"               support
                                              * Access to updates and
Please check one:  [] Windows Version           upgrades
                   [] DOS Version             * Latest updated version

When you register this software you will receive software that includes
cataloging formats for all 22 types of collections listed below:
      - CDs/Albums (pop/rock)        - Home Inventory
      - CDs/Albums (jazz version)    - Mailing List Manager
      - Model Railroad (collector)   - Professional Book Library
      - Model Railroad (investor)    - Art Collections
      - Sports Card Collection       - Books & Magazines
      - Films & Video Tapes          - CDs/Albums (classical)
      - Stamp Collections            - Wine & Wine Cellars
      - Coin Collections             - Photographs, slides & prints
      - Gun Collections              - Token Collections
      - Memorabilia                  - Comic Books & Comic Book Art
      - Home Office Inventory        - Fabrics & Notions
Plus you will receive the latest updated version of the software, 
including any improvements and additions we've since the shareware
version was released.  Nearly 10,000 people now enjoy the benefits
of being registered users of HomeCraft's OYC software!

In the U.K. order from:              In all other countries:

Testware Publishing                  PSG-HomeCraft
46 The Avenue, Harrogate             P.O. Box 974
North Yorks,  HG1 4QD                Tualatin, OR 97062
Phone: 0423 880471                   Phone: 503-692-3732
Fax: 0423 889728                     Fax: 503-692-0382

In Eastern Europe order from:        Registration: $59.95 plus $6 s&h
Radek Vondracek                      in North America, $10 for all
Vostrovska 53                        other countries. Visa, Master 
160 00 Praha 6                       Card & American Express accepted
Czech Republic
Phone: 42 2 3112685
[] Check/money order enclosed      [] Please charge my credit card
                                   Card #__________________________
                                   Expiration Date_________________ 
NOTE: Prices are subject to change with the release of new versions 
of this software.