This series of articles by George Gilder provides some
     interesting technological and cultural background that helps
     prepare readers to better understand and place in proper
     perspective the events relative to the National Data Super
     Highway, which are unfolding almost daily in the national press.
     I contacted the author and Forbes and as the preface below
     indicates obtained permission to post on the Internet.  Please
     note that the preface must be included when cross posting or
     uploading this article.

The following article, DIGITAL DARK HORSE, was first published in Forbes ASAP, October 25th, 1993. It is a portion of George Gilder's book, Telecosm, which will be published in 1996 by Simon & Schuster, as a sequel to Microcosm, published in 1989 and Life After Television published by Norton in 1992. Subsequent chapters of Telecosm will be serialized in Forbes ASAP.

                                   DIGITAL DARK HORSE - NEWSPAPERS

                                                 GEORGE GILDER

                                         MEDIA MIRROR ON THE WALL,
                                      WHO IS THE FAIREST OF US ALL?

     The perennial question of all suitors of fate and fortune now whispers
and resounds through conference resorts, executive retreats and consulting
sessions across the land as business leaders from Hollywood to Wall Street
pose with pundits and ponder the new world of converging technologies.
Symbolized in a famous mandala by MIT's Media Lab, this grand fondue of
information tools_to be served la carte on a flat-panel screen_is foreseen
to be a $3.5 trillion feast for American business sometime early next
century.  Few would guess that crucial to the emerging mediamorphosis_as
king of the flat panel_will be a slight, graying, bearded man with some 30
teddy bears, Roger Fidler.

     Fidler coined the term mediamorphosis as the title of his forthcoming
book.  His office in Boulder, Colo., looks out on the panorama of a
picturesque downtown of red brick and neo-Gothic, surrounded by the Rocky
Mountain foothills and sepia sandstone buildings of a mile-high Silicon
Valley.  Down the hall is an Apple Computer media center which is developing
graphical forms of AppleLink, the company's on-line network.  Down the block
is Cablelabs, John Malone's research arm, which is designing the future of
the cable industry.

     Roger Fidler, though, is a newspaperman, a veteran of some 32 years in
a business little known for technology.  Beginning as an 11-year-old
paperboy in Eugene, Oreg., Fidler went on to serve as a reporter, science
columnist and art director before launching what is now Knight-Ridder
Tribune Graphics.  A multimillion-dollar business and reliable profit
center, this venture provides digital graphics for newspapers and video
animations for TV stations across the country over a dedicated network
called PressLink, also launched by Fidler.  Now Fidler and his allies
working in Knight-Ridder's Information Design Laboratory are concocting an
audacious plan to make the lowly newspaper the spearhead of the information

     Most information companies and executives are betting on him to fail.
Barry Diller, the former ruler of 20th Century Fox, recently circled the
planet of technology on a celebrated pilgrimage from Hollywood to find where
the money would be made in the new information economy.  Shunning Fidler's
little lab, he arrived at nearby Cablelabs and resolved on home shopping
through cable TV.  He bought into QVC for some $20 million and went into
business with John Malone.  After a more corporate investigation, featuring
polls and customer surveys, Robert Allen of AT&T settled to a remarkable
degree on the $14 billion market in electronic games.  Since launching an
alliance with Sega, AT&T has been collecting game companies as compulsively
as your kid collects games.  It has bought shares of Sierra Online, 3DO,
Spectrum HoloByte and PF Magic.

     Moving toward the news trade is IBM.  But rather than collaborating
with one of the thousands of newspapers that use its equipment, the
computer giant is trysting with General Electric's NBC in a kind of
elephants' waltz into the sunset of old broadcast media.

     Most of these leaders in the new gold rush toward multimedia are
getting it wrong.  Fixated by market surveys that map demand for existing
video, they are plunging down dead ends and cul-de-sacs with their eyes
firmly focused on the luminous visions in their rearview mirrors.
Blockbuster, Nintendo and other game and video vendors have good businesses,
for the moment, but they are ballast from the past.

News In The Microcosm

     The leader who best comprehends the promise of the next phase in
information technology may be Fidler of Knight-Ridder.  A student of
electronic technology, he has grasped an amazing and rather obscure fact:
of all the information providers, only newspapers are fully in tune with
the law of the microcosm.

     Based on the constant rise in the computing power of individual
microchips relative to systems of chips, the law of the microcosm dictates
that power will continually devolve from centralized institutions,
bureaucracies, computer architectures and databases into distributed systems.
On the most obvious level, it caused the fall of the mainframe computer and
the companies that depended upon it, and assured the ascent of personal
computers and workstations.  In the next decade, the law of the microcosm
will assure the displacement of analog television, with its centralized
networks and broadcast stations, by computer networks with no center at all.
While offering a cornucopia of interactivity, computer networks can perform
all the functions of TV.

     With the cost-effectiveness of chips still doubling every 18 months,
the law of the microcosm is not going away.  Now it dictates that of all the
many rivals to harvest the fruits of the information revolution, newspapers
and magazines will prevail.

     The secret of the success of the newspaper, grasped by Roger Fidler, is
that it is in practice a personal medium, used very differently by each
customer.  Newspapers rely on the intelligence of the reader.  Although the
editors select and shape the matter to be delivered, readers choose, peruse,
sort, queue and quaff the news and advertising copy at their own pace and

     In this regard, newspapers differ from television stations in much the
way automobiles differ from trains.  With the train (and the TV), you go to
the station at the scheduled time and travel to the destinations determined
from above.  With the car (and the newspaper), you get in and go pretty much
where you want when you want.  Putting the decisionmaking power into the
hands of the reader, the newspaper accords with the microcosmic model far
better than TV does.  Newspaper readers are not couch potatoes; they
interact with the product, shaping it to their own ends.

     Computers will soon blow away the broadcast television industry, but
they pose no such threat to newspapers.  Indeed, the computer is a perfect
complement to the newspaper.  It enables the existing news industry to
deliver its product in real time.  It hugely increases the quantity of
information that can be made available, including archives, maps, charts and
other supporting material.  It opens the way to upgrading the news with
full-screen photographs and videos.  While hugely enhancing the richness and
timeliness of the news, however, it empowers readers to use the "paper" in
the same way they do today_to browse and select stories and advertisements
at their own time and pace.

     Until recently, the expense of computers restricted this complementarity
to newsrooms and pressrooms.  The news today is collected, edited, laid out
and prepared for the press by advanced digital equipment.  Reporters capture
and remit their data in digital form.  But the actual printing and
distribution of the paper remain in the hands of printers and truckers.

     Now the law of the microcosm has reduced the price of personal
computers below the tag on a high-end TV and made them nearly coextensive
with newspapers.  Newspapers and computers are converging, while computers
and televisions still represent radically different modes.  It is the
newspaper, therefore, not the TV, that is best fitted for the computer age.

     Newspapers can be built on foundations of sand_the silicon and silica
of microchips and telecom.  Not only does the computer industry generate
nearly three times the annual revenues of television but computer hardware
sales are growing some eight times faster than the sales of television sets.  By riding the
tides of personal computer sales and usage, newspapers can shape the future
of multimedia.

     High-definition PC displays will benefit text far more than images.
The resolution of current NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)
analog television_62 dots per inch_is actually ample for most images,
particularly the studio-quality forms that can be converted for digital
delivery over fiber-optic lines.  Even the conventional interlaced TV
screen_in which alternate lines are filled in every second_easily fools
the eye for video.  But for fully readable text you need the 200 to 300 dots
per inch of a laser printer or super-high-resolution screen. Such screens
are now being developed.  Overkill for most images, they could supply the
first display tablets with screens as readable as paper.

Fat Panel's Digital Newspaper

     After the "Rocky Mountain High" panorama, the first thing you see in
Roger Fidler's office is a more modest tableau.  At a round table in the
corner is a huge teddy bear he calls Fat Panel.  Fat Panel is poised to read
a tablet that looks very much like a newspaper, but in fact is a flat-panel
screen some nine inches wide, a foot high and a half-inch thick.  Weighing
a little over a pound, far less than the Sunday edition of your local
newspaper, this device_call it a newspanel_might contain a trove of news,
graphics, audio and even video, representing more than a year of Sunday
papers.  Through fiber-optic lines and radio links, it might connect to
databases of news and entertainment from around the world.

     On the face of this tablet is something that looks a lot like the page
of a newspaper.  It contains headlines for featured stories followed by
their first few paragraphs and a jump to an inner page.  The jump, unlike
that in your usual newspaper, is electronic and immediate.  You click an
arrow with a pen or a mouse_or in the near future, say the word_and the rest
of the story almost instantly appears.  If your eyes are otherwise engaged,
you can click on an audio icon and have the story read aloud to you.

     Discreetly placed on the bottom of the panel are three sample ads.
Since ads currently supply some 80 percent of the revenues of many
newspapers and magazines, the entire system will rise and fall on the
effectiveness of the ads.  However, electronics promises a more total
revolution in advertising than in any other facet of the newspaper outside
of printing.  This change comes none too soon.  As shown by a general drop
in margins from 30 percent in the mid-1980s to close to 10 percent last
year, newspapers are suffering a sharp decline in conventional advertising
revenues, only partly compensated for by an influx of funds from blow-in
coupons and inserts.

     In a 1988 prophecy at the American Press Institute in Reston, Va.,
Fidler envisaged electronic newspanel ads in the year 2000:  "When you
touch most ads, they suddenly come alive.  More importantly, advertisers
can deliver a variety of targeted messages that can be matched to each
personal profile.  An airline ad offering discount fares to South America
attracts me with the haunting music of an Andean flute.  I'm planning to
take some vacation time in Peru next month [Fidler's wife is a Peruvian
recording artist], so I touch the ad to get more information.  Before I
quit, I'll check the ad indexes to see if any other airlines are offering
discount fares.  With the built-in communicator, I can even make my
reservations directly from the tablet if I choose.  The airline's
reservation telephone number is embedded in the ad, and my credit card
numbers and other essential data are maintained in the tablet, so all I
would have to do is write in the dates and times that I want to travel
and touch a button on the screen.  The information is encrypted as well as
voice-print protected, so there is no risk of someone else placing orders
with my tablet.

     Contrary to the usual notion, the electronic newspaper will be a far
more effective advertising medium than current newspapers, television or
home shopping schemes.  Rather than trying to trick the reader into
watching the ad, the newspaper will merely present the ad in a part of the
paper frequented by likely customers.  Viewers who are seriously interested
in the advertised item can click on it and open up a more detailed
presentation, or they can advertise their own desire to buy a product of
particular specifications.

     In deference to Fidler, who currently combs the world looking for the
best flat-panel screens, Fat Panel appears to be perusing a story on field
emission displays (FEDs).  Even cathode ray tubes with VGA graphics command
only 72 dots per inch of resolution.  This has been shown to slow down
reading by some 25 percent compared with paper.  Readers of Voyager Co.'s
tomes on Mac PowerBooks quickly discover that even Susan Faludi's breezy
Backlash or Michael Crichton's compulsive Jurassic Park or James Gleick's
normally riveting biography of Richard Feynman bog down in subtle but
insidious typographical fuzz.  A newspaper with more than one item on the
screen would be worse.  The age of electronic text entirely depends on the
development of screens with the definition of a laser printer.  For this
purpose, FEDs offer great long-term promise.

     While the prevailing liquid crystal displays (LCDs) merely reflect or
channel light, FEDs emit light like a cathode ray tube.  Indeed, as
currently envisaged by a Micron Display Technology process, FEDs will array
millions of tiny cathode light emitters that allow bright displays with
high resolution and full-motion video.  Although today's FEDs require too
much power for full portability with current battery technology, they
represent an inviting option for newspaper tablets at the turn of the century.

     Usable tablets, however, will arrive long before then.  At the August
Siggraph show, Xerox demonstrated a 13-inch-diagonal liquid crystal display
with a record 6.3 million pixels, delivering 279 dots per inch of resolution.
The 279 dots per inch provide some three times more definition than the
screen of a Sun workstation_the current desktop graphics workhorse_and
negligibly short of the 300-dot resolution of a laser printer.

     Beyond resolution, the key to the newspaper tablet is portability.
Portability means low power.  Active-matrix LCDs are inherently a high-power,
low-transmissive medium.  The crystals absorb light; the polarizer wastes
half the light; the transistors at each pixel squander power.  For high
contrast, backlighting is essential.  That sinks another 20 to 30 watts. The
higher the resolution, the worse all these problems become.

Full-Motion Images Or Full-Motion Users?

     According to the Fidler vision, the U.S. should stop emulating the
Japanese, who boldly invested some $12 billion in manufacturing capacity for
power-hungry liquid crystal displays used on notebook computers and
flat-screen TVs.  Urged by the Clinton administration, this U.S. industrial
policy is based on a strategy of "catch up and copy," and it will fail.
Rather than chase the Japanese by achieving high resolution at high power to
compete with cathode ray tubes, the U.S. should target high resolution at
low power to compete with paper.

     As in semiconductor electronics, the winners will follow a strategy of
low and slow.  The law of the microcosm ordains exponential performance
gains from slower and lower-powered transistors packed ever closer together
on individual microchips.  Throughout the history of semiconductors_from the
first transistor to the latest microprocessor_the industry has succeeded by
following this law:  replacing faster and higher-powered components with
smaller, slower and lower-powered devices.  When you pack enough of the slow
and low transistors close enough together, your system may end up operating
faster than a supercomputer based on the highest-powered and fastest discrete
transistors.  And it will definitely be more efficient in MIPS per dollar.

     The law of the microcosm has not been suspended for displays.  The
Japanese have been focusing on high-powered screens capable of reproducing
the features of low-end CRTs: full-motion color video.  Rather than favoring
full-motion video, however, the U.S. should foster full-motion readers
through low- powered and slow components.  It is the people rather than the
pixels that should be able to move.  Speed will come in due course.

     Demonstrating the first prototype of such a system is Zvi Yaniv of
Advanced Technology Incubator (ATI) of Farmington Hills, Mich.  Long among
the most inventive figures in America's eternally embryonic flat-panel
industry, Yaniv was a founder of Optical Imaging Systems, currently the
leading U.S.-based producer, with well under one-percent global market share.

     For his tablet, Yaniv uses a material invented at Kent State University
in Ohio called Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Texture (PSCT).  On it he
inscribes pixels in the form of helical liquid crystal devices.  The helices
are chemically doped to give them a specific reflectivity:  showing all
wavelengths or colors of light that do not match the resonant wavelengths in
the helix.

     So far ATI has demonstrated images in black and white and in 16 levels
of gray scale.  Color, according to Yaniv, poses no theoretical problems.
Based on current experimental successes, it will be achieved within the next
two years.  For the first newspanels, however, color is less important than
the high-resolution text capability, which ATI delivers at a breakthrough

     This technology offers four key advantages over the active-matrix LCD:
no transistors, no polarizers, no color filters, no backlighting.  Without
these power-and space-hungry features, Yaniv's screens can achieve higher
density of pixels at far lower energy use.  This adds up to far higher
resolution at milliwatts of power (rather than 20 watts) and at far higher
manufacturing yields, and thus far lower cost.  Yaniv predicts screens with
laser-printer resolution and with contrast higher than paper, costing
between $1 and $2 per square inch (compared with around $10 for current
active-matrix devices).  That means 8-1/2-by-11-inch tablets for $100 to
$200 in manufacturing cost, well under Fidler's target price.

     Still an R&D project in an intensely competitive industry, ATI may not
have all the answers, but it points the way to a solution.  Within the next
three or four years, a portable tablet with laser-printer resolution and
contrast and with hundreds of megabytes of solid-state or hard disk memory
will be purchasable for an acceptable price.  Fat Panel's tablet is not
merely a toy; it is the token of a technology that will sweep the world.

News On The Net

     Meanwhile, precusor solutions are being rolled out on personal
computers, Newtons, Zoomers and other personal digital assistants.  Already
collecting and transmitting copy in digital form, reporters and editors
could just as well provide digital content to all the other platforms that
are emerging in the 1990s, from tiny portable personal communications
services to supercomputer knowledge bases.

     Also empowering the newspaper industry will be the exploding new world
of boundless bandwidth or communications power in both the atmosphere and
the fibersphere (see Forbes ASAP, December 7, 1992, and March 29, 1993).
One of the most difficult concepts for many business planners to grasp is
the onset of bandwidth abundance:  the idea that the electromagnetic
spectrum is not scarce but nearly limitless.  The text of a daily newspaper
takes up about a megabyte; a hundred or so black-and-white photographs
take up about 100 megabytes; 25 color photos could run another 100 megabytes,
or even a gigabyte, depending on resolution.  Video clips would take about
100 megabytes apiece.  With just 500 megabytes, you could throw in the
entire "MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour."

     Summing it all up, the total bit-cost of a paper, including video-rich
ads, might be comparable to that of a two-hour movie_perhaps two gigabytes
with compression.  Two gigabytes can be transmitted in a second down
fiber-optic lines, in perhaps 10 seconds down a gigahertz cable connection,
and in perhaps a matter of three or four minutes down a twisted-pair copper
line equipped with Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL) technology,
Amati Corp.'s amazing new phone-company access system.  From Digital
Equipment Corp. and Zenith to Hybrid Technologies and Continental
Cablevision, several firms are demonstrating impressive ways to use cable
lines for two-way digital data transmission at a rate of 10 megabits a
second or more, which would fill up a two-gigabyte newspanel in just over
three minutes.  Electrical power companies also are laying fiber along with
their power lines.  All these pipes are little used for long hours of the
night and could be employed to deliver newspapers.

     Complementing this web of wires will be wireless methods of delivery.
Cellular technology is moving toward a code division multiple access (CDMA)
protocol that allows use of the entire spectrum every mile or so, and
toward millimeter wave frequencies that offer gigahertz of capacity.  Again,
access to these systems might be expensive on a demand basis, but a
newspaper can be sent whenever space or time is available.  Delivery of the
basic paper through wires and fiber and delivery of short updates and
extras via the air would be optimal.  Whatever electronic or photonic
techniques are used, the laws of the microcosm and telecosm ordain that
distribution of newspapers will become vastly cheaper, more efficient and
more timely than their present methods:  trucks and bicycles.

The "Domonetics" Of The Word

     The future of newspapers will not depend on technology alone, however.
The ultimate strength of the "press" comes not from its machinery but from
its "domonetics"_a word that describes an institution's cultural sources and

     Judeo-Christian scripture declares that in the beginning was the word.
There is no mention of the image.  Today in information technology, the word
still widely prevails.  In 1992, trade publications, newspapers and magazines
alone generated some $73 billion in sales, compared with television revenues
of $57 billion.

     In general, images are valuable as an enhancement to words. As Robert
Lucky of Bellcore has pointed out, images are not in themselves usually an
efficient mode of communication.  In his definitive work "Silicon Dreams,"
just released in a new paperback edition, Lucky writes that after an evening
of television, "we sink into bed, bloated with pictorial bits, starved for

     People who gush that a picture is worth a thousand words usually fail
to point out that it may well take a million computer "words" to send or
store it.  Written words are a form of compression that has evolved over
thousands of years of civilization.  In a multimedia encyclopedia, such as
Microsoft's Encarta, some 10,000 images take up 90 percent of the bits, but
supply perhaps one-100th of the information.  With the pictures alone, the
encyclopedia is nearly worthless; with the words alone, you still have a
valuable encyclopedia.  Most of the work and the worth are in the words.
Supremely the masters of words, newspapers can add cosmetic pictures, sounds
and video clips far more easily than TV or game machines can add reporting
depth, expertise, research and cogent opinion.

     More profoundly, the domonetics of the new technologies strongly favors
text-based communications.  Video is most effective in conveying shocks and
sensations and appealing to prurient interests of large miscellaneous
audiences.  Images easily excel in blasting through to the glandular
substrates of the human community; there's nothing like a body naked or
bloody or both to arrest the eye and forestall the TV zapper.

     TV news succeeds because of timeliness and vividness.  Compared with TV
imagery, news photos tend to be late and lame.  Nonetheless, for all its
power and influence, broadcast television news is a dead medium, awaiting
early burial by newspapers using new technologies.

     The TV news problem is summed up by the two-minute rule_the usual
requirement that, short of earthquake or war, no story take more than two
minutes to tell.  This rule even applies to the epitome of broadcast news_CNN.
It is entirely a negative rule.  The reason for it is not that the audience
desires no more than two minutes of coverage of stories of interest.  On any
matter deeply interesting to the viewer, two minutes is much too little.

     The rationale for the two-minute rule is that the viewer will not
tolerate more than two minutes of an unwanted story.  Its only function is
to forestall the zapper, but its effect is to frustrate any viewer with more
than a superficial interest in a story.  Increasingly it reduces TV news to
a kaleidoscope of shocks and sensations, portents and propaganda, gossip
and titillation.

     The new technologies, however, put individual customers in command.
Making their own first choices among scores of thousands of possibilities,
individuals eschew the hair-trigger poise of the channel surfer.
Narrowcasting allows appeal to the special interests and ambitions, the
hobbies and curiosities, the career pursuits and learning needs of particular
individuals.  Thus, the new media open up domonetic vistas entirely missed
by mass media.

     At the domonetic elevation of newspapers, images are supplementary, not
primary.  The new technologies thus favor text over pure video because
text_enhanced by graphics where needed_is by far the best (and digitally
most efficient) way to convey most information and ideas.  Where graphics
are overwhelmingly more efficient than alphanumerics_as in visualization of
huge bodies of data or statistics_the newspanel can supply true computer
graphics and simulations.  Interactivity, after all, is the computer's forte.

The $700 Million Incentive

     As early as 1981, Fidler saw and predicted that computer technology
using flat-panel screens would allow the newspaper business to eliminate
much of its centralized manufacturing and printing plant and much of its
distribution expenses, and deliver the product directly to the customer at
half the cost.  He saw that this process would jeopardize neither the
branded identity nor the editing functions nor the essential character of
the paper.  The distribution of intelligence would simply permit the
customer rather than the newspaper to supply the display and the printer.
This microcosmic shift would drastically simplify and improve the
accessibility and worth of the information, enhancing the value of newspaper
archives and other resources.  This step could theoretically save Fidler's
employer, Knight-Ridder, some $700 million, or between half and two-thirds
of its current  costs.

     Fidler's vision is just as promising for magazines.  In effect, his
concept allows newspapers to combine the best features of daily journalism
with the best qualities of specialty magazines.  The front pages and
shallower levels of the system will still function like a streamlined
newspaper, which readers can browse, search and explore as they do a
conventional paper without thrashing about through the pages.  The deeper
levels will function like magazines, focusing on business, technology,
lifestyles, sports, religion or art.  Indeed, to exalt their offerings into
an ever richer cornucopia, news systems will want to collaborate with
magazines, just as they often distribute magazines today with their Sunday

The Soul Of The New Medium

     In addition, electronic magazines can excel newspapers in providing a
sense of community through interaction with other readers and authors in new
kinds of dynamic letters, bulletin boards and classified sections.  In a
sense, the news panel never ends.  Beyond its offering of news, articles and
archives, it opens into new dimensions of interactivity.

     As Stephen Case puts it:  "Everybody will become information providers
as well as consumers.  The challenge is to create electronic communities
that marry information and communications_thereby creating an interactive,
participatory medium.  This community aspect is crucial--it is the soul of the
new medium."

     The most practical current vessel for this expansion of the press is
Case's own company, America Online, a supplier of an icon-based interface
and gateway to scores of "infobases" and bulletin boards in Vienna, Va.,
outside the District of Columbia.  Ten percent owned by the Tribune Co. of
Chicago, eight percent controlled by Apple, allied with Knight-Ridder and
providing access to such journals as the New Republic, National Geographic,
Time and Macworld, America Online has uniquely focused on the vital center
of the new market:  the point of convergence of newspapers, magazines and
computers in new communities of interest and interaction.

     Following this strategy, America Online has invested just $20 million
(one-100th the capital of Prodigy) and devoted half the time, to achieve
nearly one-third the customer base and generate strong profits, in contrast
to huge estimated losses on the part of IBM and Sears.  Prodigy is now
paying AOL the high tribute of imitation, making deals with Cox Enterprises
Inc. and its 17 newspapers, and with Times-Mirror.  Perhaps most audacious
in pursuing this vision, however, is Murdoch's News Corp. Ltd., which
recently purchased Delphi Internet Services Corp., the only on-line service
with full Internet access to home PC users.  Delphi already offers an array
of news programs and special-interest conferences, including a popular
computer news show led by moderator Jerry Pournelle that provides
interactive dialogs on everything from abstruse computer features to science
fiction.  Pournelle and some 300 other conference moderators can function
like editors in cyberspace.

     Internet is the global agglomeration of data networks that has emerged
from the original Pentagon research network called ARPANET.  Growing at some
15 percent a month for several years to a current level of 10 to 20 million
users, Internet has bifurcated into linked commercial and research nonprofit
divisions.  As John Evans, president of News Corp.'s Electronic Data, puts
it, explaining the Delphi purchase:  "Internet is like a giant jellyfish.
You can't step on it.  You can't go around it.  You've got to go through it."
Delphi now plans to go through it using much quicker access systems,
including cable.

     Evans declares that these new collaborations between News Corp. and
Internet will "put the 'me' back into media."  His concept, also shared by
Nicholas Negroponte's Media Lab and Apple Computer's Knowledge Navigator, is
an automated news database ultimately supplying the customer with a personal
paper filtered from floods of daily information by an agent programmed to
pursue your own interests.  In Fidler's view, however, these digital papers
will succeed only to the extent that they transcend this vision of the
Daily Me.

     Fidler prefers the vision of a Daily Us, shaped by human editors rather
than by electronic agents or filters.  According to Fidler, the law of the
microcosm will put so much intelligence and storage in the tablet that the
individual can personalize the "paper" every day in a different way.  If, as
Case puts it, the soul of the new medium is community, the reader will want
to begin in a particular context, a specially favored "place" in the world
of information, a place with a brand name and identity:  a newspaper.

The Computer Imperative

     Above all, the key to the special advantage of newspapers in the new
era is their great good fortune in being forced to focus on computers.  It
should be evident by now to everyone in the information business that the
energy, the creativity, the drive, the gusto, the pulse, the catalyst of
this industry is computers.  The magic is in the microcosm of solid-state
electronics (doubling the density of components on a chip every 18 months)
and in the concentric circles of enterprise and invention that surge outward
from this creative core:  the some 5,000 software firms, the thousands of
manufacturers of chips, peripherals, printed circuit boards and add-on cards;
the double-digit annual expansion in the armies of computer scientists and
software engineers; the ever growing millions of PC owners devoting their
creative energies and passions to this intoxicating machine.

     What the Model T was to the industrial era-the teenage training board,
the tinkerer's love and laboratory, the technological epitome-the PC is to
the Information Age.  Just as people who rode the wave of automobile
technology-from tiremakers to fast-food franchisers-prevailed in the
industrial era, so the firms that prey on the passion and feed on the force
of the computer community will predominate in the information era.

     Why, then, are so many apparently ambitious and visionary executives
shrinking from the central arena to play around on the fringes with TVs and
game machines?  Why are American computer executives standing silently aside
while the so-called U.S. Grand Alliance for the Future of Advanced
Television, so-called digital HDTV, adopts an interlaced screen technology
that is fundamentally hostile to computers?

     For images, the human eye cannot tell the difference between interlaced
and progressively scanned displays.  But interlace poses endless problems
for text and multimedia.  Apart from Zenith, the American leaders in the
Grand Alliance are AT&T, General Instrument Corp., MIT, Sarnoff Laboratories
and GE-NBC.  All but MIT capitulated to pressure from foreign TV interests
such as Sony, Thomson Corp. and Philips Electronics to betray the American
computer and newspaper industries by adopting a display scheme unsuited for
the multimedia and text programs central to the next computer revolution.

     Without text and multimedia capabilities, high-resolution images can
open virtually no markets not already served by current "digitally
enhanced" improved-definition television displays.  Limiting the
teleconferencing market, for example, is not the resolution of the screens
but the bandwidth of the network.  Without computer capabilities, digital
TV is likely to be a large disappointment.

     Claiming to set a standard that can survive deep into the next century,
the Grand Alliance is focusing on short-term economies for manufacturing TVs
tomorrow.  These executives are all missing the point and the promise of the
era in which they live.  The Information Age is not chiefly about kicks and
thrills, offering games for kids and so-called dildonics for "adults."
Markets for educational programs and on-line information services are
already growing much faster than game markets.  In 1992 in the computer
business, according to the Software Publishers Association, entertainment
software revenues rose some 29 percent to a level of $342 million.
Educational software for the home rose some 47 percent to $146 million.
Meanwhile, sales of computers with modems are rising at about 1,000 percent
a year, hugely faster than the sales of TVs.  Online services like America
Online and Prodigy have been growing almost 500 percent per year since 1988.
According to current projections based on microprocessor CPU sales, some 50
million PCs may be sold over the next 12 months, and perhaps three-quarters
of them will contain either on-board modems or networking systems.

     The ultimate reason that the newspapers will prevail in the Information
Age is that they are better than anyone else at collecting, editing,
filtering and presenting real information, and they are allying with the
computer juggernaut to do it.  The newspapers are pursuing the fastest
expanding current markets rather than rearview markets.  They are targeting
adults with real interests and ambitions that generate buying power rather
than distracting children from more edifying pursuits.  In the computer age,
follow the microcosm and you will find the money, too.
