LIST OF NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY COMPUTER SECURITY DOCUMENTS ************************************************************ ** * *** * * ***** Some documents now available on our BBS ******* *** * * ** * FINAL EVALUATION REPORTS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS PHONE ORDERS: (703) 487-4650 WRITTEN REQUESTS: U.S. Department of Commerce NTIS 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Resource Access Control Facility (RACF), Version 1, Release 5, CSC- EPL-84/001 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A150-625 COST: $13.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche The Access Control Facility 2 (ACF2), Release 3.1.3, CSC-EPL- 84/002 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A150-234 COST: $13.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche The TOP SECRET Final Evaluation Report, Version 3.0, CSC-EPL- 85/002 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A157-600 COST: $13.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche The SCOMP Final Evaluation Report, Version 3.0, CSC-EPL-85/002 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A166-895 COST: $15.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche Final Evaluation Report of Gordian System Access Key, CSC-EPL-86/001 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A170-814 COST: $10.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche Final Evaluation Report of Codercard CPP-300 Port Protector CSC-EPL-86/002 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A174-542 COST: $10.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche Final Evaluation Report of Micronyx, Inc. Triad Plus, Version 1.3 CSC-EPL-87/006 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-A208-002 COST: $13.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche Final Evaluation Report of Pike Creek Computer Company SGT Security, Version 4A CSC-EPL-87/005 NTIS STOCK NUMBER: AD-208-001 COST: $13.95 Paper/$6.95 Microfiche ************************************************************* COMPUSEC DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTION POLICY: To receive one complimentary copy of the following publications, call or write the INFOSEC Awareness Office as follows: Department of Defense (301) 766-8729 National Security Agency Barbara Keller ATTN: X713 John Budraitis 9800 Savage Road Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000 Additional copies can be ordered from the Government Printing Office. WRITTEN REQUESTS PHONE REQUESTS Superintendent of Documents (202) 783-3238 U.S. Government Printing Office Hours: 0800-1600 Washington, DC 20402 (Mastercard, VISA, CHOICE) _________________________________________________________________ DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (DoD) 5200.28-STD) (Orange Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00461-7 COST: $6.00 BBS file name STD001.TXT DoD Password Management Guideline (CSC-STD-002-85) (Green Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00443-9 COST: $1.75 BBS file name Guidance for Applying the DoD Trusted Computer Evaluation Criteria in Specific Environments (CSC-STD-003-85) (Yellow Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00442-1 COST: $1.00 BBS filename STD003.TXT Technical Rationale Behind CSC-STD-003-85: Computer Security Requirements (CSC-STD-004-85) (Yellow Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00441-2 COST: $2.00 BBS Filename STD004.TXT PC Security Considerations (NCSC-TG-002-85) Lt. Blue Book GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00439-1 COST: $1.75 Trusted Network Interpretation (NCSC-TG-005, Version 1) (Red Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00486-2 COST: $13.00 BBS file name A guide to Understanding Audit in Trusted Systems (NCSC-TG-001, Version-2) (Tan Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00508-7 COST: $2.00 BBS file name A Guide to Understanding Discretionary Access Control in Trusted Systems (NCSC-TG-003, Version 1) (Orange Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00539-7 COST: $2.00 Glossary of Computer Security Terms (NCSC-TG-004, Version-1) (Aqua Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00522-2 COST: $3.25 BBS file name TG004.TXT A Guide to Understanding Configuration Management in Trusted Systems (NCSC-TG-006, Version-2) (Orange Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00507-9 COST: $2.00 BBS file name A Guide to Understanding Design Documentation in Trusted Systems (NCSC-TG-007, Version 1) (Burgundy Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00518-4 COST: $2.25 A Guide to Understanding Trusted Distribution in Trusted Systems (NCSC-TG-008, Version-1) (Lavender Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00536-2 COST: $2.00 BBS file name Computer Security Subsystem Interpretation of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (NCSC-TG-009) (Venice Blue Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00510-9 COST: $2.25 Guidelines for Formal Verification Systems (NCSC-TG-014) (Purple Book) GPO STOCK NUMBER: 008-000-00540-1 COST: $2.00 BBS file name ************************************************************* INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CATALOGUE Prior to April 1987, the Information Security Organization of the National Security Agency published six separate lists of Information Security products and services. Those six lists were: The Endorsed Cryptographic Products List (ECPL) - Contains a variety of items ranging from components to finished products with embedded cryptography. Items are divided into two categories: Type 1 which are used to secure classified information and Type 2 which are used to protect only sensitive Government Information. NSA Endorsed Data Encryption Standard (DES) List - A list of DES equipments endorsed by the National Security Agency as being in compliance with Federal Standard 1027 and authorized to protect the transmission of unclassified information. This list contains a description of endorsed DES equipments, data required for ordering DES keying material, and Points of Contact for more information. Protected Services List - Provides information on the availability of communications (voice, data and recorded communications) between or among government agencies and/or contractors by commercial carriers which have been approved by the National Security Agency to protect the transmission of unclassified information. Evaluated Products List (EPL) - a by-product of the National Computer Security Center's Commercial Product Evaluation Program: the technical evaluation of the protection capabilities of off- the-shelf, commercially-produced and supported systems. Preferred Products List (PPL) - Published under the auspices of the Countermeasures Advisory Panel (CAP) which is made up of DoD and Civil agencies using specific criteria developed to approve TEMPEST equipment. Listing contains those products fully compliant with all applicable TEMPEST requirements and produced by members of the U.S. Government's Industrial TEMPEST Program (ITP). Degausser Qualified Products List (DQPL) - This listing contains products that have passed the appropriate requirements of the National Security Agency to degauss magnetic media. Degaussing refers to the process whereby information is removed from magnetic media. Both Type I and Type II products are identified in this section. (This list can be downloaded the BBS file name is We have consolidated this information into a single publication called the Information Systems Security Products and Services Catalogue. The cost of this Catalogue is $15 for a single copy or $34 for a yearly subscription (four issues). Requests for this document should be addressed directly to: The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Telephone orders may be placed by calling (202) 783-3238. When requesting single copies, please specify the issue(s) by month and year. The Government Printing Office will accept Choice, Mastercard or Visa orders with a valid credit card number and expiration date.