Radiant Heating Solutions Hougham Grantham Lincolnshire NG32 2HZ UK
Contact Details
Radiant Heating Solutions has evolved over the last twelve years from its beginnings as a manufacturer and supplier of oil fired condensing boilers. Always with a strong belief in energy efficient heating systems, Radiant has promoted the use of advanced controls. All our boilers and cookers are available with outside weather compensation and boiler optimisation controls.
Radiant has designed heating systems of all types and sizes for a variety of clients. This design work has prompted the need for the company to oversee some of the projects we are involved in. This has also taken the company into the area of installation work.
In 1994 we became involved in the underfloor heating market. The company viewed this growing form of energy efficient radiant heating as the way forward. Our range of boilers together with the companies expertise in heating provided the ideal partnership.
We have been involved in the development and use of multi-layered pipe here in the UK. We were one of the first to market Kitec pipe and fittings, the forerunner for the now successful Unipipe brand. Indeed Radiant (and our previous company) have worked in close partnership with Unipipe as consultants and engineers, a process that is still ongoing. This relationship has led the company to be a major contributor in such projects as the Papworth community village in Cambridgeshire and the Milton Keynes snow village. The latter having some 28 kilometres of pipework installed by Radiant as a snow-freezing matrix.
The quality and performance of products together with the companies expertise has helped architects to embrace these new technologies. Radiant work closely with a number of architects and we now find our products being increasingly specified. Whether its a house or a hotel, a chalet or a showroom, a cabin or a castle, Radiant have designed and supplied these systems throughout the UK. From as far north as a log house in the highlands of Scotland to properties in the Channel Islands, Radiant has provided the solutions.
The growing market for self build homes presents a different challenge for the company. To give a complete service, Radiant not only design the underfloor aspect, we will specify the ideal boiler and controls, any radiators that are required, the hot water system and all hot and cold services. This ensures the integration and compatibility of the entire system. For complete peace of mind, Radiant can support and commission the installation.
For further information about our products and services please contact our office.
Radiant Heating Solutions Ltd, Hougham, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 2HZ
Phone 01400 250572 Fax 01400 251264 email info@heating-solutions.biz