Benefits of oso unvented cyclinders:
Resistant Super Molybdenum Stainless Steel No sacrificial anode to check or maintain 25 year cylinder guarantee 2-year guarantee on all other components, lime scale excepted Production facility NS-ISO 9002 accredited NOW ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001 BBA approved WRAS listed British Gas listed OSO cylinders can be included in British Gas Three Star Maintence schemes NEMKO approval for all immersion heater and thermostats CE listedFast filling baths - quiet in operation Flow rates can be as high as 55 litres per minute at 2.1 bar High performance mains pressure showering - no shower pump required No cold water storage tanks required Dry roof space removing the threat of frozen pipes and tanks No noisy ball valves Mains pressure at multiple outlets Potable water to all outlets OSO cylinder can be installed anywhere within thermal envelope af building allowing greater flexibility of design Copper tube is all that is needed to install an OSO cylinder One piece cold water inlet valve assembly supplied Immersion heaters are factory fitted and hard wired Surface mounted cylinder thermostats are supplied factory fitted All cylinders are factory pressure tested to 16 bar Combined cold water feed and drain cock supplied Minimal heat loss assured with the use of CFC free fire retardant polyurethane foam Dedicated secondary return facility standard on all OSO cylinders