Stainless Steel Wall Ties from Helifix Ltd
Company: Helifix Ltd |
Helifix supplies a wide range of special purpose new build and remedial wall ties including:-
New Build Wall Ties:
TimTie: for timber frame construction. Type 3 and Type 6 ties (DD140 Pt 2), they are driven directly into timber stud, through insulation, exactly where required
TurboTie: for thin joint systems. Recommended by leading block manufacturers, they overcome the problems of absent or misaligned mortar beds.
Remedial Wall Ties:
DryFix: probably the quickest and easiest replacement wall tie system available, requiring no grouts, resins or mechanical expansion.
RetroTie: versatile and easily tested dry/resin fix remedial wall tie.
ResiTie: remedial tie for small jobs and situations requiring a resin/resin fix.