Bio-Bubble SBR Combined Wastewater & Sludge Treatment Characteristics
Company: Bio-Bubble Ltd |
The Bio-Bubble SBR has a number of patents for a number of aspects of our process which makes it unique to us and unique in its operation, whether treating the wastewater from a single house or large towns and villages.
Small foot print - lower civils costs. Tank installation suitable for installation under patios and driveways if required.
95% reduction of sludge production meaning sludge can be pumped onto adjacent grassland, eliminating the necessity for tankers.
Odourless operation due to special bio-bubble features.
Remote Status Monitoring - Alarm & plant status information can be sent via the latest SMS text messaging technology to any designated mobile phone, normally Bio-Bubble maintenance department.
Minimal attention required - low labour involvement.
Energy use related to flows and biological strength thus giving a 75% energy saving in times of low flow.
A high quality of discharge to enable discharge to stocked ponds, streams, rivers and ditches if required. Standard level of discharge reached BOD of 10mg/l, Suspended Solids 15mg/l and Ammonia 2.5mg/l.
Bio-Bubble SBR Sleep Mode, Bio-Loop, Intelligent Reaction, and Decanter are all covered under separate International Patents filed with P.C.T.A.