Bio-Bubble SBR is an environmentally friendly waste water & sludge treatment plant based on S.B.R. (Sequencing Batch Reactor) systems, using active sludge.
The Bio-Bubble SBR works on the basis of three quarters to four fifths of the working volume of the Reactor being retained as the bio-load. This retention helps with the stability of the system, and reducing the effect of shock loads as a buffer.
Active sludge is the basis of the biological operation, but becomes unique to the Bio-Bubble process after a short operating period. The flock develops unique characteristics with the various organisms and bacteria used in the process, as a result of the environment they are living in.
A dip test of a working Bio-Bubble Reactor in aeration will demonstrate how the flock settlement characteristics are quite different from constant flow plants. The test will show instant settlement with a clear top segment, within 20 minutes the complete micro picture will evolve of the bio-load inside the Reactor, with clear water, sludge levels, and at the bottom humus. Humus characteristics are when drawn from a working unit, 98% water and very viscous. It is completely odourless, and on removal of the water resembles snuff. It is high in phosphates and makes an excellent organic fertiliser.
Raw sewage gravitates from the house to the Bio-Bubble SBR Reactor, where it follows a pre-programmed sequence of events. The Bio-Bubble SBR (Sequenced Batch Reactor), will automatically change gear (Intelligent Reaction) on command from the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). The plant has two modes of operation, namely; our patented "Normal Mode" and "Sleep Mode".
The Bio-Bubble SBR runs a single operation cycle within a 24-hour period. In each 24-hour cycle there is a Data window. It is during this time that the PLC will decide which mode of operation the plant should be in. If the Data Window float is in the down position, then the level in the tank is too low for a discharge and the PLC will select to go into Sleep Mode; this mode has a 75% energy saving. If the Data Window float is in the up position, then the level in the Reactor is high enough for a discharge. The PLC will select to do the discharge and continue in Normal Mode for another cycle of aeration, anoxic breaks etc.
The PLC will continue in the selected mode until the next Data Window when it will again decide which mode to select, i.e. If Sleep Mode was selected on the last Data Window, the plant will have completed the energy saving cycle without discharging. At the next Data Window there may have been enough influx of sewage for the PLC to select Normal Mode at this point, in which case the plant will now go through a complete cycle before discharging. Normal Mode will continue and be evaluated by the PLC at each Data Window until Sleep Mode needs to be selected again. By not treating part loads, maximum efficiency is optimised.
The amount of water to be discharged is a pre-set measure between the operating full level and the off float on the pump. This is called the stroke. The stroke varies from site to site and is set up on commissioning. The discharge is pumped to the designated discharge point where samples can be taken by the environment agency should the option of a Sample Chamber be taken.
The Bio-Bubble SBR Waste Water & Sludge Treatment process will reduce organic load by 97%. De-humusing will probably required on an annual basis depending upon the amount of usage the plant has seen over the year. We have many single house plants which only need de-humusing on a two yearly basis. De-humusing can either be done on the service, in which case the humus is pumped onto land near the plant. As explained previously, humus is a completely odourless treated bi-product of the process and can be used as an excellent fertiliser. Alternatively you can arrange for a tanker to take away the humus to be disposed of off the property. We would expect a plant which has had full usage all year to have approximately a 1,000 gallon load taken away.
The alarm system is a licence exempt RF alarm, linked to a remote monitor. In the unlikely event of a problem (it must be said though no system is completely infallible), the PLC will record the data so that the exact time of the alarm and therefore the complete history of the plant is stored. The sheet entitled "Understanding your Bio-Bubble SBR Remote Monitor" at the front of this manual should be displayed near the alarm monitor for ease of use.