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Shuttle Team Online

Looks at NASA Behind the Scenes, Lets Students Interact

by Marc Siegel


An exciting NASA Learning Technologies project called "Shuttle Team Online" was recently launched. The project is designed principally for pre-college classrooms, but everybody is welcome and many adults should find the unique perspective interesting.

Shuttle Team Online will be active from March through May of 1997. Then you'll join the men and women who make the space shuttle fly and learn about their diverse and exciting careers. We'll peek behind the scenes as these folks train astronauts, prepare the shuttle between missions, launch the shuttle, successfully execute the mission from Mission Control and safely land the shuttle. The focus will be on STS-83, a sixteen-day microgravity lab scheduled for launch April 3, 1997.

This project will provide lots of opportunities to interact with these enthusiastic people. We'll encourage e-mail exchange and host frequent live network events, including WebChats and CU-SeeMe sessions.

Curriculum supplements about flying rockets and microgravity experiments will be available to help teachers incorporate the lessons of the shuttle discussion areas to encourage like-minded educators to share good ideas and support one another.

As well, student-to-student interactions will be facilitated through space shuttle simulations. Finally, an area on the Web will be reserved to display student work relating to the shuttle.

If you are interested in Shuttle Team Online, please consider joining the mail list. It will be the best way to stay up to date as the project develops. To join, send an e-mail to: listmanager@quest.arc.nasa.gov In the message body, write exactly these words: subscribe updates-sto

Also visit our Web site at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/shuttle We hope that Shuttle Team Online will prove to be an exciting learning resource for classrooms. We think it will be a great ride.

"Highlights" archive.

As of September 30, 1997, the NASA Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications (IITA) project has concluded. You may wish to visit a closely related NASA initiative, the Learning Technologies Project (LTP).

The IITA Archive is maintained by NASA's Remote Sensing Public Access Center (RSPAC).
Comments to: Scott Gillespie (sgillespie@rspac.ivv.nasa.gov)
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