Distributed Global Climat Model (GCM) Via The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)

Objective: Explore methodologies and performance issues for decomposing a coupled atmosphere-ocean Global Climate Model (GCM) to run concurrently on the Cray C98 at GSFC and the Cray YMP-232/T3D at JPL interconnected via the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS).

Approach: Dr. R. Mechoso (UCLA) and Drs. M. Suarez and P. Schopf (GSFC) will define distributed but coupled GCMs from among the main modules: UCLA atmospheric GCM (AGCM), NOAA/GFDL oceanic GCM (OGCM), NASA/GSFC Aries AGCM, NASA/GSFC Poseidon OGCM.

Communications interface from Cray to ACTS High Data Rate Terminal (HDRT) is to consist of Cray high speed channel attached to a special HIPPI/ATM adapter which is interfaced to an ATM switch which connects to a 622 Mbps SONET port on the HDRT.

Accomplishments: Initiated tasks to define and test distributed but coupled GCMs suitable for this experiment; Acquired and installed successfully a HIPPI switch to minimize Cray HIPPI channel costs; Acquired and initiated tests of an interim 155 Mbps Cray Broadband Gateway (BBG) ATM-enabling unit interoperating through an ATM switch with a local Sun SPARC 20; Initiated plans with GSFC's Facility Management Div. to prepare site for deployment of an HDRT.

Significance: Uses ACTS to form a meta-supercomputer that will accelerate the speed of GCMs.

Status/Plans: FY95: Complete infrastructure deployments and initiate distributed GCM tests; FY96: Extend and complete distributed GCM tests.

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curator: Larry Picha