Overview of ESS Basic Research and Human Resources Activities

Project Goal and Objectives: One goal of the ESS basic research and human resources activities is to develop the pool of personnel trained in the HPCC technical areas who are available to further develop the technologies pioneered by the project. Another goal is to apply HPCC technology to assist with the education process. A third goal is to enable HPCC to channel and tap the research resources in U.S. universities for the benefit of the program.

Strategy and Approach: The strategy is to provide modest support in selected areas in both basic research and in education, and to assure coupling of the research from start to finish with mainstream NASA activities so that every opportunity is provided for the researcher to work on a problem of value to NASA and for NASA to receive the products of the research.


Management Plan: At GSFC, the ESS Project Manager directs sub-element activities. At JPL, a Deputy Task Leader performs the same function.

Points of Contact:

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curator Larry Picha (lpicha@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov)