Numerical Propulsion System Simulation Steady State Cycle Deck Launcher

Objective: To facilitate the generation of aerothermal numerical representations of engines called customer decks that are delivered to the airframe companies by the US engine companies. These customer decks numerically characterize the engines performance as defined and needed by the US airframe manufacturers. Until recently, all numerical models have been provided with a Fortran compatible interface which is defined in SAE document AS681F. Data Communication has been previously performed via a standard, labeled common structure per AS681F. The SAE committee has begun to develop a new standard: AS681G. AS681G addresses multiple language requirements for customer decks along with alternative data communication techniques.

Approach: The Lewis Steady State Cycle Deck (SSCD) project team with the SAE committee is developing a standard Application Program Interface (API) supported through a graphical user interface. This work will result in Aerospace Recommended Practice 4868 (ARP4868. The SSCD work will be validated against the EEE customer deck which is publicly available. The EEE wrapper is used not only to validate ARP4868 but also to demonstrate how to wrap an existing customer deck. The graphical user interface for the SSCD is used to facilitate the use of the new standard and to ease the ability to design and analyze a customer deck. The software will be developed following I. Jacobson's Object-Oriented Design methodology and implemented in C++.

Accomplishments: The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation Industry team known as the NASA Industry Cooperative Effort (NPSS/NICE) reached consensus on the FY95 Deliverables. The SSCD was one of two projects defined. The analysis, design and implementation of the SSCD is complete. Expected release of the Alpha version of the SSCD is targeted for November 1, 1995.

Significance:The AS681G standard will establish a generic interface common amongst the US engine companies and airframe manufacturers. The benefit of this will lead to more accurate cycle models, quicker model generation and faster validation to specifications.

Status/Plans: The Beta release of the SSCD with bug fixes and documentation is expected by March 1996.

Point(s) of Contact:

Don VanDrei