Objective: To develop a student constructed, computer-mediated Earth system science course which uses NASA data and computational resources for high school students grades 10-12 (see graphic, 120K).
Approach: Produce a complete interdisciplinary curriculum, "Ecologica," focusing on the two areas of highest science priority in the U.S. Global Change Research Program: climate and hydrological systems, and biogeochemical dynamics. Students assist in constructing "Ecologica" which will evolve with each new generation of students and with each generation of NASA data and models. Students work in teams of four to complete projects which focus on some aspect of the Earth system. Teams use the scientific tools and techniques of chemistry, math, physics, modeling, data visualization, simulation and electronic publishing. Each project involves the use of (1) Internet search and retrieval tools (gopher, WAIS through NCSA Mosaic), (2) collaborative data visualization and analysis applications operating on different platforms such as UNIX, Mac and PC/Windows (NCSA Collage and Image), (3) systems modeling and simulation tools (Stella II), and (4) an Internet hypermedia publishing tool (NCSAmMosaic).
Significance: The development and dissemination of the Ecologica curriculum will enable new academic communities to begin providing programs focused on multidisciplinary Earth system science education. Further, this education will always include current data via use of Internet resources.
Status/Plans: In FY95, the Gonzaga activity will continue the CAN effort to establish an Earth System Science Curriculum Community testbed of schools and universities to implement, develop and evaluate Ecologica on a national level. The first round of selected ESSCC schools will work closely to mature Ecologica. The second round of schools will be selected to participate beginning in Summer, 1995.
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