katie finin's home page


here i am:


What am I doing?

Working at CESDIS

See my index of nifty web stuff

A testing page for stuff I'm trying to figure out

Take a look at the Harvest stuff I set up on cesdis1.

Entry to a series of forms that use my first cgi-script!

Going to school at Brown University

Working on a nice BA in Computer Science

I'm going to TA CS15 this fall!

So where am I now?

June-August: Staying with dad
218 N. Charles St.
Balt. MD 21201
410 783 2625

September-May: Going to school
Box 6404
Prov. RI 02912

And home is...
4524 Locust St.
Phila. PA 19139
215 386 1749

Write to me at:

Who Am I?

Check out pix of my family
Check out pix of my friends


I love Ani Difranco
I go to Brown University

Last updated 8 august 95 by katie