ESS Project FY95 Annual Report: Applications Software

ESS Project Home Page Redesign

Objective This effort has two primary goals: to inform a diverse public about the purpose and achievements of the ESS Project and to facilitate the exchange and reuse of software produced by the ESS Science Team.

Approach: The previous World Wide Web (WWW) pages were reorganized to provide a top-level view of the ESS Project as a whole and revised to be more attractive and accessible to a non-specialist audience.


Significance: The WWW has become the most popular service on the Internet and is a cost-effective way of delivering a message to potentially millions of people.

Status/Plans: The redesigned ESS Project Home Page was first available on 5/15/95. We have made and will continue to make continuous revisions and additions of new hyperlinks and pages as the need arises. A reorganization will occur in FY96 with the beginning of the Science Team II period.

Point of Contact:

Jarrett Cohen
Goddard Space Flight Center

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