ESS Project FY95 Annual Report: IITA K-12 Projects

Low-Cost Internet Access for Maryland Schools

Objective: Provide low-cost, scalable, full-function Internet access for schools participating in the Maryland Initiative Program.

Approach: Promote and support the growth of commercial Internet Service Providers (ISP's) in the state as opposed to Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)-owned and managed networks; use HPCC/IITA funds as seed money to expand the reach of Internet in remote areas of the state; cooperate with ISP's to establish points of presence (POP's) in certain schools in exchange for free higher-speed lines to those schools; and use a combination of FX lines and remote call forwarding to provide schools with local calling to ISP POP's.

Accomplishments: Cooperated with Digital Express Group (DIGEX) to establish four new DIGEX POP's, including one in the Talbot county that brought local Internet access to the East of Chesapeake Bay for the first time (see figure). As a part of the agreement, the Easton high school received a free 56 Kbps Frame Relay line in return for providing the equipment space. Via a combination of FX lines and remote call forwarding, provided local call dialup PPP service to 19 participating schools.

Significance: Demonstrated that low-cost Internet service is a viable business in remote areas and that the K-12 market can play a leading role in expansion of the Internet reach. Partially due to our cooperation with DIGEX, a number of new ISP's have started operations in remote areas, and DIGEX itself has been selected by the University of Maryland system as an outsourcing company for all of its Internet services requirements.


Point of Contact:

Jim Fischer
Goddard Space Flight Center

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