High Performance Computing
and Communications Program

Computational AeroSciences Project

AEROSERVOELASTIC Analysis Code Development

OBJECTIVE: Under this contract, Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC) will develop and validate a fast, accurate and cost-effective aeroservoelastic method on an advanced parallel computing system.

APPROACH: This work is a co-operative effort among LMC, its sub-contractors Paragon Inc. and Laksmi L. Sankar, and Ames Research Center. The contract milestones are written to enhance the capabilities of the ARC-developed multidisciplinary code ENSAERO in complement with other developments for the code at ARC and elsewhere.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A PVM option was added as a flag to the original MPI version of ENSAERO. The modified code was demonstrated on both the IBM SP2 and a workstation cluster. A parallel unstructured grid solver based on USM3D was added to ENSAERO along with moving grid capability, and static aeroelastic results were demonstrated for a Boeing SST wing-body model. Scalability of the unstructured solver on the SP2 was demonstrated. The modified code was also used to compute the flutter speed of an AGARD-standard aeroelastic wing.

SIGNIFICANCE: LMC delivered the modified version of ENSAERO to Ames. Several customers have shown interest in using the improved version, particularly with unstructured grids. The modified version of ENSAERO is installed at LMC-GA. It is being used for in-house applications such as the F-22 project.

STATUS/PLANS: The second year effort just started during which unstructured viscous capability, improved time dependent schemes and turbulence models will be added. The ENSAERO code will be interfaced with a graphical process-building system.


Dr. Guru P. Guruswamy, COTR
Ames Research Center
(415) 604 6329