IITA 1996 Annual Report
Digital Library Initiative:
Federating Repositories of Scientific Literature



To develop an infrastructure for indexing scientific literature so that multiple Internet sources can be searched as a single federated digital library.


Develop the information infrastructure to effectively search technical documents on the Internet.

Construct a large SGML-based testbed of scientific literature, through collaboration with publishers, which currently includes over 4000 articles relating to computer science, electrical engineering, physics, civil engineering, and aerospace engineering.

Build federated repositories of diverse, indexed, multiplesource collections which are searchable via multiple views as one virtual collection.

Research advanced, scalable search technologies.


This agreement expires in Fiscal Year 1998.

Point of Contact

Dr. Bruce Schatz
Beckman Institute
405 N. Mathews
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217-244-065 1
Email: schatz@uiac.edu