Students use information from IITA servers to write science reports...

"Waters off Peru (left) and northwest Africa (right) are among the most productive in the global ocean. The Peru/Pacific composite covers 16-26 January 1980; .... Nutrients injected by wind-driven coastal upwelling result in high phytoplankton biomass and productivity; this supports some of the world's richest fisheries. The upwelling is reflected here as 100-km-wide chlorophyll-rich bands along both coasts, and plumes of productive waters extending 500 to 1,000 km offshore. Island induced upwelling generates highly productive regions around the Galapagos Archipelago (left, center). "

Excerpt from high school student report:
"El Nino" by Connor Norris, Rob Leard, and James Andretta
This report was published on the Internet.

(Gonzaga High School; 1995-1996 school year)

Earth System Science Community:

NASA IITA Project. 9/96