Students use information from IITA servers to write science reports...
"Waters off Peru (left) and northwest Africa (right) are among the
most productive in the global ocean. The Peru/Pacific composite covers 16-26
January 1980; .... Nutrients injected by wind-driven coastal upwelling result
in high phytoplankton biomass and productivity; this supports some of the
world's richest fisheries. The upwelling is reflected here as 100-km-wide
chlorophyll-rich bands along both coasts, and plumes of productive waters
extending 500 to 1,000 km offshore. Island induced upwelling generates highly
productive regions around the Galapagos Archipelago (left, center). "Excerpt from high school student report:
"El Nino" by Connor Norris, Rob Leard, and James Andretta
This report was published on the Internet.
(Gonzaga High School; 1995-1996 school year)
Earth System Science Community:
NASA IITA Project. 9/96