IITA 1996 Annual Report
Aeronautics and Aviation Science: Careers and Opportunities



To engage studnets in grades 6-12, particulary minorities and females, in new science and mathematics curriculum reflecting aviation and aeronautics themes.


Instruction is delivered using a variety of technologies: interactive live satellite broadcasts, Internet, videoconferencing and pre-produced video.


Young adults, particulary female and minority students, traditionally under-represented in aviation and aeronautics, will be encouraged to pursue careers in those fields.

Points of Contact

Dr. P. Cardie Texter, Principal Investigator
Massacheusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications,
One Kendal Square, Building 1500
Cambridge, MA 02139
Email: cardie@mcet.edu
Phone: 617-252-5700 x783
Fax: 617-252-5718

Massacheusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications (MCET)


Developed and broadcast Take Off!, a seven-part series that explores the exhilarating world of flight. 4428 students nationwide registered for the 1996 spring program, 2239 participated live.

Created an aeronatucis curriculum kit including manipulatives and printed materials to support classroom activities. The kit was mailed to all registered teachers.

Provided core sites with the necessary equipment to ensure full participation in the project and trained teachers on use of computer, Internet, emerging technologies and their integration in the curriculum.

Developed a Web site with Activities, a discussion forum to facilitate communication regarding aviation education and Internet projects.


This agreement expires in Fiscal Year 1998.