IITA 1996 Annual Report
Project Horizon



To enhance WWW client and server technology, in support of better public access to earth and space science data


Conduct development work in client- and server-side technology and demonstrate these products through two science testbeds.


Developed easy to use, scalable digital library technologies for the public to locate, integrate, access, and analyze earth and space science data via the Internet.

Horizon is serving scientific data to K-12 classes, as well as the general public and professional scientists.

Point of Contact

Mike Folk, Principal Invesigator
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
605 East Springfield Avenue
Champaign, Illinois 61820
E-mail: mfolk@ncsa.uiac.edu
Phone: 217-244-0647
Fax: 217-244-1987

Created new Web technology Access, visualization, analysis using Java -- flexible, customizable, general framework for all kinds of science data Serving scientific data over the Internet -- provide effective access to large and complex datasets Intelligent searching -- ground breaking research on concept-based semantic retrieval and semantic indexing

Implemented two testbeds demonstrating real earth and space science Horizon testbed servers that provide real earth and space science to the public.


Release of final system. Complete application of software to testbed servers. Assess performance. This project expires in Fiscal Year 1997.

Space Science Testbed--The Astronomy Digital Image Library
Earth Science Testbed
-- The Daily Planet(TM)