IITA 1996 Annual Report



To integrate remote sensing data (RSD) products with a geographical information system (GIS) to provide emergency managers enhanced support during and after floods,.


  • Use NASA DAAC data in disaster management
  • Develop concepts for communicating flood management data using the Internet
  • Demonstrate a concept for enhancing flood disaster management
  • Developed a design concept for a prototype system to for emergency managers.
  • Developed an initial build of a graphical user interface for the prototype system.
  • Developed a tool to reformat processed RSD to import to the ARC/INFO Geographical Information System (GIS).
  • Acquired and processed satellite and ortho and oblique aerial imagery for the GIS.


Emergency response managers will be better able to perform their mission through accessing and analyzing maps and remote sensing images of disaster areas.

The ultimate beneficiaries will be the public.


Expand the capability with additional remote sensing data products to support all types of manmade and natural disasters and use the Internet for all data communications betuueen data prouiders, processors, and users. This project expires in Fiscal Year 1997.

Points of Contact

Greg Romanowski, gromanowski@sentar.com
Greg Hodges, ghodges@sentar.com
Doug Rickman, doug@hotrocks.msfc.nasa.gov

SENTAR, 4910 Corporate Drive, Suite C, Huntsuille, AL 35805