IITA 1996 Annual Report



Bring real-time and retrospective atmospheric and space sciences data to K-12 students, educators, and homeschoolers; museums; and the public through the power and immediacy of the World Wide Web.


  • Develop engaging educational modules that explore atmospheric and space sciences
  • Train teachers on the use of scientific data and resources available on the WWW
  • Emphasize national and state-level science education standards
  • Evaluate the impact of WWW-based modules on student learning

Instructional diagram from the Thermal Properties of Soils instruction module.

Point of Contact

Dr. Harry Edmon
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington, Box 351640
Seatle,WA 98195-1640
Email: harry@atmos.washington.edu
Phone: (206) 543-0547
Fax: (206) 543-0308


Produced two field-tested WWW-based educational modules:
  • Snowstorms in the Pacific Northwest
  • Thermal Properties of Soils
Hosted more than 4000 visitors at the Pacific Science Center at the Live From Earth and Mars display area, Internet workshops, and Mars Pathfinder Project town meeting;

Held a three week workshop bringing 20 K-12 teachers into contact with scientists, engineers, and computer specialists to learn to use and develop Internet lessons.

Established 30 pilot sites to field test 10 teacher-created science modules;

Provided a dedicated computer at JPL to distribute Mars Pathfinder data nationwide using software developed by the Unidata Project at UCAR.

Provided Internet access to three schools via ISDN and assisted the local Digital Users Society (DECUS) in wiring schools buildings.


This project benefits the public by making atmospheric and space data available via its WWW site and museum displays.


National distribution of modules for the 96-97 school year. This agreement expires in Fiscal Year 1997.