Distributed Computation Environment Tools
The objective of this task is to develop application utilities and
interface tools for enhancing the ease of application development
and the efficiency of resource utilization in a distributed computing
The objective of enhancing the distributed computing environment is
approached at two levels: the application level and the system level.
At the application level, the focus is on development both of parallel
algorithms and of utlities for data-parallel-specific applications.
At the system level, the focus is on development of mechanisms for
inter-process control and resource mapping.
The tools employ both the MPI protocol for the distributed-memory architectures
and threads for shared-memory architectures, in order to achieve platform
independence while preserving optimal performance.
- Application Level --
A Global Imageclass Library (C++) employing MPI was completed, and
it is available for the Cray T3D and for a heterogeneous workstation
An iterative Monte Carlo radiosity solution for a full-multiple-scattering
problem was implemented employing both threads and MPI.
- System Level --
The IPC Library, an inter-process communication protocol library,
developed for a physically-distributed-memory architecture, was
upgraded to employ threads in a shared-memory architecture.
- MPI-based Global Imageclass Library --
This library enables platform-independent parallel implementations
for applications with multiple data-parallel functions.
- Distributed Comet coma-illumination modeling --
A paper on "Modeling Cometary Coma with a Three-Dimensional,
Anisotropic-Multiple-Scattering Distributed Processing Code" will be
presented at the Parco '97 (Parallel Computing Conference) in
September, 1997, in Germany.
For the PostScript display of the paper, press
- Thread-based Inter-Process Communication Library --
This library allows pointers to be passed among processes, reducing
communication time significantly.
- The Comet coma-illumination model code was developed for a
distributed-memory architecture employing MPI, and for a shared-memory
employing threads. The code was benchmarked on four types of computational
platforms for scalability and communication efficiency:
- SGI Onyx (shared memory)
- SGI Origin (virtual shared memory)
- Cray T3D (distributed memory)
- heterogeneous workstations (SGIs and Suns)
- A volume renderer for semi-transparent objects will be implemented
for visualizing the phenomena
constructed by the Comet coma-illumination model.
- The thread-based inter-process communication library was applied in
executing MISR (Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer) data processing
software in a multi-processor architecture by decomposing the software
into multiple processes and dynamically mapping them to the processors.
The distributed application will be ported to a 32-node SGI Origin at
Langley Center (NASA) and efficient process-to-processor mappings will
be studied.
Technical Contact:
Roberto Mendoza
Meemong Lee
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(818) 354-2228