Advanced Technology Demonstration Network (ATDNet) and NASA Research and Education Network (NREN) R&D


Provide HPCC ESS and NREN Projects with effective testbeds for gigabit network R&D.


Participate in Washington, DC-based 2.4 gigabits/second SONET/ATM metropolitan area network testbed involving and interconnecting the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Defense Information Systems Agency, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the Naval Research Laboratory, and the National Security Agency. Investigate and resolve problems with multivendor standards-based SVC interoperability, and IP addressing, routing, multicasting, and firewalling over ATM.


Implemented GSFC's first hierarchical ATM address resolution and routing use in the GSFC portion of the ATDNet using FORE's pre-ATM Forum compliant PNNI routing and signaling software, placing our HPCC-related ATM switches in a new, separate, non-default hierarchical peergroup to make the network more scalable and manageable and to improve network performance and security. This route resolution technique reduced our route data memory requirements by a factor of four and should correspondingly reduce the time to set up ATM network connections.

GSFC HPCC External ATM Infrastructure

Based on an invitation by DARPA, GSFC began planning with the other ATDNet participants to upgrade the ATDNet with n x 10 gigabits/second Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology from the Multiwavelength Optical Network (MONET) consortium. Further networking research agenda items for the Next Generation Internet (NGI) were described in our white paper accepted as input for the NGI conference held in May 1997.


Participation in ATDNet facilitates significant leveraging of Defense Department funding to develop solutions to problems inherent with TCP/IP-based communications over networks with a large-bandwidth-times-delay product.


o FY98: Conduct beta and other evaluations of FORE's and Cisco's fully ATM Forum compliant PNNI code releases and transition GSFC's node on the ATDNet to a multivendor interoperable PNNI hierarchically routed environment.

o FY99: Complete installation and demo the initial use of the upgrade of GSFC connection with ATDNet using MONET-compliant WDM technologies.

Point of Contact

Pat Gary
Goddard Space Flight Center

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