University of Wellington

Evaluation of Course Instructor

Instructor: Dr. Spock
Course: Babies 101

This form gives you an opportunity to indicate your reactions to the teaching performance of the above person. Please consider each question separately, without letting your overall reaction to the course blind you to particular areas of this person's strengths or weaknesses.
For each question, click the response that best reflects your reaction.
  1. I found this instructor was able to communicate ideas and information clearly.

    strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

  2. I found this instructor to be well organized.

    strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

  3. This instructor stimulated my interest in the subject.

    outstanding very good satisfactory poor very poor

  4. This instructor's attitude and behaviour towards students has encouraged my learning and study.

    strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

  5. This instructor's handouts have been valuable aids to my learning.

    strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

  6. This instructor has been able to present material in a way that holds my attention.

    strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

  7. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of this instructor?

  8. Please enter your age here:

  9. What is your gender?

Please add any comments you might have:

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Vivian Neou,
Last Update: June 24, 1995
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