Table Test Document

This document has three test tables. TABLE is an HTML+ element, so this document will look rather silly unless it is displayed with a browser that supports tables. NCSA Mosaic is one such browser.

Kayaking Table of Contents

This document provides information on a number of kayaking topics:
kayaking gear sea kayaking
paddle information kayaking resources

Internet Growth

Date Number of Hosts
8/81 213.0
5/82 235.0
8/83 562.0
10/84 1,024.0

Row and Column Spanning Table

Here is a table with funny alignment and spanning columns and rows:

A Very Silly Table

Column OneColumn TwoColumn ThreeColumn Four
LaDeDaTa Dum!
Next cell is right justifiedDaTa Dum!
La DeDaTa Dum!Ta Dum!
DaTa Dum!Ta Dum!

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Vivian Neou,
Copyright © 1995 Vivian Neou