Women Getting MoneyIf you're a woman business owner, you're part of one of the fastest-growing segments of small businesses in the U.S. Some estimate that as many as two-thirds of all new businesses are started by women. A recent study by Dun & Bradstreet for Working Woman magazine showed that women-owned firms are as creditworthy as firms owned by men. In some categories, such as firms with over 20 employees, they are superior credit risks, with 64% paying their bills on time or early, compared to only 48% of male-owned firms.
But statistics don't get you a loan. The fact is you may face bigger obstacles to financing than your male counterparts. But then, you're used to this.
Helping to overcome the barriers are a number of special loan programs designed to fit women entrepreneurs' needs, and more than a few government agencies with resources helping women business owners. The growing network of women entrepreneurs also provides assistance, as do some Web sites oriented to women's issues.
Table of Contents
3. Resources
1. Women's Loan Program Sampler
Wells Fargo/National Association of Women Business Owners $1 Billion Loan Program. A Billion Dollars for Women Entrepreneurs!! To qualify, you must be a profitable business, have been in business for at least two years, have good personal and business credit records and NOT BEEN DECLARED BANKRUPT in the past ten years. Lines of credit available for as low as $5,000 to $100,000. If you qualify call 1-800-358-3557, Ext. 204 to apply.
Women's Collateral Worldwide A $500,000 loan fund in several cities offering up to $25,000. 215-564-2800
Blue Chip Venture A $60 million venture capital fund for high-growth women-owned and minority-owned businesses. 513-723-2300
Women's Worldwide Venture Fund A $40 million venture capital fund that invests up to $1 million each in women-owned businesses. 215-564-2800.
SBA's Office of Women's Business Ownership
Call for nearest branch of the this office, which offers workshops, conferences, and financing information. The SBA also has over a dozen publications for women-owned businesses.On your home turf, check with these offices, which frequently sponsor programs or even whole departments geared to women business owners:
Small and Minority Business Trade and Commerce Agencies
Governor's Offices
Chambers of Commerce
Mayor's Office3. Resources
For information, education, networking opportunities:
American Business Women's Association
9100 Ward Parkway
P.O. Box 8728
Kansas City, MO 64114-0728
816-361-6621For information and workshops on starting a business:
American Woman's Economic Development Corporation.
71 Vanderbilt Avenue, Suite 320
New York, NY 10169
800-222-2933For information on marketing, mail order, and computers:
Mothers' Home Business Network
P.O. Box 423
East Meadow, NY 11554
516-997-7394For networking, technical assistance and management advice:
National Association of Women Business Owners.
1413 K Street NW, Suite 637
Washington, DC 20005
800-892-9000For information of special interest to black women business owners:
National Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs
810-559-9255For training, counseling and a revolving loan fund:
Women Venture
2324 University Avenue West, Suite 200
St. Paul, MINN 55114
612-646-3808For information, education, networking opportunities:
Women's Initiative for Self-Employment
450 Mission Street, Suite 402
San Francisco, CA 94105
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