In order to have a Web Site on the Internet, you require the services of an Internet Host. Hosting services generally include the storage of Web Site content on Server machines (specially configured computers) and the connection of the Servers to the Internet.
InstantWeb Hosting is an ideal and economical package for personal
or small business sites. A creation and maintenance tool for the do-it
yourselfer interested in having a hands on approach with their Web Site.
Purchasers of this CD receive one FREE month of hosting.
Just point, click, and submit for you own Web Site in an
With InstantWeb you receive:
- The Internet's best HomePage Service according to PC computing Magazine
(August 1996 issue).
- Quick easy sign-up over the Internet allowing you to put up your Web
Site in an Instant.
- Ten Megabytes of disk space giving you all the room you need for building
a solid Web Site and more.
- A Fast Internet connection for your Web Site giving your visitors quick
access to it.
- Customized simple HTML page designer
- Built in Web Site search capability
- Ability to access and modify your Web Site as Often as you like.
- Automatic nightly backup and 24 system monitoring ensure maximum protection
for your Web Site.
Click on the buttons below to see "More Details" about our
InstantWeb Hosting or to "Sign Up".